Chapter Four

Kelley looked at Hanson, who seemed lost in thought and nudged him with his foot. Hanson looked up and smiled sadly. "What else is bugging you, Chadney?"

"I'm pissed that we lost, Kelley. We need to show those punks who's in charge. This is our town, we're the Elites and they should know their place," Hanson said.

Kelley frowned slightly. "They played a good game, Hanson. They deserved that win but next year is a whole new ballgame."

"Yeah, sure. I'd still like to wipe that smirk of Mason's face."

"Forget them. What's going on in your house? Who's moving out?" Kelley looked intently at his friend, trying to get a read on him. He seemed different and it bothered him.

"My mom's leaving town so I'm staying with my dad." Hanson sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

Kelley clasped a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "Everything will work out like it should."

Kelley went in search of Norah, who had disappeared three hours earlier with her friends. Kelley rounded the slight sand dunes close to the hotel where beach bathrooms were located for the use of the private beach patrons.

Kelley stopped short when he heard Marella’s voice just before he rounded the corner of the building. “Why don’t you just tell him?”

“Please, Marella, it’s hard enough looking at him when he’s always moody. I can’t tell him that I’m not into Gunther Jacobs anymore. He’s already a sad boy.”

“He’s not sad, Norah. He has feelings like everyone else, he’s just deep and stuff.”

“Deep and stuff? Don’t be an idiot. If it wasn’t because of my father I wouldn’t even be dating him.”

“Fine, I’ll take him off your hands. He’s hot and actually nice to you, he’s not an asshole and he doesn’t cheat on you. What’s wrong with you?”

“He’s too nice, Marella … I want something rougher around the edges, I want him to take charge for once, bend me over something and just take what he wants. He’s always so considerate and it’s boring.”

Kelley took a step backwards, not wanting to hear anymore and made his way back to the bonfire. The realization that she didn’t love him struck him hard. Her words raced through his mind, he was too nice, too considerate, he was boring.

Norah and Marella returned to the party and sat down on beach chairs across from him and Hanson. Marella caught his gaze and looked down guiltily, she at least appreciated nice guys. Norah crossed her legs and gave him a glimpse of her nudity underneath.

“Damn, when did Beaver get to town?” Hanson coughed his laugh out at Marcus’s words who sat down next to Kelley.

“Shit, Marcus.” Hanson was laughing loudly now and Norah looked over at us.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing .. Mrs Beaver.” Norah’s face heated and she tugged her skirt down.

“Are you really just going to sit there, Kelley?” Norah had moved forward in her seat and glared at him.

“What do you want me to do? You’re showing off the goods, they’re just looking at what you’re promoting.”

“Seriously? You’re going to let him talk to me like that?” The look in her eyes made him feel guilty for his earlier comment and he straightened in his chair.

“Knock it off, Marcus.”

Marcus shrugged as Norah looked at him as if she’d won a national prize. Marella was still looking everywhere but at Kelley and then Norah’s words hit him again. He got up from the beach chair and walked back towards his car, Norah trailing behind him.

“Where are you going?”

“Listen … if you don’t like the Gunther Jacobs, give it to Marella.”

“What are you talking about, Kelley?” Norah narrowed her eyes and he shifted on his feet.

“Your reaction wasn’t exactly exuding happiness. I’ll get you something else, whatever you want.”

“You’re a good boyfriend, Kelley, and I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier. I’m more into the Rocker series now.”

“Was that so hard?”

Norah smiled as he opened the boot of the Escalade and she came to stand behind him, her arms wrapped around his waist. “Kelley, I want you to bend me over right here and take me from behind, hard.”

Before she could blink she was pressed down on the carpeted boot of the Escalade, her skirt bunched around her waist as Kelley unzipped his pants and pulled a condom on. Kelley thrusted hard into her, not even making sure she was ready.

Her nails raked over the rough carpet and she clamped down around him. He kept at it, chasing his own orgasm. “Touch yourself, Norah, get yourself off.” Kelley took her hard and rough as she thrusted her ass back against him and kept moaning his name.

By the time the sun rose Norah’s birthday party was dwindling down as most of them sat on the sand and laughed drunkenly about the end of school beckoning. Three months of summer vacations were being discussed.

“I really wish you’d change your mind and come with us to our ski lodge.” Norah’s fingers traced light patterns on Kelley’s arm.

“I really can’t.” He couldn’t leave his mother alone for three months, she’d dwindle and the life would be gone from her eyes by the time he came back.

“We’ve got one week at least. We should make the most of it.”

“Kelley, can you give me a ride home?” Marella looked at the ground as she asked him that question.

“Sure, it’s on my way. Be ready in about ten minutes.”

Norah smiled secretively and looked at Kelley. “I think she’s in love with you.”

“No, she’s not. It doesn’t matter because I’m not the cheating type.”

“I wasn’t worried, Kelley, I was just saying.” Norah stood up and walked off to another group of people leaving Kelley by the now dead bonfire.

Seven minutes later Kelley drove away from the beach with Marella strapped into the front seat. He hadn’t even said goodbye to Norah and she didn’t seem to mind. Marella sat quietly as he drove towards her house.

“You really are a good guy, Kelley.”

“Yeah seems like it’s not good enough.”

Marella’s eyes widened slightly. “You overheard us?”

Kelley nodded his head and Marella looked out of the window. “I don’t know how to be anything else. I don’t know what to do to make her happy.”

“She doesn’t deserve you. You’re better than this, Kelley, you deserve someone that doesn’t cheat on you.”

Marella’s hand was on the doorhandle but Kelley grabbed her arm. “What?”

“She’s been cheating on you for the last year, Kelley. Open your eyes because it’s been staring you right in the face.”


“Hanson, for one.” This time when she opened the door Kelley let her go. She paused at the front door but didn’t look back and Kelley felt nauseas. Was that why Hanson was acting so differently? Was he at last starting to feel the guilt of his actions? Kelley couldn't be sure of anything anymore. He loved Norah, had stayed true to her for two years and she'd been having sex with his best friend, all this time.

Kelley felt the all too familiar loneliness creeping back in and he realized then that somewhere deep down, he'd known something wasn't right. He hadn't known she'd been cheating, but he'd known he loved her more than she loved him.

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