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Marina and Victoria got ready, completely ignoring the chilling cold outside the dormitory, focusing only on being prepared for the upcoming party.

Marina could say that was her goal, but Victoria couldn't lie to herself by saying she wasn't getting ready, especially for Damiano. She wore extremely tight black jeans with rips all over her legs, a low-cut black top, and heeled boots to complete the look. To avoid freezing, she borrowed a leather jacket from Marina.

Luckily, most of her clothes were left on campus, so she could get ready without any further problems.

It couldn't be said that she was excited to be forced to attend another university party; after all, it was never her favorite activity. But this time, she hoped to gain some advantage from the collective torture she was being forced to participate in. Even so, she worried about Damiano's behavior at a university party.

He could deceive with his extremely charming smiles and his alarmingly friendly manner with others, but Victoria knew better than anyone how unpredictable and unstable he was.

After finishing, they found Damiano standing in front of one of the trees with a lit cigarette between his long fingers. He stared at her intently, almost completely forgetting the presence of her friend, who felt left out when she noticed how they looked at each other so intensely.

His piercing gaze penetrated her deeply, and she felt her neck tingle completely. But she knew it wasn't because of the cold. She was almost getting used to the feeling of seeing him fixated on her like that. And internally, even if she wouldn't admit it, she liked the feeling.

She liked the feeling that beneath all the contempt he seemed to show, there was an intense and voracious attraction, which seemed to have the power to devour her at any moment.

Playing with the way he seemed to be affected by seeing her like that, she approached him, leaning against his body as if they were really a couple. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she stood on tiptoe to reach his lips. And then, in a bold move, she delicately sealed her lips on his.

He didn't push her away as much as he wished. On the contrary, he took the opportunity to bring her even closer, leaving their bodies completely glued together.

And by doing so, it was almost as if they brought summer back to the cold spring season that settled in Cambridge. Victoria had her intentions defined when making such a decision, but she certainly didn't expect him to reciprocate in such a way.

Marina remained by their side with her eyes focused on anything else, completely embarrassed by the great proximity between the two. She laughed nervously as she peeked, anxiously waiting for them to detach as soon as possible. She didn't want to be a third wheel, but she felt that tonight, that would be her cruel fate.

“Shall we?” She asked completely randomly after what she had just done, not caring what Damiano thought of her bold tactic.

“Ladies first,” he said jokingly, bending slightly so that both of them could go ahead of him.

The mansion where Liz's famous parties took place wasn't far from the dormitory, and Victoria was thankful for that as she had to deflect all the annoyingly curious questions Marina insisted on asking, about how long they had been together, if it was serious, or if he was good in bed. However, the redhead didn't understand that what caused a certain anger as she pondered before answering such questions was because she didn't know the answer to each one of them.

As soon as they arrived in front of the house, Victoria felt the bad sensation from the last time she was there. She still remembers to this day the deep eyes of the man who stared at her unpleasantly, with a goatee and light red hair, even lighter than hers, which leaned towards a warm reddish tone. He didn't look like a college student, and thinking about what an outsider's intentions might be in a place with several young girls is sinister.

Ignoring what she felt, she tried to put on the best fake smile on her face. She knew she would encounter people from her class and would need to explain her absence to each one of them, which made her want to sneak out and flee.

Flee from Damiano and far away from all the madness her life has become in the past few weeks.

However, she was surprised to notice that everyone was too drunk to even care about her humble presence. Victoria then thought she had given herself more importance than she should have since fortunately the alcohol—and probably the illicit drugs—had taken her out of the focus of potential targets that would make her night less enjoyable.

However, the students didn't spare glances for Damiano. Who was dressed better than any man in the place. Also, due to his obviously older appearance than the others. Luckily, he wasn't seen in a bad light; she could deduce that from the amount of lewd looks he received as he passed through the crowded corridors.

There were several drunken and needy young women, eager to unleash their alcohol-induced lust on the first guy who seemed less stupid. And for them, a man like him would be a perfect catch.

This time, unlike what happened before in the library, she wasn't bothered. On the contrary, she found it amusing that girls her age were completely obsessed with a bad boy. But who could blame them? She certainly couldn't.

Her blue eyes occasionally met his amidst the excessively warm crowd. And for the first time in a while, it seemed that the hatred in his brownish gaze had dissipated.

For a moment, as she stared at him this way, she thought about walking towards him, intertwining her fingers through his brown hair, and pulling him until he was at the level of her lips. Were these repulsive thoughts, perhaps? The situation was inappropriate. But still, it was good to imagine.

The heat that arose between her legs as she imagined Damiano's large hands around her waist was delicious. And such sensations only helped to make this kind of indecent thought more frequent in her mind, which seemed increasingly malicious.

Victoria doesn't remember feeling such a thing before meeting him, and that makes it even more intriguing. However, whenever the situation is formed in her mind, the terrifying memories of the days she spent in captivity before arriving at the mansion arise.

She also remembers the days of anguish she spent there and the way Damiano constantly liked to torture her with words, almost driving her to the brink of madness. How aggressive he is when holding her to the point of leaving her bruised and pressing her against the wall.

She felt dirty, but now it seemed that all of this was small compared to what she felt growing inside her. Now, when he pressed her against a surface when she challenged him, she didn't feel anger.

She felt a need. There was an incessant need for him to touch her more intensely and deeply, for him to finally invade her, finishing tearing apart what was already shattered.

Victoria finally understood that she was broken.

As broken as he was. And that wasn't necessarily bad; in a certain way, it meant that he couldn't hurt her, not as he imagined.

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