Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I load the bullets into my gun and tuck it into my purse alongside my lipstick-knife. A girl has to be prepared for everything, right?

I slip into my black gown and don my Valentino heels before leaving my hotel. This is going to be a lucrative deal...

The club's music isn't overly loud; in fact, it's classic. This establishment is the most expensive club in town, and I'm certain the individuals I'm dealing with hold significant power.

The rich aroma of expensive alcohol and cigars fills the air—something I revel in. But above all, I relish what is about to unfold.

Approaching the reserved section of the club, specifically designated for our meeting, I enter.

"The beautiful lady is just in time to join us!" declares the man seated at the head of the table.

He sports an expensive suit, a scar on his face, and long, tied-back hair.

I approach the table and take a seat.

The four men in the room eye me as though I'm vulnerable, someone easily manipulated. However, they know better; after all, they are the ones seeking to strike a deal with me.


"So you eliminate them, retrieve the package, and deliver it to us. Half of the payment now, the other half upon completion of the job," he says, looking at me and handing over the bag containing the money.

"Alright, we have an agreement," I respond, but as I reach for the bag, one of the men starts touching my skin, his repugnant face leering at me.

"Tom, why not have some fun with her?" he suggests to the man I made the deal with, smirking at me.

"Get your hands off me!" I assert, pushing him away. However, he retaliates, shoving me against the table. The other men begin to smile.

"Oh, come on, sweetheart, it'll be enjoyable," he insists, attempting to move his hands toward me again. This time, I swiftly pull out my lipstick knife and use it on his hand, pinning it to the table.

He starts screaming in pain and cursing, his cries seemingly arousing the others.

Instantly, they draw their guns, and so do I.

"You're a lovely girl, and we wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face of yours. Put the gun down, and we can discuss this," the man says, but, of course, it's a lie. They intend to kill me. Or so they believe.

"The deal is off," I declare, shooting one of them. I kick the hand of another, causing him to drop his gun, and then I shoot the one beside him in the stomach. Afterward, I shoot the first one again and the man I injured with my knife initially.

I remove my knife from his hand and use it to incapacitate the man who made the deal, hitting him in the leg.

He stumbles and falls to the ground, and I approach him. As he attempts to stand up, he tries to strike me, but his effort fails.

I maneuver behind him and retrieve my knife.

"You'll regret this!" he exclaims, bitterness evident in his voice.

"I never regret anything," I retort, snapping his neck.

They should have been more cautious, I think to myself as I exit the club.

Entering my hotel room, I undress, leaving myself in lingerie, and wash the blood off my knife. With half of the money from the deal already in my possession, it should be more than sufficient.

I smile to myself. I am unstoppable...

Third person POV

"Tom is dead?" the gangster boss asks, furious.

"Yes, sir. It appears that he and the four others were killed at the club," the man reports, almost as if he fears his boss's wrath.

"He always was an unfaithful bastard, and I knew it. So, he got what he deserved, and luckily I didn't have to do it myself. Find me who did this. I suppose he is a very powerful and dangerous man. I need to ask him why he did it and take a good look at him. No one can operate in my territory like this. And don't even think of returning here without finding him," the boss declares, and his man departs from the Devil's 'cave.'

Raven's Perspective

This city appealed to me. New York had always been one of my preferred cities.

I got ready to go out and make some purchases.

Walking through the streets of New York, I sensed a car tailing me. Oh, not another action sequence! I'm getting rather tired of this.

Taking a turn, I hid behind a store, anticipating their exit from the car to follow me.

Five men, all clad in suits and sporting trilby hats, emerged from the car.

"Don't you know it's rude to follow people? A girl can always accompany you if you ask nicely," I sarcastically remarked to them.

"You're coming with us," one of them stated in a serious tone.

"Well, that didn't sound very gentleman-like to me, now did it?" I asked, smiling.

"Our boss wants to talk to you," the same man said.

"That's right! You said it... your boss. Which means he's no boss to me, which also means I couldn't care less about what he wants," I replied, now adopting a more serious tone.

"You will if you don't want to die," another man said, smirking.

"No, no, you should have known better. If there's someone who might die, it can be you. And judging by your stature, I'm pretty sure you're aware of the event I caused yesterday, right?" I said, confident that I had won the argument.

"The boss has a deal for you," the first man said, and my expression changed.

"Oh, well, now we're talking my language. So, where is your boss?" We entered an estate, and the place was enormous. Let's see how powerful this boss is.

I entered the house, and the other men led me through the extensive corridors to a room.

As we entered, my eyes managed to catch a glimpse of a man standing with his back to us.

He turned his head to look at me, and when he did, his expression changed. He seemed surprised, almost mad, but he quickly turned away.

He had brown hair and gray shiny eyes. His hair was perfectly styled, and his jawline was so sharp it could actually cut someone. His lips were plump and pink; he looked like nothing I had ever seen. Then he quickly turned his eyes away, pretending like he didn't notice me very much.

"A woman? The person who did all that was a woman?" he asked, making fun, but I didn't like his tone.

"You men are disgusting creatures; I am embarrassed to even be the same species as you," I said, disgusted. However, my expression changed when I felt a sharp pain in my cheek.

"Watch your tone, woman! I'm not Tom!" the man said, looking at my face.

"You son of a [expletive]!" I exclaimed and tried to hit him, but he managed to stop me. He grabbed my arm, brought it behind my back, and pulled me closer to him. Now, I had a clear view of his gray eyes. They were so beautiful, like an expensive piece of jewelry. And why am I thinking about this?

"Let me go!" I yelled, but that made him pull me even closer, if that was possible.

"A fiery woman, just what I need," he said, smiling brightly, showing his perfectly white teeth.

Then he let me go from his grip, and I put my hand on my wrist, trying to caress the hurting skin.

"You others, get out!" he said to his men, and they exited the room.

Then he turned his attention to me again: "What do they call you, love?"

I remain silent, refusing to respond to his question.

After a brief pause, he expresses disapproval by shaking his head. "I asked you about your name, love. I am Alessio Madrigal. Now, you tell me your name. I am dying to know it, trust me," he says in a calm manner.

"I am Raven, darling, and I'm going to destroy you if you keep ordering me like this," I respond, furrowing my eyebrows. However, my statement seems to amuse him, as he starts laughing.

"That's cute, but the person destined to destroy me hasn't been born yet, Raven," he says, letting my name roll off his tongue.

"You don't know that. And it isn't good talking about things you have no idea about," I retort.

He smiles and then takes a seat, saying, "Why did you do what you did last night? Don't you know no one does things like that here without me knowing it?"

Now it's my turn to smile, or more accurately, laugh. "I don't recognize anyone's authority over me. You see, I do this thing called 'whatever I want,' and I killed your men because he and his dwarfs tried to do something off-deal."

He looks at me and smirks, "And how do you know they were my men?"

I rise from my chair and approach his study, saying, "I am a very observant person, Mr. Madrigal. I've seen your little empire by now, and I also saw them. The man didn't look like an alpha; he looked more like an omega to me. He was a traitor, wasn't he? If so, you must be glad I eliminated him," delivered in my usual confident manner.

"So, you think I am an alpha?" he asks, but I choose to ignore the question. He seems to notice, so he changes the subject. "I am glad, indeed, that you killed him, but you still decided to do business in my territory, and that, my love, I can't accept. And what did he propose to you anyway?"

"I can't tell you that. It is in the contract, and the contract is always a secret. Besides, you would kill me," I reply simply, and he smiles again.

"I would kill you anyway. And would you do it if you knew who I was?" he asks, eager to hear my answer.

"Of course, I would. I already told you that."

"Okay, Miss Raven, let me propose you a deal. You will stay in this town for one year, kill and do whatever I want, and at the end of the year, you will leave and take some money with you too," he says, and I burst into laughter.

"Okay, so this sounds funny to you," he comments as I continue laughing.

"You want ME to wipe your winning ass for a whole year? A whole year hahahahaha," I say, struggling to contain my laughter.

"Stop laughing!" he commands, his voice growing stronger as he stands up from his chair. "No one acts this way around me, love. Now let me break this down for you. You have made a lot of enemies, and I could easily kill you here. As long as you serve me, you are safe. If you don't, then you are just a beautiful corpse. You can't escape me, Raven," he says, leaning close to my ear. "So what do you think?"

"We are to make it on paper," I finally say, for the first time accepting my defeat.

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