Chapter 4.


“I found her brother!” I said excitedly as I entered the office of his brother's restaurant

“Found who, Gabriel!” Daniel looked at me

“Our woman, I saw her and it was an instant connection, it was surreal I saw her and I knew it was her, our woman our love!” he said

"Are you serious?" Daniel didn't believe it because since he was a teenager they thought they were going to find the love of their life, and just by looking they would know, but they were already 37 years old and nothing happened, he was already giving up on it.

“I am, and it was exactly the way we thought, it was when I laid eyes on her and I knew it was her, I knew she was our wife!” Gabriel spoke

“And where is she?” I asked without really believing it

“She studies at Fanny’s university, damn she’s beautiful, a perfect little blonde,” I said when I remembered her

“If she studies at Fanny’s university, she’s still a girl, we’re much older than her then!” I said worried

“What’s wrong with her, she’s our love!”

“It turns out that she might reject us because we are older!” I said apprehensively

“It won’t happen, she will feel the same as us, I know that!” Gabriel was excited about the girl

“A blonde?” I asked curiously

“A fucking beautiful blonde!”

“How do we find ourselves there again, that university is huge and has a lot of people”

“I won’t even find her if I have to search every corner of that place!” Gabriel said, convinced


The training went better with the twins, they talked a lot and I liked them, they were both very fun and friendly, but when the training ended I was thankful for it.

“See you tomorrow, then, Antonella?” said Antonni, smiling at me, these two were very strong, they must work out a lot

“I’m not sure about that, I don’t think I’ll ever go back!” I said laughing, but sincerely

“Why, Antonella?” Adrian approached me and got close, it made me very uncomfortable. “Didn’t you like training with us?” he asked, and I could only look at his toned chest that was right at my eye level, they were high

“I liked it, but I don’t have the stamina to face it every day!”

“The first few days are the worst, if you continue, you’ll get used to it!” Antonni said

“I’ll never get used to it, I’m sure, I’m very lazy, plus I don’t want to get bored at the gym!” I spoke without thinking, and they laughed

“Do you think we’re gym bombers?” Adrian asked

"What? No...well you guys are hot...I mean, strong, I mean strong, must work out a lot!” I got all tangled up to speak, Adrian took a strand of my hair out of my bun, from my face, putting it behind my ear, I blushed and he smiled

“Let’s make a deal then, come back tomorrow, and we’ll train you ourselves, if we can make you enjoy training, you’ll go out with us for a week!” Adrian spoke

“What do you mean going out with you?” I asked confused and serious

“Not the way you thought, just going out to dinner, going for a walk, movies like that!” Antonni said

"With both??" I was surprised.

“Yes, both of us!” Antonni said, I looked at them confused, but I liked the idea

“What if I don’t like training?” I asked

“Then, you choose what you want from us, and we will give it to you!” said Adrian

"Anything?" I looked at them with an arched eyebrow

“Whatever you want, Antonella!” Antonni confirmed

“Am I included in this bet?” Julia said, we looked at her, for a moment I had forgotten about her, it was so good to talk to these twins

“Well, you seem to have no problems with training, this blonde here is already a personal challenge for us, we own the gym and if she goes around saying that she hates working out after training at our gym, I would be a bad trainer, and our gym would be seen as terrible, so don’t get us wrong, but this deal is just for this lazy blonde here!” Adrian said softly.

Julia looked at us ironically and gave me an ironic laugh, and I already understood, that look was giving her the middle finger.

“Okay, let’s go, let’s go to the club with the girls!” called Julia

“I’m dying, I’m not going!” I spoke

“Yes, go, we agreed a month ago, it’s Fê’s birthday and you’re going, damn it!” she said

“Sorry to be nosy, but which club are you going to?” Antonni asked.

“The new one, in the center, I think the name is Luxury Torres or Torres Luxury, I don’t remember for sure.”

“Ah yes, it’s my older brother Gabriel’s club!” Antonni spoke

“Do you have any more brothers?” Julia asked excitedly

“Yes, a set of twins too, older than us!” said Adrian

“They are as beautiful as you, if so, you can introduce me now!” Julia said I laughed

“Well, if you wait for us at the entrance of the club, I’ll introduce them to you and I can take you to the VIP!” said Adrian

"Serious??" Julia got excited “It’s closed then, maybe nine o’clock?” Julia asked.

“Agreed then, see you soon!” Adrian kissed my face almost on the mouth, Antonni did the same and they left.

“Bro, I wish I had that honey aura from you, holy shit, two hot guys on your feet!” Julia said, “That’s because you don’t even use your persecution to your advantage, if you did, you’d have rivers of males on your back!” I laughed out loud

“Shut up Julia!”

“I’m serious, friend!” She said, “Where are you going there is a male, wanting to eat you!”

“Whoever said they want to eat me, they're crazy, they're just being nice, and another thing is that both of them are interested in me at once, there's no way!

“Because I’ve seen cases of twins who are so close that they end up with the same woman.”

“That would be crazy, me huh!”

“It would be ICU for you, Antonella, those giants, they would tear you apart!” we laugh

“Let’s go, enough nonsense!”

When we arrived at the club, the twins were at the entrance waiting for us, they looked at me intensely, and I felt naked under their gaze. They looked straight at my breasts, I chose a dress that didn't allow me to wear a bra and it was a little windy and I knew that my nipples were well marked in the dress

And I was more certain when he looked straight at them, they looked with the greatest poker face without even caring if anyone was looking at them and their look of desire made me shudder and that made my nipples even harder.

I felt my intimacy getting very wet with that look in their eyes.

“Antonella is beautiful!” said Antonni with his eyes still on my breasts

“You too boys!” I said smiling.

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