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Chapter Fifteen - Jealousy, jealousy...


We spent two more days in May.

Nikco's conversation with social movements lasted seven hours - crossing the end of the night and the early hours of the morning. Dinner was served in the King's room - yes, the same place where Nikco and I kissed - with conversations that never seemed to end. Topics and more topics were covered. By order of the Prince, no one was allowed to drink alcohol during the meeting - which included Mari and me. He asked the two of us to stay and contribute to the conversation.

Needless to say, I didn't shut up.

I spoke to all the leaders individually, first. Some of them didn't want to discuss real politics with me before talking to the “Great Prince,” but most saw me as a path to victory. The women in the room with leadership positions already knew me and ran to greet me. We exchanged a lot of ideas together and they were incredible in facing Nikco head on, but with respect. They also talked to Mari, but they didn't have the same enthusiasm in their tone, nor did they raise deep questions to discuss with their possible future Queen.

Not that Mari was too concerned about debating politics with everyone. It took me a while to realize what her role was in the meeting, a role very different from mine. She talked to the staff and guests so that they didn't run out of food or drinks, and then entertained, with shallow conversations, those who took Nikco too seriously. If anyone seemed inconvenient, she would entertain them. Easily and quietly. She also ensured that less politically engaged wives were always together talking or had somewhere to sit while their husbands argued among themselves. A managerial role, minimizing possible confusion and conflicts. The role of a traditional Queen.

Yes, this disturbed me more than it should have. That's what they expected from a Queen - debating politics, like I did, was the King's role. Two such sharp state leaders could share forces, while Mari's role as manager harmonized with Nikco's powerful stance. I couldn't find a comfortable place with the feelings these thoughts brought me.

Anyway, the seven hours in that room ended up resulting in two more days of meetings. Some of it just between Nikco, Mari and me. Nikco sent letters and more letters to the King, in addition to using the telephone whenever possible. The King returned the letters with the same intensity. I'm not going to say that we left May with big changes in the short term, because that would be a lie. Nikco's power was too limited for that. But the two days and three nights of meetings yielded results for the people in the long term. And of course, they guaranteed the people's support for Nikco unconditionally.

In addition to the meetings and encounters, we also took walks around the city, to see some points and, of course, have more direct contact with the people. We got so busy that we didn't have time alone. Not me and Nikco, much less him and Mari. In other words, we didn't have time to finish what we started in the office.

Now, we're on the road again. By train again, but the journey was longer, as Mentor is five hours from May by car. The three of us sharing the same carriage. I leaf through a magazine while Mari sews something. Nikco is writing non-stop on a typewriter that he bought in May. His tireless fingers have become the melody of the journey, which will last about four hours on this express train. If his fingers don't fall off by the end, I'll consider it a victory.

The magazine I'm reading was bought this morning at the train station. I had promised myself not to read any more gossip magazines, but there was Nikco, in all his beauty, looking at me through that piece of paper. Before thinking twice, the magazine was already under my arm.

The magazine was a special edition, dedicated to the young prince and featured a long interview with Nikco, totaling twelve pages. All the other articles were also about him, but without his direct speech - there was a historical line of “what Nikco has experienced so far”, predictions about what his government would be like, accounts of some of his trips around the world, etc. I skipped everything and went straight to the interview. The best way to get to know someone is to understand what they say. I wanted to see what face Nikco was showing his subjects.

Overall, he looked a lot like the Nikco I saw every day. More polished, but still the same man. Same ideas. Until, well, it was time for him to talk about Mari and me.

**Reporter: Your Highness, the entire country is watching your journey with your bridesmaids, Sorah Ailenna and Sorah Marienne. There are supporters on both sides, as we well know. Is it a lot of pressure to know that you have to choose between the two?

**Prince Nikcolai: They are both incredible women. Perfect queens indeed. So yes, it's a difficult choice, but our kingdom will be in good hands regardless of my choice.

Reporter: Your Highness, is there a favorite?

**Prince Nikcolai: No.


Reporter: So the gossip is a lie?

**Prince Nikcolai: I would need to know what the rumors are so I can deny them.


Reporter: They say you are very good friends with Sorah Marienne, but it is Sorah Ailenna who dominates your body and heart.

**Prince Nikcolai: (laughs out loud) Good rumors, you have there.


Reporter: So they are true, Your Highness?

**Prince Nikcolai: They are both my friends. But there is still no one that dominates my heart, as rumors tend to say.


I closed the magazine. Well, now I wasn’t just “clearly the sister who won’t be chosen.” I was the one who would dominate Nikcolai by “body and heart”. I don't know if I like where they put me. I'm not sure I like Nikco's answers. I don't know if I like how I feel about all this shit!

I sigh, tired of being trapped in tight places, like this carriage. Okay, the place wasn't really small, but it also wasn't big enough for me to walk away from my two companions. I could be writing a new article, but unlike Nikco, I don't have a typewriter. Not here, at least.

With nothing to do and no mood to finish reading the gossip magazine, I decide to walk. A guard would probably come with me, but who cares? A drink at the bar would do me good. I warn my traveling companions, but they barely seem to notice my voice.

  • Bye to you too - I grumble, leaving the carriage.

Nobody answered me again.

I'll try not to take it personally.

The guards on the other side of the carriage door don't question my departure, but one of them follows me silently through the carriages and into the bar. There, he maintains a respectful distance, remaining practically glued to one of the walls of the carriage. The bar isn't very busy, but I heard there weren't many passengers allowed on this trip. Only high-ranking Sorehs managed to board the same train that carried none other than the future of the Luavyn monarchy.

I go to the wooden bar and lean on the marble counter to sit on the stool. The attendant soon comes and takes my order: whiskey. Who cared that it was still morning? It was night somewhere in the world. I would toast to these lucky ones.

  • Your drinking habits only get worse over the years, Nena.

My body freezes. Oh no. Not you, not now, I think irritably. Still, I don't ignore his voice and I turn to greet him - and there he is: Morghan, my ex... Ex-something. I can't say we dated. Unless you count all those nights of unrestrained sex…

  • Soreh Morghan. Good to see you - my voice is stiff.

He laughs, because he knows I am not pleased at all..

  • You're still a terrible liar, Nena - he sits next to me - And as beautiful as I remembered.

I don't respond right away, a little lost in his beautiful smile. Morghan is from the South, like me, and is the features who give him away. His lavy skin is dark like mine, his hair, which was almost completely shaved, was black. His facial features were hard, angled, and his thick lips closed the package. Morghan was Southern and hot as hell. I didn't even need to check his strong, muscular body to confirm that.

  • It's Lenna, Morghan. We're not in college anymore.

  • Unfortunately - he leans in, getting closer - I haven't seen you in a while, but I know the news. Congratulations on Berlin.

  • Thank you - my smile is genuine then. I try to be nicer from then on - I also heard about your promotion as Ambassador. What country were you assigned to?

  • South Africa - he smiled, proudly.

  • Well, and what still keeps you in blessed lands?

  • You.

He says this with such certainty that I freeze. My eyes go to his and for a second I think he's serious. Did he stay for me? Why? We haven't been together for a while and, in fact, our breakup was peaceful, but still bitter. I don't know how to react. A few years ago, that phrase would have made me jump into his lap, in love. Today? Leave me…

Anxious. Nervous. Slightly excited and… Excited? Damn it. My body doesn't seem to have completely overcome the desire.

  • Sorry?

  • One day you told me that our relations with foreign countries could involve trade - he shrugs - I'm testing your theory. I came for business meetings.

Of course. He wants to talk to me about business.

Morghan hadn't wanted me in the past and nothing had changed. We were good friends and fuck buddies, but Morghan always saw me as another man's wife. Nothing would make him betray his country, least of all a woman, no matter if that woman is me. And I shouldn't feel disappointed.

But I am.

  • Good to know you listened to me - I joke, no real humor in my voice.

  • Only fools ignore you.

  • Believe me, there are a lot of fools in this country - I say, sighing and drinking all the whiskey.

  • Lenna, everyone knows you are the ideal Queen. You, and only you, could lead us into the future with wisdom - he laughs - Of course, some know this and fear it. These are the ones who say they want Marienne.

  • Your opinion doesn't count - I say, no joke - You know me in person.

  • So make all these fools meet you in person.

I was about to say something back, when Morghan changed his stance. His body moved away from mine in seconds, standing upright in the chair. The eyes full of security no longer looked at me head on, a submissive posture dominating the body of a man who didn't lower his head to anyone. Of course, I don't need to turn around to see who has arrived.

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