
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Confusion
Chapter 3: Constant Confusion
Chapter 4: First Kiss
Chapter 6: White Lies .2
Chapter 7: White Lies .3
Chapter 8: Shattered Past .1
Chapter 9: Shattered Past .2
Chapter 10: Magic tomes everywhere
Chapter 11: Finally, the first conquered quest .1
Chapter 12: Finally, the first conquered quest .2
Chapter 13: Finally, the first conquered quest .3
Chapter 14: The Simmons .1
Chapter 15: The Simmons .2
Chapter 16: The Simmons .3
Chapter 17: The Simmons .4
Chapter 18: Spared by the Arrow .1
Chapter 19: Spared by the Arrow .2
Chapter 20: Spared by the Arrow . 3

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Chapter 8: Shattered Past .1
1 year ago
"From this day forward, you peasants are going to bow down before me. I am now your king and anyone who doesn't want their heads on the palm of my hands should not dare defy me in any way. My son, Demetrius right here should be treated like a king just as you will treat me." King Darius Dewi immorally proclaimed among the people of Avery. The servants and peasants cannot do anything but obey the command.
Queen Sephelia, the mother of princess Scarlet has been undeservedly executed
by the opposing kingdom after the princess escaped.
"I cannot believe Scarlet really killed his own father. How awful is she?!" A peasant muttered to a servant among the massive crowd. They were all gathered in front of Avery's castle where thousands of Creagan soldiers surrounded the place. The "new king" summoned all of them for the announcement of the century.
"Yeah, and the queen deserved to be killed because she's probably in on it too!"
"No! We know Scarlet and she definitely did not do such thing! She couldn't do that to anyone! Even the queen!" a servant protested.
"Of course, you'd defend her, she's your master and for all we know, you're all in on it." Another commoner taunted.
"You're being ridiculous! You don't even know her. She's silently done great things for you people, and you don't even know it. We shouldn't loath her, rather, we should help her because she needs us now." One of the peasants rightfully expressed to the ones in range.
"Yeah, agreed! You shouldn't believe these men up here who think they own the kingdom now. They're the real monsters!" a bold, young lady shouted. The crowd felt tension with what she did. The king turned red as soon as he heard, and the crowd expected the worst.
"Thank you, father; I promise to be the next prime king that this kingdom has ever known. You people won't have to suffer from the hands of your cruel queen and princess. They are murderers!" Prince Demetrius strongly emphasized with an intimidating look on his face as he scanned the crowd for the girl who shouted.
"If you don't want your head to end up like this..." the king said while pointing at the queen's head, "All of you, better be on our side and do what we say! We have made it perfectly clear that your queen and princess are the real enemies that have been manipulating you all these years, making you all believe that they are good people. They have done terrible things on your kingdom!! Understood?!" the king exclaimed on the verge of his anger.
The crowd murmured words of agreement to the king's orders. Majority of them were strongly convinced that Scarlet and his mother are the enemies of the kingdom while few still stand with what they believe are the truth.
"Anyone who doesn't agree with us should show their faces upfront now!" Demetrius bawled out.
A moment of pure silence resonated to the whole palace. King Darius is someone who no one would dare mess with. He's one of the most powerful kings that have existed among many kingdoms. He has a mighty, countless groups of armies consisting of the most formidable, dominant soldiers that there is. Various kingdoms have always paved way for him because they know that it might be the end of their reign or lives if they would dare deny the king's power.
Scarlet's Point of View
A few days before the announcement
"Tucky! Aunt! Tait! Please let me in!" I softly shouted as I knocked on the little window of their hut located in a secluded part of the forest. Fortunately, Tait, the son of my halfling friend, Tucky heard and saw me.
"Scarlet! What's wrong?? What happened to you?" Tait instantly asked with much concern.
"Tait, who is it? Is something wrong?" I heard Tucky say as he approached the door. "Scarlet?? Oh Scarlet, whatever happened to you? Why do you look so worried and scared? What happened to your dress??" Tucky uttered upon seeing me.
"Can I please stay here?? Please, I really need your help." I uttered helplessly.
"Oh of course, come in now, hurry up!" Tucky worriedly ushered me into their home.
"Is that Scarlet you were talking to?" Aunt, Tucky's wife came out of their bedroom. "Oh, darling, you're knee's bleeding! Oh, you poor thing, what happened?" she added, her expression dulled.
"I ran, I..." I started while fighting back my tears. "I ran as soon as I had the chance to. I ran away from all of them. I ran from those Creagan soldiers who were ready to capture me. Demetrius told everyone that I killed my father. He set me up to prove to everyone that I killed him! They already arranged my execution the day after tomorrow.
The soldiers locked me up and Demetrius brainwashed many servants in the castle into thinking that I really killed my own father. The servants who protested were also locked up in another cell. They took away anything that I could use for my magic and the only magic I could do with only my hands wasn't helpful enough at that time. Fortunately, a loyal servant who was afraid enough to protest, secretly helped me out of the cage. That was when I was able to run fast. I was nearly out of the gates of the castle when the Creagan soldiers almost caught up with me and thank goodness the long days of learning how to ride a horse paid off. I was able to run far." I explained to them at length.
"What?! Oh, that scoundrel! He probably killed your father himself!!" Tucky scowled, turning red with anger.
"I know! That's what I'm off to find out. I want to prove to everyone that I didn't do anything and that they are the real enemies of this kingdom! I know some people still have faith in me."
"We belong to that people, almost all the halflings are with you all the way, princess." Tucky warmly declared. Tait and Titia ardently smiled and agreed.
"But what happened to your knee and your dress that's been ragged?" Aunt asked worriedly.
"I was almost attacked by a wolf, and I think it was not an ordinary wolf. The moon outside is in its full form and I felt that the one that chased me was a werewolf. He was ready to devour me, and I felt helpless without my magic and with the state I am in. At first, I tried to throw plenty of rocks at it, but it was so aggressive so all I did was run as fast as I could in search of your dwelling. Fortunately, something out of my consciousness distracted him away from me so I was able to run. I tripped many times as I was breaking down while running which explains why I look like this."
"We're glad you're safe now, princess. You should rest for now and we'll figure things out tomorrow." Aunt suggested.
"I don't think, I will be able to sleep tonight. I ran very far away leaving my mother in their hands and I can't help but worry so much. I couldn't bear it if they did anything to her! " I uttered with a choking voice until tears eventually fell down on my cheeks.
"Princess, you have gone to great measures to help us before and now it is time to do likewise for you. Try your best to rest for now because you really need it. You can hide here for as long as you need. We' I'll be with you all the way." Tucky said in his gentle, soothing voice.
After the announcement
"Oh, relax father! We'll find her soon it's going to be 'off with her head' as soon as we did, just like how her mother's head easily fell into our hands. We'll flip the whole kingdom upside down if needed, just so we could find her." Demetrius wickedly schemed.
"If you say so, son. I know you won't let me down. Just make sure that the people remain in our favor, too. We need to expand our troops so we can head over to the other kingdom fast." King Darius replied.
"Don't worry, father. It seems like the worlds in favor of us, so everything will easily fall right into place. We'll be the richest men that ever lived, and we'll be more powerful than the sun and the moon in the sky!" Demetrius imperiously exclaimed.
~~~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~
~ To be Continued ~
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