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The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for changes in the human body when situations of stress or danger occur. With this, we have what is studied in psychology as fight or flight reactions, necessary for the body to go into alert, and thus, the brain releases adrenaline.

In situations of fear, the pupils dilate, the skin becomes pale, and the body starts to sweat excessively. Muscles become rigid and heartbeats increase considerably.

The instant Victoria felt paralyzed by fear as she saw the man heading towards her pickup pace, she automatically remembered the class where she learned all this information. And in a snap, she decided to act quickly and started running in the opposite direction of the dormitory.

Even without looking, she knew he was running after her, and desperation made her think of ways she could escape the desperate situation. She had no cell phone or any device where she could call for help. If she screamed, it might motivate him to run even faster and reduce her advantage, after all, surely the entire building would be at Liz's party, and with that, they couldn't help her.

She glanced back quickly and saw him approaching her easily. So she made an effort and started running twice as fast. Guiding him, without him knowing, to the front of the mansion where the party was taking place.

Fortunately, it was close, and soon he slowed down his previously hurried steps, as he heard the booming music increase.

“You can run as much as you want, you know I'll find you again,” he shouted.

Victoria paid no attention, and as soon as she saw the large door with glass windows, she entered. Flustered, she leaned against the wall next to it, trying to recover. Looking through the transparent glass, the man had disappeared, as if in the blink of an eye.

The last thing she wanted at the moment was to encounter Damiano. However, upon seeing him standing next to the drinks barrel, she thought that unfortunately, he was the only option she had to keep herself safe. Before going towards him, she saw Marina standing next to the stairs.

“Thank God!” she exclaimed. “I couldn't find you anywhere. Are you okay?” she asked, concerned.

As soon as she heard Marina's words, Victoria rested her face on her shoulder, allowing all the terrifying emotions that had invaded her to be poured out through tears. The girl stroked her red hair, trying to console her friend, who cried copiously.

“I promise that when I see Clara, I'll slap her hard for leaving you like this,” she said, thinking that this was the only reason for Victoria's distress.

Trying not to worry her friend even more, the redhead tried to convince her that everything would be okay, even though her unrestrained crying showed otherwise. And then, she walked towards the older boy, who, upon seeing her approach, looked down, ashamed.

“We need to leave,” she said, avoiding the subject that disturbed her.

“What happened?” He tried to touch her face when he saw her crying.

She slapped his hand, spilling the drink onto the floor.

“What the hell is your problem?” She shouted, slapping his chest. “We need to leave, now!”

“Victoria, explain to me what happened out there. You took too long to come back,” he pleaded, holding her fists that repeatedly punched him.

She took a deep breath, trying to recover emotionally. He led her to the back of the mansion, and they both sat on the bench where she had first seen the pursuer.

“The last time I was at a party in this house, I saw a man. He didn't say a single word to me, but he looked at me in a completely terrifying way. Not for one or two minutes, he spent a good time horrifyingly staring at me, as if he wanted to kill me with just one look.”

“You saw him again today, was that it?” He asked.

“After your little show, I left and went to the dorm. He was there in front and seemed to be waiting for me. I don't know how he knew I had come back, but from the way he spoke, it seemed like he wanted me, in a specific way, strange as it may seem,” she finished telling, trying to control her tears.

Her head hung to the side, staring at the starry sky. However, she was puzzled by Damiano's silence upon hearing the whole story, and the confusion in her head increased.

“Your silence scares me,” she turned, analyzing his expression that seemed to reveal something. “Do you know anything about this?” she asked.

And again, he remained silent.

“Answer me! I can't take this anymore, Damiano. I need to know what's going on,” she covered her face with her small hands.

“We need to leave. We have to go back,” he said, grabbing her hand and dragging her to the door.

“You need to tell me!” She shouted.

“When we get to the hotel,” he said. “Let's go, please.”

Victoria slapped his hand again when he tried to touch her, and once again, the hatred returned.

She thought that hating him again would be better, but it wasn't. It was uncomfortable and painful because this time, there was also hurt to complement the range of negative feelings that formed when she saw him in front of her.

Back in the hall where the party was taking place, she said goodbye to Marina, who couldn't hold back her tears at the thought that they wouldn't see each other again for a while.

Worried, Victoria asked her to promise not to go back to the dorm alone and urged her to be careful in the coming days. She made up the excuse that a strange guy was lurking around the buildings, and that was enough to leave her friend desperate but alert for her good.

She also bid farewell to Alexa, without noticing the strange way Damiano acted when he saw her so close. Just another one of his father's prey, live and in color.

Damiano was armed, and Victoria wasn't surprised by the fact. It would have been the first time she felt relieved to see him take the .38 caliber out of his coat.

The car was far away, and they would need to walk through the poorly lit path leading to the beginning of the campus.

The redhead's legs trembled, and her body seemed to want to faint from fear at any moment. Knowing that the odds of this man being involved with Damiano's family was terrifying, and made everything worse, after all, he had been watching her before returning to Luca.

Even though she was afraid, she kept her distance from him. This infuriated him, as he was concerned about her safety.

“Hug me, pretend we're together,” he asked, pulling the redhead close.

She pretended not to hear him, keeping her distance. Irritated, he pulled her close to him, holding her body firmly.

“Let go of me, you son of a bitch!” She cursed, watching a mischievous smile spread across his face. “What are you laughing at, idiot?”

“You can't seem aggressive even when cursing,” he mocked.

“Go to hell,” she exclaimed, irritated.

They went together to the car, and as soon as Victoria sat in the passenger seat, she managed to completely relax her body. Her head leaned against the seat, and she closed her eyes, trying not to cry once again.

But she couldn't help it, although this time, they were tears of relief.

Her life felt like a roller coaster. But not the fun kind, it was a frighteningly high one, with an old wooden structure and nothing secure, with loose belts where her body shook from side to side, feeling like it would fly off at any moment.

Still, it's the kind that when you reach the end of the ride, you're safe, and your only wish is to never go on something like that again. But the feeling of arrival seemed increasingly difficult for Victoria, making the adrenaline of those moments increasingly terrifying.

Damiano diverted his gaze from the road, observing her tearful and flushed face, and all the guilt began to consume him. Seeing her like that was extremely painful.

However, he didn't know how to deal with his tortuous way of showing affection, where the only solution was to keep his distance.

Seeing that his efforts to make her hate him again had worked was less satisfying than he imagined it would be. After all, he saw the result stamped on her face, with a sad expression that would break anyone's heart who saw it. Unfair as it was, it was the only way he thought he could keep her safe.

And seeing that there were external interferences that tried to interrupt his plans made him extremely irritated. Even without confirmation, he knew who his family's biggest adversaries were.

A man like him needs to be aware of his enemies, only then can he defend himself. So, he would find a way. Regardless of who that man was or what his repulsive purpose might be, he would be dead soon.

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