Read with BonusRead with Bonus


William's POV

As the morning sun began to rise, I yawned and stretched, feeling the coldness of the air on my face. I looked around the clearing, taking in the sights and sounds of the forest. The birds were singing, and the animals were stirring from their sleep. And as I closed my eyes briefly to bask in the warmth of the sun, I heard the sound of someone approaching me.

I opened my eyes to see the captain standing before me, his face grave. "Good morning," he said, his voice serious. "I need to talk to you about something important."

I felt a shiver of unease run down my back. The captain was always serious, but this time there was something different in his demeanor. "What is it, Captain?"

The captain took a deep breath, as if collecting himself before continuing. "The survivors we brought aboard yesterday," he began. "They're not who we thought they were."

I felt a sense of confusion and betrayal wash over me. "What do you mean?"

The captain took another deep breath, and I could see the strain in his eyes. "They're members of a rival cartel," he said, his voice low. "And they've been indirectly causing us trouble through missed pirate attacks on our ship."

I felt the world spinning around me. "What are you saying?" I asked, my voice rising in confusion and anger.

The captain held up a hand to calm me down. "I'm saying that these men are dangerous," he said with a firm voice. "And we need to be careful with them."

I felt a sense of betrayal and anger boil within me, and I let out a shout of frustration. "Why didn't you tell us?" I demanded, my voice breaking.

"Because I didn't want to cause panic," he said, his voice low. "And because I thought we could handle it ourselves."

I shook my head in disbelief. "We've been lied to," I said, my voice filled with anger. "How can we trust anything anymore?"

The captain sighed, his shoulders slumping in resignation. "I don't know," he said, his voice heavy with regret. "

I shook with frustration as the captain told me the shocking news about the survivors. My heart was racing, and my mind was flooded with questions, but my words got stuck in my throat. I let out a loud yell of anger that echoed throughout the clearing.

Suddenly, I heard Ava's voice, calling out to me from the tent. "What's happening?" she whispered, her voice still sleep-filled. "Are you ok?"

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. "It's nothing, Ava," I replied, my voice shaking. "Go back to sleep."

But Ava was already out of the tent, her eyes still half-closed from sleep as she shuffled towards me. She looked up at me with concern, her voice soft. "What's going on?"

I sighed, feeling a sense of relief seeing her there beside me. "It's nothing, Ava," I said, my voice softer this time. "The survivors we brought aboard last night, they were not who we thought they were."

Ava's eyes widened, the sleepiness suddenly disappearing from them. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice full of concern. "Are they dangerous?"

"They're dangerous, they're members of a rival cartel."

Ava's face fell, her eyes filling with worry. "How can we trust anyone now?"

"I don't know," I replied, feeling the weight of responsibility fall on my shoulders. "But we'll figure it out, Ava. We'll figure it out together."

I turned to the captain. "We need to signal everyone, we're leaving as soon as possible."

The captain nodded, understanding the seriousness of the situation. He raised his hand to his mouth and let out a low whistle, the sound echoing through the clearing. Immediately, the other crew members emerged from their tents, rubbing the sleep from their eyes as they tried to figure out what was going on.

Mia came up to Ava, her eyes scanning the clearing for any signs of danger. "What's happening?" she asked.

"The survivors we brought aboard last night," Ava said, her voice barely above a whisper. "They're not who we thought they were. They're members of a rival cartel."

Mia's eyes widened, shock and disbelief crossing her face. "How can that be?"

"I don't know," I said, feeling a sense of responsibility falling on my shoulders. "But we need to leave as soon as possible. They are very dangerous."

The captain signaled to me, urging me to follow him. We walked back to the captain's tent, leaving the other crew members behind to pack up and say their goodbyes to our hosts. The captain spoke to me in a low voice, his eyes filled with urgency.

"We're lucky they didn't attack us," he said, his voice low. "We can't take any chances. We need to get back to the ship as soon as possible."

I nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility crushing down on me. "I'll signal the crew," I said. "We need to leave."

My Clan looked up at me as I approached, my low growls filling the air. "Our prey has been delivered," I said, my voice low and menacing. "They are weak, and they will provide us with enough food for a feast of human blood this morning."

I could see the excitement building in the eyes of my Clan members, their growls building with mine. "We must act quickly," I continued, my voice growing louder. "We cannot risk losing this bounty to anyone else. The moment we get back to the ship, we will feast."

The Clan's growls grew louder, our voices swelling with excitement. "Yes, yes, we will feast like kings," one of them said in a deep voice.

"We will kill anyone who tries to take what is ours," I said, my voice growing even louder. "No one will stand in our way. We will feast on our prey, and we will enjoy every drop of their blood."

The Clan's growls reached a crescendo, and I knew they were ready. "Good," I said, my voice low and booming.

I turned and walked towards our boats as we made our way back to the ship, my Clan behind me, their growls filling the air. I could feel the excitement building, the anticipation of the feast to come, and I knew that this was just the beginning. We were a proud clan, and we would continue to hunt and feast until the end of time.

I could feel the hunger rising within me as the Clan approached the ship. I had personally confirmed that the humans were members of a rival cartel, and I was eager to feed on their flesh. The Clan was ready, our growls rising with my own.

"We are back!" I shouted, my voice low and menacing.

The deputy left to secure the ship emerged from the ship, his eyes filled with urgency. "What news?" he asked, his voice low.

"The survivors are not what we thought they were," I said, my voice low and menacing. "They are members of a rival cartel."

The deputy's eyes widened, his voice filled with concern. "You're sure?" he asked.

"Personal confirmation," I replied, my voice growing louder. "We will feed on their blood before disposing of their corpses."

My deputy nodded, his face grim. "Good work, Clan," he said, his voice low. "We'll eat them for breakfast."

The smell of human blood filled our nostrils, and we were eager to feast. The captain had prepared a feast, a feast of luck.

Our hunger hit us like a wave, and we began to devour the human blood with a vengeance. The smell of their blood was intoxicating, and the taste was like nothing we had ever experienced before. The captain had done well, and we were thankful for his foresight.

For hours, we feasted, our growls echoing through the ship. The humans were a worthy prey, and we were all satisfied. As the day progressed, we had had our fill, and it was time for the cleanup.

One of the members of the Clan emerged from the ship. "All clear," he said, filled with satisfaction.

"What now?" The Captain asked.

"We will rest, and we will prepare to take a detour to stash our new loot."

"Thomas, you will lead the crew in taking any valuable item from the enemy ship, starting with the engine spare parts."

"Yes, alpha," Thomas replied.

"And you, captain, you will make sure the ship is properly prepared to sink," I continued. "We can't have any evidence of our presence here."

"Understood." The Captain replied me as he set out to carry our my orders.

I turned to the rest of the Clan, my low growls filling the air. "The ship must sink. We must leave no trace of our passage here."

The Clan nodded, their growls rising with mine. "It will be done, alpa," they said in unison.

I turned back to Thomas and the captain. "You have your orders. Make it quick. We need to leave before anybody realizes we were here."

The Clan stood by as the two men led the rest of the crew onto the enemy ship, bringing back valuables and removing items that could lead back to us. As soon as the ship was stripped of anything useful, Thomas and the crew blew a bigger hole in it, letting it slowly sink into the depths of the ocean.

We stood in silence, watching the ship as it disappeared beneath the waves. The mission was complete, and we had what we came for. But there was still work to be done before we could truly rest.

"All hands on deck," I shouted. "We set sail for stash island!"

The Clan roared with excitement at the thought of our easy victory and the immense loot we had stumbled upon that was fairly shared between Clan menbers. The more successful we became at eliminating human rival gangs and Cartels, the richer each member of the Shadow Clan became.

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