VII. Whispers by the Water
Elva screamed, watching the trees pass her. She had been so close. He had been so close to her and just like that she was being taken from him again.
She couldn't let that happen.
She reached behind, digging her nails into his face and pulling the skin with all the strength she could muster.
Kos yelled in pain, gripping her clutching her neck, pressing until she struggled for breath. Black spots began to blur her vision but she refused to give up.
She blindly moved her arm, running her hand across his pants until she felt the familiar handle of a knife. With a yell, she pulled it from its place and stabbed the meat of his thigh.
They hit the ground hard, rolling through the grass, the air leaving her lungs from the force of the fall. Kos was yelling and cussing up a storm as his hands went the wound.
Elva groaned, her body was numbed from the hard hit it took, but as soon as she managed to sit up, she froze. The sight of blood on her hands had her breath picking up. She held the knife in her hand still but all she could think about was the red liquid that dripped down her arm.
The knife was ripped from her hold, Kos pressing his body on top of hers.
"Bitch." He spat, pressing the sharp knife into her neck while his other hand played with the fabric of her dress.
She squealed, pressing her fingers into his face, scratching the skin of his cheek. As panic rose through her, she found the wound she had inflicted and pressed her fingers into his flesh. He groaned and she found her opening, kicking him in between the legs. It forced him off of her, the knife slipping from his hand.
She tried to crawl away, looking up when she heard Eksel's distinct yell. He dismounted his horse swiftly, as if he had done it a thousand times.
Relief flooded her and she exhaled slowly, tears finally trailing down her cheeks.
She watched, open mouthed, as Eksel stalked to Kos and wrapped his hand around his neck.
"You touched her?"
Kos clenched his jaw, smiling aggressively.
Elva could see Eksel's anger and it was magnified by the blood that was spattered across his face. He looked devastatingly menacing, but it didn't scare her.
He was a deathly weapon, but there was a certainty within her that he would never look at her like that. He would protect her, just as he was right now.
She watched Eksel slowly pierce Kos's neck with his blade. Kos sputtered and gurgled, blood dripping down his chin and onto his chest. Her nails dug into the skin of her palm when she noticed that Kos did not hold a weapon in his hands.
Elva shook violently, herself covered in blood. Eksel stomped toward her, his face still contorted into a scowl. She stepped back, not wanting him near. Not wanting anyone near.
She was covered in blood.
Eksel stopped his approach, softening his face. He looked down at himself, as if just now noticing that he was a mess, covered in guts of other men.
He threw the knife to the ground and slowly moved toward her. Elva shifted her gaze between him and the dead man, convincing herself that it was over. That she was safe.
She couldn't help but softly gasp when he kneeled down, tilting his head down so his face was level with hers and held her chin up so she had to look at him. She was still, trying to hide the cries that threatened to escape her throat, her lips trembling.
Tears slid down her face and she felt so dirty. So violated by the way they touched her. Eksel's fingers were warm against her chin, and she did all she could to stop herself from falling into his chest.
"Did he hurt you?" He whispered.
She pressed her lips together, knowing that her body was in pain. Her ribs ached and her body hummed in agony. But that wasn't what he was asking.
She shook her head, her lips continued to tremble.
"H-he's dead?" She whispered
He nodded, letting his hands fall from her chin.
Her heart spiked in her chest and she shook her head with more fervor. Her mouth dried and suddenly felt dizzy.
"I-I've never-" She frowned, grimacing as she wiped her hands on her skirt. Her voice refused to work.
The feeling of the red substance on her skin made her agitated. She was confused by the feeling of dread that consumed her.
"I killed him," She whispered.
The words had Eksel reeling back and he shook his head, "I killed him, little thing."
Those two words that felt like a slap to the face just a day ago, had her chest bursting in wonder. But the blood on her skin still had her too shaken to take in the feeling.
"I-I stabbed him," She whispered.
He narrowed his eyes, his brow softening as he took in her features, "You had to."
Her body shook with her breath, shifting her dress which had stuck to her skin with blood and sweat. It slowly began to peel away, and she jerked, covering herself before he saw anything.
Eksel looked away, only to jump in front of her and wrapping his arm behind him, pressing his hand to her back.
"Kos is dead?" Sten asked, his steps near.
Elva could hear the rest of the men approach and pressed herself into Eksel's back, too aware of the way she could reveal too much of her skin.
Eksel pressed her closer too and nodded.
"He was with Halfdan," He growled.
The men murmured between themselves, angry and shocked at the betrayal.
"We'll eat and then we'll head toward Grimsgil. The plan stands."
Sten nodded and the men found rocks and tree trunks to sit on and rest. Some wiped the blood from their faces, while other's let it stain their skin.
Eksel turned to her and she desperately clung to him, pressing her exposed chest to him, refusing to let air pass between them.
"I won't let them see," Eksel whispered, his lips against the crown of her head.
Somehow, she trusted him. She let him maneuver her onto his horse and let her body fall into relief when he mounted as well. The heat of his body was different than the warmth of the blood on her skin and she was thankful for it.
He spoke to Sten, but the words weren't clear to her. all she could focus on was stopping the shivers that ran down her body. She shut her eyes tight when they passed Kos' body that laid stiff on the ground.
They moved for a while, until she heard the distant and familiar sound of water. She inhaled, relaxing at the thought of being able to wash the blood away.
He pulled the horse to a stop, dismounting jarringly and landing on the ground with a grunt. He lifted her, his hands digging into her skin with more harshness than he had ever held her with before.
He panted, pressing a heavy hand to her shoulder, "Go, I won't let anyone see."
It was surprising to her that she hesitated. The cool water was calling to her, but she didn't want to leave his side.
She nodded, turning from him and making her way to the water. After sliding her shoes off, she stepped into the creek, sighing in relief when the water felt like a balm against her skin.
She looked behind her shoulder, chewing on her lip nervously. He had his back to her, his eyes on the forest that surrounded them and she gathered up her courage.
A whimper of pain left her lips, but she managed to shift out of her clothes, letting them fall to the ground. She felt numb as the water turned red and brown. For the first time, she wondered if her future husband thought her beautiful.
Or if he was disgusted by the way she was covered in dirt and blood.
Minutes passed. Her body felt new and her spirit was slightly rejuvenated. She washed her dress in the water, scrubbing as much of the stains as she could.
She hadn't brought any of her clothes, this piece of fabric was the only thing that belonged to her. Though she struggled, she was able to tie the sleeve of her dress over her shoulder. It was tight and it dug into her skin, but it was better than having to hold it up with her hand.
Reluctantly she trudged out of the water, gasping when she saw Eksel falling to his knees. His body swayed from side to side and horror filled her chest at the sight.
Flashes of memories filled her mind. The arrows that struck him and the blood that poured from him. It was brutal, and felt ashamed at having forgotten, at having him take care of her when he was in so much pain.