Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 38: Opening up

Honestly, everything with him feels like a new experience every time. He approaches things in a unique way, and my body responds to his touch in a way that I can't quite explain. Right now, all I can think about at the moment is the intense kiss we're sharing, as our tongues having their own beef, who'd overtake the other, a battle between two horny lips.

Initially, his hands were on my cheeks, but as the kiss intensified, he moved them to the back of my neck, and he ended up being on top of me.

As Sam lifted his head, the kiss came to an end, which was both sad and upsetting. Then he said, "I could get used to waking up to this!" and kissed my nose before returning to our previous posture.

Sam seemed a little better than yesterday; his eyes were a little brighter, and his face wasn't as dismal. I suppose I have the same impact on him as he does on me.

"What do you have planned for today?" I inquired, hoping to divert his attention away from me. "There are no plans!" "You?" he questioned back, looking at me. "I had a class that began an hour ago!" then go to work in four hours and leave by five or six."

"I'm sorry you missed class because of me; you can go if you want to catch the rest of it; I'd drive you," he said."There's no need, it's too late, now" I remarked, "tell me if you change your mind," he said amusingly.

He didn't even try to hide the joy, now that he knows I have technically a day off, and he could be my plans for the day.

"We probably should get up, shower, and get some breakfast," I said with a little seriousness in my voice.

"Do we have to?" he said in agony, like a little grounded kid, "I guess we do, my dear," I responded.

I got up, hopped in the shower, then changed into one of his shirts. a plain white T-shirt. A beautiful smell filled the house. I followed the smell, to find myself in the kitchen, watching Sam as he placed the pancakes on the plates, then fetched some eggs to fry.

The view was heartwarming and delightful, something that put a large smile on my face, I could feel an urge to go and hug him, then smell his neck and kiss his every inch face, I feel the need to love him and show it.

As I shifted my position, his preoccupied expression suddenly shifted towards me, transforming into a radiant smile filled with innocence and pure joy. In that instant, my arms longed to embrace him, to feel the comforting warmth of his presence and the gentle touch of his skin. I wrapped my arms around him from behind, drawing him closer, and softly whispered into his ear, "I could get used to waking up to this!" The words echoed his own, as if they were the most natural and genuine reflection of my emotions in that very moment.

Without even glancing, I sensed his mischievous grin spreading across his face. As he delicately arranged the eggs on the plates, his attention shifted towards me. In that moment, his gaze penetrated deep into my very essence, enveloping me with an affectionate intensity that touched my soul. It's remarkable how his eyes possess the ability to traverse every inch of my being, instilling a sense of safety and occasionally turning me on depending on the mood and other factors.

We had a very intense staring challenge, until he said "Move in with me!"

Unexpectedly, without any warning, it happened. The suddenness of it all left me astounded, even bewildered. However, I couldn't ignore the fact that he was feeling down, isolated, and I was the only one he had. It was clear that he longed for some companionship, and I empathized with his desire.

Yet, I couldn't settle for being merely his "roommate," especially since we were no longer together or even in a defined relationship. The uncertainty of our situation left me grappling with countless unanswered questions, causing my mind to be overwhelmed with thoughts and doubts.

" Ask me in six months!" I responded, attempting to be diplomatic and ensuring that I didn't decline his request at the same time, because I do want to move in with him, but I feel it's too early for us, he's just being emotional because of the whole circumstances he's currently facing.

"That's too long, what about three months?" He asked bargaining, and I said with a light hearted chuckle "Alright, let's compromise on four months, I don't want to rush things"

"It's just that your presence brings me tranquility, and I want more of it," he said as his gentle touch traced the contours of my face, and then tenderly ran through my hair.

" I need some time to figure this out, and we still have things to talk about and fix, plus this seems like a hasty decision " I said as my eyes are fixated on his

"I can assure you that it's not hasty, but I find myself with no alternative but to match your pace," he said with a tinge of sadness in his voice

"Sweetie, I want us to savour this, I like being around you, I'll stay for few days until you get better, and I'll have to leave, I can't move in know"gazing at him with my innocent puppy eyes, hoping to sway his decision. And to my delight, it seemed to have an impact on him.

"An honest girlfriend, I don't think I could ask for anything more!" he expressed, leaning closer to my lips.

I playfully responded, "Oh, so we've upgraded to boyfriend/girlfriend status now?"

He replied, "I don't want to waste any more time," and gently kissed me with such tenderness and passion. Although there was no tongue involved, which slightly disappointed me, I found solace in the fact that having him as my boyfriend was more than enough to satisfy me.

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