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Unlike the previous days, the day dawned clear, with the sun shining at its center, surrounded by white, fluffy clouds that framed it like a beautiful picture against the blue sky.

Damiano and Victoria went to a discreet hotel that looked more like a luxurious summer house. From the outside, the walls were gray with bricks forming its structure, along with large pillars in front of the wooden door and a triangular roof.

After a long night of insomnia, Victoria sat on the bed with her legs crossed, gazing at the beautiful sunlight streaming in through the window, intensifying the coppery hue of her hair even more. The part of the room where she was seated was small but sufficient, as they believed they would only stay for another day or two. At least that's what Victoria hoped; she didn't know what they would decide or what her fate would be.

Every day, she lived as if it were her last. Not out of desire or wish for her life to end, but simply because she had completely lost all the power of choice she once had.

Before, her wish was to stay in England for as long as possible. But now, with this man pursuing them, she was afraid of what might happen when they returned. She felt stagnant and frightened.

To make matters worse, she had no one to talk to or confide in about her situation.

Just like in the early days at the Mazzini mansion, she had returned to square one, where she spent most of her time isolated and forced to converse only with herself. She didn't know if her mind had enough strength to maintain a routine like that for a long time again.

Her mind was weakened, and she didn't know if she would have the strength to keep it up for long. What guided her was the faith and hope that she would find her family again, and together they could move forward, leaving this nightmare behind.

Bored, she got up slowly, leaning on the bed's posts. She put on a pink silk robe that had been placed in her suitcase and quietly opened the door, stepping into Damiano's room.

He was sleeping completely naked, with only a sheet covering his intimate parts. Victoria spent a long time analyzing such a scene, observing every detail of the exposed body in front of her. She didn't feel bad because she didn't look at him with malicious eyes.

She gazed at his relaxed face on the pillow, with his hair falling, partially covering his face. Noticing his tranquility, she envied him. He was so used to it that even the exhausting and stressful routine didn't prevent him from laying his head on the pillow and resting peacefully.

It was enviable, the completely healthy and robust body, with no sign of extreme stress on his face. The only unusual thing Victoria noticed was the scars on his back. They didn't seem to be from any kind of aggression, and from the little experience she had in medical school, she could recognize a scalpel incision when she saw one.

She was curious, but at no point did she expect him to go into detail about what kind of surgery he had had in such an unusual place.

Suddenly, the brunette started to move repeatedly, tossing the bed where he lay. He seemed to be dreaming, and Victoria sadistically enjoyed noticing that the dream didn't seem so pleasant.

It was funny to see him, with his masculine appearance, wrapped in salmon-colored silk sheets, which matched tacky with the color of the curtains. But soon his expression of happiness faded when he began to hiss a few words while sleeping.

She approached, tense, sitting by his side. And he was in such a deep trance that he couldn't feel her touching his face, trying to wake him up. Trying to calm him down, Victoria began calling his name repeatedly, frustrated, as her efforts didn't seem good enough.

In a last attempt, he grabbed her hand, still unconscious, and Victoria got a glimpse of what could torment him so terrifyingly as he demonstrated. He was screaming the name of a woman named Lucia, and his desperate expression could show that the story involving this name was much deeper than she could imagine.

Finally, Victoria held his face firmly with her hands, staring at him intently as she screamed his name. And finally, he heard her, slowly opening his eyes, still seeming disoriented.

The sensation he had was like coming out of hell straight into paradise. With her blue eyes, button nose, and heart-shaped lips, Victoria seemed like a true angel to him.

As much as he hated to admit it, she was worried about his condition. She had never seen him like this before; he seemed terrified, like someone who had seen a ghost. So, he didn't control his initial impulses and continued with his hands on his face, feeling the stumbled beard brushing against her delicate skin.

Damiano's skin was ridiculously hot, so Victoria noticed from the signs of his body that he was burning with fever, and as one of the symptoms, he was delirious. Which explained why he kept saying coherent phrases and continuously calling for Lucia. And he continued like this for a long time, saying they needed to find Lucia.

She returned to the room, put on the first clothes she found, and went down to the lobby, where she was handed a first aid kit with medicine and everything else she needed to take care of him for a while.

At the same time, she was afraid that whoever was after them knew their whereabouts, and with that, Damiano was unable to protect her.

Unfortunately, he was the only resource she had in her favor. He owed her protection, after all, she was in this situation because of him.

Without analyzing her real feelings, she focused on the goal that she would need to help him stay safe and thus find a way to her parents.

But even as she tried to deceive herself, Victoria couldn't deny that her feelings for Damiano had evolved in a way she couldn't predict.

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