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There are endless nights, hours that become infinite, and long conversations that awaken a comforting feeling that everything will be okay.

Moments that give a peak of momentary joy, and a hopeful feeling that life is worth living as intensely as possible. Memories are eternalized in our minds and are hardly erased by time. That special kind of memory that emerges in moments when we need a soulful touch.

Unimaginably, Victoria and Damiano experienced one of those nights together. Even after arguments, futile misunderstandings, and a tortuous beginning. From tragedy, something difficult to contain was born, almost impossible to control. Inevitable.

All the anger and anguish were still there in some way. It's not simple to rid oneself of such feelings that remain rooted for so long. But somehow, they were being balanced along with all the positive and new feelings coming from the bond that was forming between them day after day.

The tenderness and compassion nurtured over the hours they exchanged kindnesses and stories about their lives transcended any barrier that past hurt and dissatisfaction could cause.

At least for the moment, the connection they created managed to change their view of each other positively for both.

Every time she found herself thinking of the older man with some sort of affection, Victoria made an effort to remember the reasons that made her hate him at first. But now, it seemed, she had to make a great effort to return to the feeling of resentment she felt so intensely for Damiano.

It was irritating, in a way, to see that his wide smile, revealing perfectly aligned teeth, emptied her mind and left the way clear for all intrusive emotions to cause her extreme confusion.

For Damiano, it could be said that it was even more difficult, since Victoria never lifted a finger to harm him. From the very beginning, she had been a victim of his explosive and unpredictable personality, which put her in various embarrassing situations. It was simple and incredibly easy to be dumbfounded by her absurd beauty, which was further enhanced by the moonlight that illuminated her fair skin.

However, Victoria's beauty was the least of what made her worthy of so much admiration when compared to her enormous capacity for compassion and empathy, even in the face of treatment that did not elicit such kind feelings.

Her strong personality and resilience were even more admirable.

For all these reasons, what was supposed to have become a pleasant afternoon at sunset turned into a moonlit night, with both of them lying on the grass, watching the sky being illuminated by all the brightest stars. A sight that only such an isolated place could provide.

"What are you thinking?" Victoria asked, turning her face to her left, where Damiano was.

He remained staring at the sky, thinking about what he could answer without taking away from her the beautiful smile that remained as she watched the stars camouflage themselves among the clouds that appeared now and then.

"I'm thinking about how it will be when we return," he answered, being honest.

"Do you think it will be different?" She asked, curious.

He remained silent for a brief moment.

"It will be," he replied confidently.

"How can you be so sure?" She inquired, pressing.

He gave a mischievous smile. Victoria was very curious; he needed to be careful about exposing his thoughts.

"I feel like nothing will be the same after this. I can't explain it, but I have this feeling," he lied, hiding the real reasons for such questioning.

"You're good at that," Victoria smiled. "It's hard to get any information from you. It's also irritating, though."

"You're very curious," he retorted.

"If you were in my place, wouldn't you be curious too?" She asked, poking his arm.

"Fair enough. True," he agreed. "You don't have to worry about anything," he lied again.

"Why is it so hard to believe in you?" She asked, sighing.

"Because I don't tell the truth," he thought.

His family is complicated and frighteningly dangerous. Revealing details to Victoria is equivalent to involving her in all the complications that may — and will — arise in the future. It was risky, and for him, it was more worth the risk of her being upset upon learning that he concealed some facts from her knowledge than risking her life by allowing her to be trapped in a trap.

It's a sacrifice worth the risk. Better to be alive to hate him than to perish cruelly and in vain.

He looked to the side and saw her covering her arms with her hands.

"Shall we go inside? I think a storm is coming," he stood up, reaching out his hand to help her.

She placed her hand in his, using it as support to stand up. They remained looking at each other for a brief moment before feeling the sudden and aggressive rain falling on their skins. In a matter of seconds, they were soaked. It took only a minute to gather the objects they had taken to the garden before running through the empty lobby.

They left the borrowed belongings on a table in the lobby and clumsily ran up the stairs, almost racing childishly to see who would reach the room first.

Damiano ran ahead of Victoria, putting his arm in front of her to prevent her from entering first. She managed to push him, entering ahead of him and stumbling afterward, falling beside the bed.

Concerned, the older man followed in her direction, leaning over her lying body on the carpet to check if she was okay. Victoria covered her face with both hands, and he was pleasantly surprised to see that she was laughing desperately.

"I hate you, how embarrassing!" She laughed with her hands over her stomach.

Still leaning over her, Damiano dispelled his worried expression, laughing in relief to see that she was fine. They both remained like this for a few minutes until he sat down beside her, leaning against the bed.

"I thought you had broken a foot or something," he said, placing his hand over his chest, relieved.

"I'm fine, not thanks to you," she lightly slapped his chest, getting up slowly. "Were you worried about me, Mr. Mazzini?" She laughed.

"I was, it looked like a nasty fall. I didn't want you to get hurt."

"It seems like your icy heart is melting after all," she said, sitting beside him.

He rested his head on the padded surface, with a smile on his face.

"The situation is worse than you imagine," he said without thinking, letting his thoughts escape through his words.

"Explain to me, I'm good at understanding," she turned her face towards him, twisting the rain-soaked hair.

"I don't know if I should. Victoria."

"You haven't even tried."

"I don't want to make things harder than they already are. Do you understand?" He turned to face her.

Their eyes met, and although Damiano hadn't said a word about how he felt, Victoria managed to understand through the sweet look she found in his beautiful blue eyes.

"Are you afraid?" she asked.

"Yes," he replied, being honest.

"Of what? Or rather, of whom?" she asked. "Are you afraid your father will find out and do something?"

"I don't worry about what he would do to me," he gave a half-smile. "I don't attach so much importance to myself, Vic."

She stared at his hands on his wet shorts, noticing how he fidgeted with his fingers repeatedly when he was nervous.

"What could he do to me?" she asked, fearful.

"Don't ask me, I can't say it out loud. Just considering the possibility haunts me," he replied.

"Is that why you're afraid to go back?"

"I'm not afraid to go back, I'm afraid of how it will be when we go back. Because during all this time we've been together, I'm afraid of how I'll feel when I'm not with you all the time," he looked steadfastly into her eyes, noticing her slightly open mouth, struggling to say a word. "Being with you made me rethink everything in my life, Victoria. I just can't imagine a scenario where we're separated. Or that I simply don't care about the atrocities they may plan to do to you. It's scary to look at myself and see someone different from what I saw my whole life, but at the same time, I need to thank you for that."

Victoria could see a tear running down the corner of his left eye, and for the first time, she felt complete sincerity in his words. She felt safe to expose all the feelings she had been struggling to hide since she realized.

She couldn't say a single word. She just knelt in front of him, put her legs around him, and sat on his lap.

Their arms intertwined around each other's necks, and their hands clutched his wet hair. He remained still until he was fully aware of what was happening, until at one point his strong arms intertwined around Victoria's waist, pulling her closer to his rain-soaked chest.

Their bodies were together, finally, as one. After so long.

He moved his hand up her back, finding her large copper-colored locks. His fingers delicately slipped through her strands, pulling them gently. He brought Victoria's face towards him, and his lips, wet from the rain, finally touched hers.

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