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Chapter Twelve - Angrily hot


The words coming out of my father's mouth didn't seem real. A trip across the country with the three of us sharing the same space - the perfect setting for conflict! Is he blind? I take several deep breaths, because there is no room for dialogue. He has already made his final move.

The trip would last about two months, if there were no last minute changes. We'll start on the west coast, then head south and back north along the east coast. The trips will be by different means of transport - plane, boat and car - so that we can have some moments of interaction with the people even during the journey, when possible.

Of course, the trip was already perfectly planned. I expected nothing less from my father. He wouldn't just arrive with an idea in his head - after all, an idea could be postponed, but the tickets on the table already sealed our fate.

If he told me to take this trip after the wedding, I would understand. Completely. I would even find it necessary. But before? Expose Mari and Lenna to the people, heated by the competition? I see so many errors in this plan that I have to bite my tongue to keep from saying anything. The taste of blood in my mouth only makes me more nervous.

As every misfortune always comes with an additional problem, I can't keep my eyes off Lenna. I never thought I'd say this about her, but she lost control. The way she spoke to the King was incisive, in a tone of false calm that did not hide the desperation beneath her speech. But what scared me most was the way she hung up.

Her eyes are empty even now. It's like looking into the eyes of a lifeless doll. Her face conveys a monotony that I would never associate with her. I know it scared Mari too, because she can't stop looking at Lenna, like me. Sorah Nielle looks as lost as her daughter, but that was already noticeable before all the chaos happened - I should have seen it as a warning of things to come.

Sorah Roseanne and Soreh Augustiano look calm, as if nothing had happened in that room. My dad looks pissed, his posture all tense in the chair. And my mother had a little smile on her face that bothered me more than the calmness of Mari's parents. What was there to smile about there? Didn't they see how absurd this trip would be?

  • That's it - Dad finishes his speech - You leave tomorrow before lunch. I want everyone ready at eight to leave at nine. The castle staff are now available to help with the preparation of the Sorahs' bags - he looks at me - Your bags are already packed, Queen Aurory prepared everything perfectly. If you can, rest. The press will know everything tomorrow morning - he sighs tiredly - Now get out, everyone. I have a kingdom to rule.

Nobody says anything. We just bowed and left. Roseanne takes Mari by the arm as soon as we reach the hallway and hurries her to the stairs. Nielle takes the girls' father and takes him to a corner, where they begin to argue. What happened in that room before we entered?

Well, I don't waste my time with them, because I go after Lenna, who looks lost as she walks towards the stairs. Her dejected steps do not suit her. I run and place myself between them and the steps, waiting for her to lift her head and look at me...

  • You are crying? - I ask, too loudly.

The tears stream down her face without pause even though she doesn't make a sound. I take her face in my hands and make her look me in the eyes. She doesn't seem to notice my presence, lost in her own pain.

  • Lenna…

  • No, my prince. Not now. Let me go.

  • I can't.

  • You can and should. I have the right to at least cry alone.

  • Lenna, you don't need to be alone, you have me and...

-Ah yes, I have you-she laughs, but the tone of anger in her voice is clear-But not always, right? After all, you can decide to spend a whole day with Mari again and then I'll be alone again.

  • I have to spend time with you two, Lenna. Today was Mari, but tomorrow…

  • Tomorrow I'll be stuck in cars, hotels and restaurants like a fucking doll on a shelf while everyone around me tries to judge how good I am for that throne! - she screams - And then when you go on your next romantic date I will wait like an idiot and…

I don't let her finish. I hold the back of her head and pull her mouth to mine, letting her take out her anger on me in another way. And she does. Her nail scratches my neck while she pulls my hair with her other hand. I moan and she pulls harder.

From here on, nothing is rational anymore.

I pull her behind one of the large statues that surround the staircase, the darkest and most inconspicuous corner I could find in this hallway. Not that I looked properly. The kiss gets more and more intense until Lenna starts to take my shirt out of my pants. An alert screams in my head - what the fuck was I doing?

  • Lenna… - I whisper, moving her face away from mine.

  • Don't talk, please - she asks, trying to kiss me again.

  • No - I say, more firmly - I don't want our first time together to be in a hallway with you taking your anger out on me.

  • Is that what you think? That I'm just taking out my anger? - she walks away and looks at me with disappointment - By the Goddesses, you know we have something.

  • But at this moment it's not about lust - I explain, calmly - This is you diverting the focus from your feelings. I know you're mad about the trip and...

  • You don't know why I'm mad.

  • Lenna, don't make this any harder, please.

She laughs. A laugh that scares me.

  • Harder? Fuck you, Nikcolai - she starts crying again - Of the three of us, you're the one with the least pressure. Fewer charges. You have two women willing to date you, to fuck you, to play this fucking game for the throne! And the two of us? What do we both have?

I tense up and don't think before responding defensively:

  • Funny, Mari told me you were willing to talk about how the three of us got screwed in this together. But apparently you don't see it that way - my voice shows my own anger and disappointment.

Innocently, I thought she would see my pain and apologize. I was hoping for an apology. But the effect was the opposite. Lenna wiped away her tears and offered me a smile that was far from docile or contrite. I saw the pride and confidence that had always been there reborn in her eyes.

  • Look, Nikco: not everything is about you. When Mari offered you support, did you want to know what was bothering her? What were the fears and pressures on her? - she shakes her head and continues, without letting me respond - Everything in this story was always about you. Sometimes Mari and I just need to cry. Shout out. To blurt out. It's good to know that you don't know how to deal with this... Or, at least, you don't know how to deal with me. Maybe with Mari you will be more compassionate.

  • Jealousy? - I ask, before I can hold my tongue.

  • Sadly, yes, it is. Jealousy of a man who seems to promise me the world when he looks at me, but does the same when he looks into my sister's eyes.

I feel the pain in her words and my penny drops. Shit…

  • Lenna…

  • Enough, Nikco - she sighs - Please. I am angry and so are you. If we continue, we may say things we will regret.

Lenna moves away and I, without thinking, take her hand. She looks at our joined hands and I squeeze her fingers between mine - saying with gestures what I can't say in words. Her hand doesn't squeeze mine back, before gently letting go and quickly walking away from me.

And I stayed there for too long, reliving every detail: from her body against mine to our fight. Trying to find a flaw in the first part so I don't deal with the fact that I was an idiot to the woman who has been winning my heart - and who already has my body in her hands.

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