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Palpitations of the heart, muscle tremors, weakness, excessive sweating, and disorientation. These were the symptoms Damiano felt from the side effects of the drug injected into his system by Valentim.

His dry throat made the simple process of drinking water difficult, and he felt constant nausea due to disorientation. His body was in chaos, literally. He had neither the physical strength nor the structure to stand, nor the energy needed to rescue Victoria from whatever evil she might be involved in.

Nevertheless, he was determined. It was his duty, after all, since he understood that he had a large share of the blame for being in his current state.

He was only following orders from his father, but still, it was a choice. He wasn't forced or threatened in any way.

The long minutes that passed seemed like hours to him. And while waiting for the call that never came, Damiano was in extreme anguish.

His stomach had begun to ache due to hunger, as he had gone many hours without eating. Luckily, a lady who had helped him prepare the picnic noticed how debilitated he was.

In an extremely kind act, she prepared a small plate with breakfast items, along with a flu pill, which she thought was Damiano's problem.

He was touched by her loving action and thanked her. She, however, made only one demand: that he return with the kind redhead girl who accompanied him.

He swallowed hard, affirming that they would return, although he wasn't sure if they would even be alive to come back afterward.

Damiano was fully aware that death in his world was a recurring and somewhat banal occurrence. He had become accustomed to the sad idea of losing friends in their twenties, completely prematurely.

It was his reality, and unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about it. The rule was clear: follow orders, and if you're lucky, you'll stay alive.

Even though he strictly followed all the orders his father gave him, he was fully aware that the Capital Mafia was a great power struggle.

The man who preceded his command, before Dominique, was his best friend. It was one of the rare cases of an appointment.

Usually, firstborn children take over, regardless of gender. If this rule were followed, Catarina would be the next to take over. Fortunately, or unfortunately, she abhorred this whole world and the problems it caused.

She had suffered too much because of the mafia, and her greatest wish was to leave that cursed mansion, as she said in her own words.

Damiano, on the other hand, didn't see his future outside this reality. It wasn't something he could say he identified with, but despite that, he didn't know exactly who he was without being in charge of the tasks his father assigned him.

He had done everything during his 25 years of life. From the lightest and simplest tasks, albeit routine, to major robberies and debt collections.

That's how he ended up meeting Victoria.

His father had mentioned a huge loophole in one of the fronts for money laundering, and he had to personally check the issue. When he arrived, he found two well-groomed gentlemen, who looked like an elderly couple from a soap opera, with the most docile appearance he could imagine.

Even so, they had stolen over a hundred thousand euros. They didn't manage to reinforce the idea of ​​having committed a robbery at a textile factory very well.

What kind of robber targets a small textile factory?

A little pressure from the younger man was enough to make part of their plan explicit. However, at no time did they mention Victoria's name. They said they took the money because they had health problems and needed surgery.

They acted so well that Damiano almost believed it. If he hadn't stolen the patriarch's cell phone, he would never have seen the beautiful photo of Victoria as the screensaver on his cell phone. She was wearing a white lab coat and posing in front of Cambridge University.

He made the connection at that moment, and precisely he, the man who would do anything to protect her today, gave away the information that they had diverted the money to the daughter.

He hoped that when Victoria found out, she could forgive him, even knowing that the chances were slim since he knew that what he did didn't deserve forgiveness.

His eyes, with dilated pupils, were fixed on the vase of daisies, which now seemed wilted, almost dead. He was so distracted that he barely noticed the shrill sound of the old telephone ringing.

A man called his name, and it took him a few seconds to answer.

"Are you there?" Cortez asked, his voice rushing.

"I am. What did you find?" he asked, hopeful.

"Unfortunately, not much useful. The description you gave me isn't very precise; there is no noticeable makeup or scars to facilitate identification."

"What do you recommend I do then?" Damiano asked, saddened.

"Come back immediately. Only here will you be safe."

"I can't leave her," he replied.

"You're risking too much for her, Damiano. You know what your father intends," the man asserted.

"I won't allow it," he said, with a firm tone. "I need to go; I'll find her, no matter what."

"Wait!" he shouted. "Before you follow them, go to the hotel address where they were. I'll ask some allies who owe me a favor to meet you there. They'll provide support."

"Thank you, Cortez. And please, don't tell Dominique anything," Damiano requested.

"You have my word, friend. Take care," he said before hanging up the phone.

Damiano quickly called a taxi service to take him to the hotel they were at before, but first, he extracted as much information as he could about the man who had attacked him and was with Victoria.

Luckily, the daytime receptionist was very friendly and answered everything he needed to know.

She gave him the car plate, model, the name he used for registration, and even the phone number he registered at check-in.

In the car, he reviewed all the information provided by the receptionist and tried to analyze what he could piece together as a plan to rescue Victoria. It didn't take long until he arrived at the hotel, where about three men were waiting for him.

He talked about Valentim's description, who had registered under the name Alfredo, and they also didn't recognize him as someone relevant.

The brunet then borrowed one of the men's cell phones and finally dialed the number he had left on the registry. He thought no one would answer, but to his surprise, he heard a voice on the first call.

"Who's speaking?" the man on the other end of the line asked.

"Damiano," he replied, irritated.

"You recovered quickly. You're hard to take down." The muffled laugh was noticeable.

"Where is she, you son of a bitch?" he asked.

"Calm down. She came willingly, you know?" he mocked. "I didn't need to kidnap her. So easy."

"What do you want?"

"I don't know... I keep thinking if I should kill her or let my guards rape her one by one."

Damiano punched the door in front of him, furious at his words.

"You bastard. I'll kill you when I find you!" He shouted. His veins bulged from his forehead, and his face was as red as if it were about to explode.

"No need to stress. For now, I need her alive. We just came for a little stroll; she'll be back to you soon," he said.

Damiano tried to call him back several times, without success. He was desperate, unable to deal with stress as great as that.

His weak and malnourished body, debilitated by the drug, still couldn't have the agility he wished to search every corner of the huge city. However, something made him imagine that finding her would be easier than he thought.

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