Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Seventeen - New members


Nikco brought Stella along for the trip!

Nikco brought Stella along for the trip, I think again, worry filling my veins.

Having my best friend with me to kill the boredom and enjoy leisure time in peace would be perfect. However, I don't know how positive it was to leave Stella and Mari together, every day, until the end of the trip. This was going to explode at some point. Nikco had no idea what he did - his intention was just to please both of us. And, in a way, he succeeded. Mari did a happy dance when Carolinna arrived. I almost kissed him in public when Stella entered the room. But, as the saying goes, no laugh is easy when royalty is having a party.

Stella looked as happy and worried as I felt. Her fiance, on the other hand, was more than happy to know that his future wife was well regarded in the eyes of the future King - he even said that it would be fine if she wanted to postpone the wedding because of the trip. Little did he know! The men of this kingdom seemed increasingly stupid to me. Not stupid, misinformed - but isn't it all the same thing in the end?

I take my best friend to the bedroom to unpack some of her bags. The large room was next to mine and that was all we said for a while, avoiding talking about the impending tension. I fill the silence as best I can, talking about what has happened so far: traveling with Nikco, the conversation with local leaders, me feeling out of place and, of course, my kisses with the prince.

  • So, you kissed him! - she laughs - I didn't think it would happen so soon.

  • Neither do I, love - I smile and allow myself to be… normal. An ordinary woman, with desires, dreams and hope - The way he looks at me... Sometimes I think I could catch fire, just with one look.

  • That look, that voice… Ailenna, are you in love? - Stella laughs, teasing me.

  • Perhaps.

  • Perhaps?

  • Well, it's kind of hard to fall in love when you're in the middle of state intrigue and your sister is lusting after the same man!

  • I already told you: love doesn't choose a time or place to happen.

  • Hey! Who spoke about love? - I sit on the bed, reality ruining the adolescent atmosphere that I had created before - Passion, at most.

  • Yes, yes. As you say.

  • Stella - I growl.

  • Stop growling, that's not the behavior of a Queen - she says, then stands in front of me - Here's the deal: do you want that asshole with a crown? We're going to get him.

  • We will?

  • Yes, we are going to. I'm here now and I'll help you with your sexual escapades.

  • Who said I want to have sex with him?

  • Look me in the eye and tell me you don't want to have sex with him.

I look her in the eyes, but I can't speak. All I wanted was to have sex with him and… I don't know. Find out if this whole attraction would die after a good fuck? The idiot laughs, and if I didn't love Stella like a sister, I would have hit her.

  • Well, at least you didn't lie to me.

  • May the goddesses…

  • Stop right there! I am a committed woman and I just need the blessings of the great goddesses - she smiles - Now, tell me what your plans are for today.

  • Mari and I have to visit several parts of the city. Museums, squares… Those things.

  • Cancel.

  • What? - I scream, shocked.

Y- ou're not the Queen who visits museums - she snorts - Not that you don't like them... But they are leisure, not Royal tasks. I researched before coming and they have a School Prison here. It was the first in the country.

  • Yes, I wanted to go there if I had time, but…

  • But nothing. Ailenna, you can't pretend to be a Queen you're not. When you take that crown, people will look forward to seeing what you've shown them so far. If you only show museums and tours without political force, they won't support you when you want to build schools for prisoners - she looks me deep in the eyes before continuing - You know, when you told me you weren't going to give up on this sexist game of the King, I only accepted it because you were right about one thing: we need a change on the throne. Do you want to be that change? Cancel the fucking tour.

  • But…

  • But nothing. Let's choose an outfit and tell your guards that we're going to the School Prison.

  • OK! - I shout, irritated - But I need someone to notify the Jail too.

  • I'll take care of it. Go to your room and start choosing a decent outfit.

  • Stella… - I try one last time.

  • Don't question me, by the Goddesses! You know I'm right!

I sigh, because yes, she is right.

Just as in May City I showed my negotiating side and my proximity to social movements, here, in Mentor, I must do the same. If I don't show my people where my heart is, it will deceive them or worse... Make those who already support me give up on me.

Without giving myself time to reflect on this further, I go to my room. Stella claps behind me, which I ignore. I walk the five steps to my bedroom door thinking about how Nikco would react to this decision, but I don't let that thought enter my room with me. Inside my safe space, my focus becomes solely on what I'm going to wear. I choose a moss-green skirt moss that reaches below the knee. For the top, I chose a kind of gray sweater, with a boat neckline, which left my shoulders exposed, but covered my entire arm up to the wrist. On my feet, black heels.

Stella comes in just as I finish getting dressed, and as I apply some light but necessary makeup, she tells me that everyone has been warned. She also adds that Nikcolai left an hour ago and has no plans to return. That is good. If he were here, some servant would gossip about my change of plans before I even managed to leave, and he might not like it.

But who cares if he likes it or not? I think, suddenly angry with myself. I've never been the biggest follower of royal rules and I won't become one now. In fact, I'm not even breaking a rule! I'm just shouting a big fuck you to the scale of commitments the King has given us. Okay, to be fair, maybe this is a rule I'm breaking. Not that I care about that. I will accept any penalty the King imposes, as I always have.

I look at my reflection in the mirror. Stella made two small braids on top of my head that look like a natural little crown. The rest of her hair was brushed into soft, loose curls. That fake crown made me confront what I had been saying all this time. I accepted all of this because I wanted to be the Queen that my people need, right? Well, the Queen that my people need does have to understand the importance of national museums, but she also needs to pay attention to a project like the School Prison.

The School Prison was a large prison that focused on the rehabilitation and resocialization of its inmates. There were only two in the country and this was the biggest. How could I pass through the city and not visit something so important to my people? Something that can change not only the lives of prisoners, but also the lives of their families and, as a consequence, the lives of the entire society that surrounds them?

I take a deep breath and see the certainty finally cement its place in my heart.

  • That was the look I was waiting to see - Stella praises - The look of a true Queen.

I nod with a confident smile. I hope Nikcolai thinks that too…

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