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Meanwhile, in the office, Luana finished making coffee and served her friends. She then asked if she could ask them a question.

"Sure, go ahead, Luana," replied Laís, as Luana poured coffee into her mug.

"What do you guys know about Fred's obsession with health?" asked Luana.

Márcio and Laís started laughing uncontrollably at Luana's question, as if she had told a very funny joke.

"Can I tell?" asked Laís.

"Go ahead," replied Márcio.

"Look, this stays between us. The whole team has to get blood tests every three months. For example, if someone sneezes, they already think someone in the family is sick," Laís began.

"What does he do?" asked Luana, intrigued.

"He tells the person to work from home until they get better. And they can't come back even if they do get better. First, they have to get a check-up to make sure everything's okay. Only then are they allowed to return," replied Márcio.

"Is it that serious?" asked Luana.

"It seems so," replied Laís.

As they talked about Fred's health obsession, Karine entered the pantry and Luana greeted her.

"Hi, Karine, how are you?"

"Hi, Luana, I'm fine, and you? Feeling better?" asked Karine, feigning false friendliness.

"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" replied Luana.

"I heard you fainted," said Karine.

"Well, it wasn't exactly like that," replied Luana.

"Anyway, I'm glad you're okay," said Karine, as her phone rang in her hands. "We'll catch up later, I need to take this call," she said, leaving and answering her phone.

"What did she mean by us meeting during the day at our house?" asked Luana, worried. But Karine seemed not to hear and continued to leave and answer her phone.

Meanwhile, in his office, Ítalo received a call he wasn't expecting. It was Daiana, Luana's friend. She was starting to put into practice the plan she had devised with her friend. She called Ítalo to invite him out, but in reality, she wanted to find out more about Fred's life. Ítalo, all excited, of course, immediately accepted Daiana's invitation. They agreed to meet later, after Ítalo's work.

Meanwhile, Fred worked in his office, preparing the plants for the competition.

"Laís, please, come here," Fred asked.

"Yes, Mr. Fred?" said Laís, entering Fred's office.

"I want you to call Ítalo to come and approve the budget," Fred requested, focused on the laptop screen.

"What budget? We have several. I need more details," Laís asked, not understanding.

"Just ask him to come here, he'll understand," Fred insisted.

Laís quickly went to call Ítalo and found Karine at the door of Fred's office.

"What a surprise to see you here on Saturday! It's hard to catch you alone around here," Karine commented, entering Fred's office.

"What's up?" Fred asked.

"I brought these documents here," Karine replied before being interrupted by Luana, who knocked on the door and entered. Fred's office was busy that day.

"Hi again, Karine? You said we'd meet soon," Luana commented.

"Yeah, at your house. As soon as Fred finishes, we'll all go there," Karine explained.

"Huh, wasn't it supposed to be at night?" Luana questioned, confused.

"We thought about ordering pizza or something, but I think Fred doesn't like it much," Karine said.

"It's not that. It's just that we don't receive visitors like this during the day," Luana explained.

"We who?" Fred asked.

"The people from my village," Luana replied, trying to avoid the subject.

"We prefer to do this at night, following our traditions. I'll cook for everyone," Luana continued.

"Okay, no problem. See you tonight then?" Karine replied, leaving the documents with Fred and leaving the room.

"Yes, see you tonight," Luana and Fred agreed at the same time.

"Fred, why didn't you tell me they would come during the day?" Luana asked.

"There's no reason for so much drama. They'll come, eat, and leave. Simple as that," Fred replied calmly.

"And what if they come in? What will we do if they want to borrow something from the kitchen or enter another place?" Luana worried.

"They'll come, eat, and leave. Period," Fred stated bluntly.

"Of course not. And if they need to get something inside the house? She'll be looking with those big eyes and asking, 'You don't live here, you don't know where it is?' And what will I say?" Luana asked, visibly agitated.

"Can you calm down?" Fred asked, trying to contain the situation.

"We'll go to my house, get my stuff, and take them to yours. Come on, Fred, let's go," Luana insisted, pulling Fred out of his chair.

Soon the two began a brief argument, catching everyone's attention in the office. Luana wanted to go home to get her things, while Fred wanted to get the work done. The debate continued as everyone listened attentively.

"We have to plan things, that's not how it works. You have to let me know when you arrange something. And since they were invited, they will come into your house," Luana shouted, exasperated.

"Look, I'll give you a solution. If you want to take your things to my house, I have a driver. Can you use him? Take him, go to your house, get your things, and take them to mine, and ask him to help you. There, problem solved. Is that okay?" Fred proposed.

"But today is Saturday, Fred. Can't you make an effort? I still have to cook," Luana insisted. As the discussion continued, Ítalo decided to intervene to try to alleviate the situation, since they were in the office and not alone.

"Guys, sorry to interrupt the conversation. But the whole team is listening outside. I need to thank you. By the way, Luana, I need to thank you. This office was very quiet before you arrived," Ítalo said, smiling.

"Yeah, I loved it. That observation? This company didn't make a peep before you arrived," Fred retorted, irritated.

"Everyone stayed silent. If not, Fred would yell at everyone. If anyone made any noise, we'd be shot. No mercy," Ítalo mocked.

"I'm very happy to be here, Ítalo, very happy," Luana replied.

"Lord, give me patience," Fred muttered.

"Fred needs to leave early today," Luana informed Ítalo.

"No, he can't. He has to finish the blueprints," Ítalo replied, concerned.

"Thank you," Ítalo said.

"He'll never finish. The phone will ring, someone will come in, and he won't manage," Luana apologized, making an excuse.

"Then let me do it. I'll take care of the blueprints and documents. Relax, leave it to me," Ítalo proposed.

"I won't give them back, dear," Luana retorted, taking the documents from Fred's hands.

"Luana, give me those documents back," demanded Fred, now getting angry.

"I won't give them," Luana replied, angrily.

"Luana, give me the documents, please," Fred requested, trying to keep calm.

"You'll finish your work. Let's go to my house, get my things, come back to yours while I cook. Then you can see," Luana quickly proposed.

"I'm trying to keep calm, so please, give me the documents," Fred insisted.

"Fred, you'll do the blueprints and let Ítalo handle the documents, or you see at home, otherwise..." Luana began.

"No, wait a minute. Let me understand, are you threatening me? Because, seriously, I love a threat. What's going to happen?" Fred asked, defiantly.

"If not, you'll have to find another fiancée to cook for your ex," Luana replied, seriously.

Ítalo, who was watching everything, sarcastically laughed at the situation. "Hold on. Luana is going to cook for Karine. Is that it?" Ítalo asked, incredulous. "Sorry, buddy, but she's right. There's nothing to say," he concluded, mocking.

"Please, both of you leave my office. I'm asking nicely. I'm asking with a lot of kindness, because I want you to leave my room right now. And I'm not here for any nonsense," Fred said, visibly annoyed with the two.

"Did you get angry, just lost the bet?" Luana taunted, laughing.

"Are you kidding me? You must be kidding me. I know you did it on purpose. I didn't even raise my voice. So, please, get out of here now," Fred requested.

"Luana, I've had enough, I can't pressure him anymore," Ítalo said, quickly leaving the room.

But Luana, holding the documents, continued laughing and looking at Fred. Before leaving the room, she said, "Did you get angry? You know you got angry? It's over, you lost." With one last sarcastic look, Luana left the room, leaving Fred boiling with rage.

As soon as she left the room, Luana called everyone to make an announcement. "Guys, I need everyone's attention, please. Everyone is forbidden from entering Fred's office today. And no one can call him either. If you have any problems, let me know, as I'll be handling the situation."

"Talk to Ítalo. I'm sorry," said Luana, addressing Ítalo. Before anyone could intervene or ask for anything, she quickly headed to her office.

Meanwhile, Fred listened to everything from his office, extremely annoyed. "She doesn't know what she's talking about, she really doesn't know what she's talking about," he repeated to himself.

Before Fred could return to work, he received a message. Muttering to himself, he said, "Now you just need to want to meet up with me."

"Laís, please!" called Fred. And Laís promptly ran to attend to him.

"Mr. Fred!" said Laís.

"Quiet," Fred requested.

"What's up?" asked Laís.

"Come in," Fred requested.

"I already did," she replied softly.

"Is Luana watching?" Fred asked.

"Luana? She's not looking," Laís replied.

"Then come with me," Fred requested.

"It's better not to, Mr. Fred," Laís replied. But before she could say anything else, Fred left and hid behind her, using her as a shield to leave the office without Luana noticing. Luana was so focused on working with Márcio that she didn't even notice Fred's departure.

When Luana realized, it was already too late. "Hey, where's Fred?" she asked.

"He's already gone," Laís replied.

"Where to?" Luana asked, confused.

"I don't know," Laís replied quickly.

Luana got up upset and went in search of Fred. Meanwhile, Luiza watched everything to tell Isadora. Before she could consider calling Isadora, her phone rang and Isadora was on the other end, eager for news.

"I was just about to call you, ma'am," Luiza said.

"So, did something happen?" Isadora asked, curious.

"No, quite the opposite," Luiza replied.

"That persistent and controlling girl that Fred fled from?" Luiza reported.

"Really?" Isadora asked, happy with the news.

"Luana went crazy, they argued a lot in the office. Fred got so irritated that he left. You know what I'm thinking? This will end soon," Luiza said, gossiping.

"I don't think so. I think they'll still be going out for a few months. And they'll still argue a lot until it's over," Cristina opined.

"I don't know, knowing Fred. He wouldn't put up with these things. Although lately, I've been questioning if I really know him," Luiza said, being interrupted by Isadora. "I loved the news. Thank you, Luiza, for letting me know. Goodbye," Isadora replied, ending the call before Luiza could say anything else.

Isadora was very happy to hear the latest news about her son and Luana. For her, it was a reason to celebrate.

Meanwhile, Fred was meeting with Ricardo, a phone call he received at the office before leaving.

"Congratulations. You nailed it," said Ricardo upon meeting Fred, clapping and congratulating him.

"Why did you call me here, Ricardo?" asked Fred, being direct.

"You talk just like your childhood friend," Ricardo teased.

"Ricardo, I don't have time for jokes. If you have something to say, say it now. Otherwise, I'm leaving," said Fred seriously.

"Okay, calm down. I just wanted to congratulate you. You killed it at the last auction. Two million dollars, what a feat. You did great," praised Ricardo.

"No, I didn't do anything. You failed, and you lost," Fred countered.

"But you'll pay for this, I promise," Ricardo swore.

"You know, Ricardo, it's beautiful to see how much you hate me. And it only makes me stronger. Friends don't do that, but enemies make us much stronger. Is there anything else?" Fred asked directly.

"Yes, there is," Ricardo replied.

"Then talk to me," Fred requested.

"Don't you want to get back into racing?" Ricardo asked.

"Of course I do. Especially because you've already lost," Fred replied.

"And are you afraid of losing?" Ricardo asked.

"Afraid of losing? My secretary will call yours," said Fred, before turning his back and walking away, while Ricardo watched him with a deadly look.

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