Read with BonusRead with Bonus


William's POV

Thomas and I had been traveling on the ship for a while, and finally, we were approaching France. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, and the air was fresh.

"We're almost there," I said to Thomas, a huge smile on my face. "Finally, we'll be on land again."

Thomas nodded, a smile on his face as well. "Yeah, it feels like ages since we left the last port," he said.

"And when we get there," I said, my voice filled with excitement. "I think it would be a good idea if the four of us went shopping."

Thomas looked at me, a look of curiosity on his face. "Shopping? What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well," I said. "We're going to be living in Eastern Europe for a while, so I think it would be a good idea if we got some things to settle down and make ourselves comfortable."

"That's actually a great idea," Thomas said, nodding. "I think we'll need some supplies for the journey as well."

"Exactly," I said, feeling thrilled that Thomas was agreeing with my plan. "We can go shopping for food, water, and other necessities."

"And maybe even some things to make the journey more enjoyable," Thomas added.

"Yes!" I said, feeling even more excited. "We can get some books, games, and other things to keep us entertained during the journey."

Thomas looked at me and nodded. "Sounds like a plan," he said. "Let's do it. Maybe we can even explore some of the local shops and markets while we're at it."

"Perfect," I said. "We can turn our shopping spree into a fun adventure."

I slowly opened the door to my cabin and quietly slipped inside, trying not to wake Ava, who was curled up in bed and fast asleep. I gently closed the door behind me and tiptoed across the room, careful not to make a sound.

But despite my efforts, the floorboards creaked beneath my feet, and Ava stirred in her sleep. Her eyelids fluttered open, and she blinked a few times, trying to focus on me in the dimly lit room.

I approached her and smiled softly, putting my hand on her shoulder to reassure her. "It's just me," I whispered.

Ava's eyes widened, and she let out a small gasp of relief. "Oh, it's just you," she said, her tone still sleepy.

"Yes, just me," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for waking you."

Ava shook her head, a small smile forming on her lips. "It's okay," she said, her eyes closing again as she drifted back to sleep.

I quietly made my way to the bathroom to take my morning bath. The water was warm and soothing, and I could feel all the tension and stress of the journey wash away. It was a much-needed break from all the packing, loading, and navigating we had been doing for the past few days.

As I was toweling off, I heard a shrill scream coming from the cabin. I quickly ran out to see Ava jumping up and down on the bed, her face beaming with excitement.

"Ava! What's going on?" I asked, my heart racing with concern.

"Shopping!" Ava screamed, her voice filled with pure joy. "Thomas and Mia are taking us shopping today! I can't wait!"

I laughed, feeling my own excitement growing. "Yes, you're right," I said, smiling. "We're going shopping for whatever we need for our next adventure in Eastern Europe. And who knows, maybe we'll even find some great deals."

Ava's excitement only grew, and she began jumping up and down on the bed again, her hair flying around in wild abandon. I couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness seeing her so joyful.

"Alright, let's get ready," I said, trying to tame Ava's hyperactive energy. "I'll start packing our bags, and you can start getting dressed."

Ava nodded excitedly, and I saw her quickly bouncing off the bed to get ready. I smiled to myself, knowing that she was going to have the time of her life today. And so was I.

After finishing my morning routine and getting dressed, I headed to the front deck of the ship to take in the beautiful view. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm golden hue over the water. The ship was slowly drawing closer to port, and I could see the outline of the buildings and docks becoming clearer as we neared our destination.

I leaned against the railing, taking a deep breath of the fresh sea air and feeling the cool breeze against my face. It was a peaceful and serene moment, and I found myself feeling a sense of gratitude for the journey that had brought us here.

We were just a few hours away from finally arriving in France and starting the next leg of our adventure, and I felt a sense of anticipation building in my chest.

The sound of the waves lapping against the hull of the ship was like music to my ears, and I let my mind wander as I enjoyed the view.

After relaxing on the front deck for a while, I turned and saw Ava making her way toward me. She was already dressed, sporting a pair of cute shorts and a T-shirt with a fun print. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, and she had a big smile on her face.

"Hey, I'm ready!" she said excitedly. "Where's everyone else?"

"Thomas and Mia should be done getting ready soon," I replied, looking out at the dock that was growing closer by the minute. "We'll be docking in just a few minutes."

Ava let out a squeal of excitement and ran over to look out at the dock. "I can't wait to start shopping!" she exclaimed.

"Me too," I replied, smiling at her enthusiasm. "Let's enjoy every minute of it."

Just then, Thomas and Mia made their way out onto the deck, looking just as eager as Ava. We all grinned at each other, ready to start our adventure in France.

The ship slowed as it approached the dock, and we could see people gathering on the shore to welcome us. "This is it, everyone," I said, feeling the adrenaline pump through my veins. "Let's go explore."

After docking in the busy port, Ava immediately began looking around the bustling market for the best deals. She was full of excitement, pointing out different items and exclaiming over the quality of the goods.

"Hey, Ava," I said as we made our way deeper into the market. "What do you want to get first?"

"Let's start with some souvenirs!" she exclaimed. "I want something to remember this trip by."

I nodded in agreement, and together we started browsing the stalls that sold all kinds of souvenirs, from keychains to T-shirts to small figurines. It was like a treasure hunt, with Ava bouncing from stall to stall, her eyes bright with anticipation.

As we walked, she pointed out different things that caught her eye, asking for my opinion on the best deals. I was impressed by her instincts and bargaining skills, and it was a lot of fun watching her negotiate with the merchants.

Before long, we had a bag full of souvenirs, and Ava was bursting with happiness. "Let's get ourselves some ice cream next!" she said, her mind already moving on to the next activity.

As we walked through the market, I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. Ava had a way of making every moment special, and I was grateful to have such an adventure partner by my side.

The captain and crew took care of the ship's business while we enjoyed ourselves at the market. I knew that they were more than capable of handling the ship, and I felt comfortable leaving it in their hands.

The market was a flurry of activity, with vendors calling out their latest wares, people bargaining over prices, and the sounds of bells and gongs ringing in the air. It was a true sensory experience, and I couldn't wait to see what else this town had to offer.

"Okay, let's go find some ice cream!" I said excitedly.

We walked through the bustling streets, following the scent of sugar and vanilla, until we came across a small ice cream shop with a line out the door. Despite the wait, Ava's face lit up at the sight of the bright, airy space.

"Can we try all the flavours?" she asked, eyes wide with excitement.

I chuckled. "I don't see why not," I said, taking her hand and leading her inside.

The line moved quickly, and before we knew it, we were standing at the counter, looking at all the delicious options. Ava quickly settled on her favorite: a massive waffle cone filled to the brim with mixed berries and chocolate.

After enjoying our ice cream and exploring the busy market, I asked Ava what she wanted to get next. "Shopping!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Sounds good," I replied, smiling. "Where do you want to go first?"

Ava grabbed my hand and led me through the crowded streets, past storefronts filled with shiny baubles and brightly colored clothing. We paused to look in the windows of some of the most intriguing shops, admiring the beautiful garments and accessories on display.

As we meandered through the bustling streets, Ava's excitement grew with each passing minute. She pointed out different shops and told me about their special offers and discounts, always on the lookout for the best deal.

"I love it here!" she said, her voice muffled by the scarf she had wrapped around her face to protect her from the cold. "Can we stay here forever?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "I don't think that's possible, darling," I replied, smiling. "But we can certainly come back again someday."

Together, we continued our shopping spree, exploring the narrow alleyways and back streets loaded with unique and memorable shops. It was like stepping into a fairytale, where anything was possible and every twist and turn uncovered another surprise.

As we made our way back to the ship, Ava's face was lit up with joy. "This was the best day ever!" she exclaimed, giving me a big hug.

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