Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Ava's POV

As I returned to the ship from our own thrilling shopping spree, I could see Mia and Thomas already aboard, their arms filled with shopping bags. "You're finally back!" Mia exclaimed, running up to me. "We have so much to show you!"

I smiled, eager to see the treasures they had discovered. "Lead the way," I replied, following Mia as she charged down the hallways, chattering a mile a minute about the stores she had visited.

As we entered my cabin, Mia eagerly began laying out our purchases on the bed, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Look at this, look at this!" she exclaimed, picking up a beautiful silk scarf. "I found the most amazing shop on the corner, and they had this and so much more!"

I marveled at the scarf, the delicate pattern and soft material a perfect addition to my wardrobe. "It's beautiful," I said, feeling a warm sense of gratitude towards Mia for her thoughtful gift.

"I also got you some chocolate," she added, pulling a box out of her bag. "It's from a little baker on the way back."

I laughed, overwhelmed by Mia's generosity. "Thank you, dear," I said, giving her a hug. "You didn't have to do all this."

"But of course we did!" Thomas chimed in, pulling out his own loot. "We couldn't let you miss out on all the fun."

For the rest of the afternoon, we spent our time exploring our new purchases, trying on clothing and jewelry, and marveling at the amazing finds from our respective shopping sprees. It was a flurry of excitement, laughter, and discovery, our hearts filled with childlike wonder at the many gifts we had garnered.

As Mia continued her exciting demonstration of her new found treasures, we were all enjoying the moment, and the laughter and delight filled the room. Suddenly, Mia had reached the last of her bags, and she began to carefully pull out the items one by one, holding them up for inspection. "Look at this," she exclaimed, holding up a beautiful piece of lingerie. "Isn't it gorgeous?"

As she held it up, everyone's eyes were drawn to it, including mine. I quickly reached out and took it from her, feeling my face grow hot with embarrassment. "Oh, Mia, that's for William's eyes only," I whispered, looking at her with concern.

The laughter and chatter in the room suddenly stopped, William and Thomas looked at us with curiosity. "What's going on?" Thomas asked.

"This isn't for you to see," I whispered to Mia, feeling my cheeks redden even more. "This is between William and me."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know," Mia replied, looking at me with concern. But before she could say anything else, everyone burst out laughing. I couldn't help but chuckle and the laughter spread throughout the room, filling the air.

"We'll give you guys some privacy," William said, pulling Thomas out of the room, leaving Mia and me alone.

"I'm so sorry," she said, her eyes filled with apology. "I just thought it looked so pretty."

I shook my head, smiling. "No need to apologize," I replied. "We all make mistakes. And besides, it was funny." We both chuckled, feeling the tension ease.

"What do you think about our trip to eastern Europe?" I asked Mia, curious about her thoughts.

Mia paused for a moment, a thoughtful look on her face. "I think it will be amazing," she finally replied. "I've never been to that part of the world, and I'm excited to explore and learn about a new culture."

I nodded in agreement. "I feel the same way," I said. "I've always been interested in history and culture, and this trip will give us the opportunity to delve deeper into it. I think it will be a great experience for our little family."

"And the best part," Mia added with a grin, "is that we'll get to try all sorts of new cuisine!"

We both chuckled, knowing that food was always a huge part of our travels. We spent the next few hours talking about our plans for the trip, bouncing ideas off each other and marveling at the endless possibilities.

"Now that we're alone and away from everyone else," she said, "can we finally talk about the real reason we're going to eastern Europe?"

"I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about," I said, a bit wary of where this conversation might lead.

"Oh, come on," Mia said, giggling. "We both know why we're really going and it's not for the scenery."

I chuckled. "You're always so blunt," I said. "But seriously, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We're going to have a wonderful trip, exploring this beautiful part of the world and experiencing new things."

Mia rolled her eyes. "Oh, I know, I know. I just can't help but be excited about the men there. They're known for being tall, dark, and handsome, you know?"

I shook my head, amused by her enthusiasm. "You're always so adventurous, Mia," I said. "But let's please just focus on the trip and everything else that's ahead of us."

"Fine, fine," Mia said, feigning a poofy expression.

As we continued sorting through our purchases, Mia would bring up the topic of eastern European men again, each time eliciting a chuckle from me.

We finished sorting through our purchases and putting away everything, I decided to try on one of the gowns I had purchased. Mia, always eager to help, immediately agreed to assist me.

"Okay," I said, turning to her with a smile. "I'm going to change into the gown. Can you please help me adjust it?"

Mia nodded, excitement shimmering in her eyes. "Of course," she said. "I'll do anything I can to make you feel even more beautiful."

"Thank you," I said, kissing her on the cheek. "I love you."

I proceeded to undress and slip into the new gown, feeling the soft fabric caress my skin. As I adjusted the straps and arranged the skirt, Mia stood nearby, her eyes fixed on me, a warm and loving expression on her face.

"You look stunning," she said, taking my hand as she gently spun me around.

Despite my initial hesitance and embarrassment, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence and beauty. Mia's love and support made all the difference, and I knew that I could face anything, no matter how daunting the task, with her by my side.

As the day began to wind down, I decided that it was time to start packing up all of the items we had purchased. With the excitement of the shopping spree still fresh in our minds, Mia joined me, eager to help in any way she could.

"All right," I said, gathering up the last of the items and placing them in our suitcases. "I think we've got everything we need."

"Wait," Mia said, spotting a beautiful necklace that we had bought. "I don't think I've ever seen anything more amazing than this. Can I try it on?"

I chuckled. "Of course," I said, nodding at the necklace. "Go for it."

Mia quickly undid the clasp and slipped the necklace over her head, her eyes sparkling as she gazed down at it. "Oh, I love it," she said, turning to me with a smile. "It's perfect."

"It looks absolutely incredible on you," I said, kissing her on the cheek. "And it will be the perfect accessory for our trip."

As we continued to pack up our other purchases, we couldn't help but gush about all of the beautiful items we had bought.

We made our way up to the bridge, William turned to us with a smile. "So," he said, his voice slightly mischievous, "what do you think of our little store?"

"It's amazing," I replied, feeling a rush of gratitude wash over me. "Thanks to you William, you are such a a darling. I know we're going to have an incredible time in eastern Europe."

William smiled, his eyes sparkling with pride. "I knew you would love it," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "And with Mia and Ava by your side all the way, I know it's going to be an amazing experience."

"We should go into the city tomorrow, just the two of us. I know this amazing little café that serves the most incredible cakes and coffee. Plus, I heard there's a great little bookstore close by. What do you say?"

"I think that sounds amazing," I said, smiling. "I can't wait to have some alone time with you again."

William's expression deepened into a smile, and he squeezed my hand. "Perfect," he said. "I'll make sure to plan out the whole day, just for us and I promise that there won't be anyone else disturbing us. Just you and me, exploring the city together."

As I walked away from William and blew him a kiss, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. This trip was going to be so much fun, and with Mia by my side, I knew that we would make the most of every moment.

"I'm glad we finally got everything sorted out," she said, her voice full of warmth. "It feels like we've been packing for ages." Mia said as we returned to our stations on the ship.

"And we have," I replied, laughing. "But it was all worth it. We've got everything we need for the adventure that lies ahead."

"And we're definitely ready for it," Mia said, gripping my arm excitedly. "I can't wait to see everything that eastern Europe has to offer and with our little family by our side, we know it's going to be amazing."

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