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Chapter 25

It was twilight, and the glorious moon smiled happily upon the inhabitants of Earth.

Crimson with sweat dripping profusely from his ton muscles body. Something uncommon of his age mates, he was busy developing his sabre skills while at the same time moving his body in an unbelievable way.

He curls his waist like a human without bones while at the same time moving his hand backwards in a fluent manner without restrictions.

His movement was like that of beauty dancing under the moon. With his saber he slashed, chopped, split and waved it in a strange but captivating style that one couldn't help but be enraptured by it.

[Congratulations, Host has reached level two <2> in Ultimate nimble bone ability!]

"Huff, huff, huff, that was a bit harder than I thought" Crimson muttered as he stopped training after hearing the notification from the system.

He walked to the sideline of the training field where a jar and a cup were placed on a small table. After picking up the cup he filled it with a light blue liquid and gulped it in one go then added it again and again.

"Sigh, I can never get enough of mountain goddess Champaign." With a longing look, Crimson mutters after emptying the whole of the jar.

Unlike the other wines, Mountain Goddess wine is made from sweet fruits which grow only in an icy and cold environment. The wine is said to be made with a mixture of battle bee honey.

The wine helps new variants (Awakeners) sea of consciousness to widen, thereby giving them the chance to absorb Mana or any other energies at a speed faster than normal variants.

If an ordinary teen is said to be absorbing energy with a straw, then one who has taken the mountain goddess wine can absorb his with 6 straws at the same time.

Crimson felt rejuvenated by the wine as he let out a soft groan while feeling the flow of energies in his veins and his cells reacting to the wine.

"Gosh, I'm gonna miss this drink from tomorrow. Sigh, just thinking of going to the academy tomorrow makes me feel sick" Crimson muttered as he dropped the cup on the table.

The environment was silent with only him standing in the yard, the cold wind kept blowing around while the moon shone with bright light on him. Standing under the shade of light Crimson looked up and eyed the moon with a gentlemanly look he said ''Tomorrow is my day!".

Lying on a soft and comfy bed Jane kept tossing around with sweat dripping down her beautiful face. Her expression kept changing between pain and horror while her lips kept mumbling some incoherent sentences.

" vengeance... revenge...I must run... revenge me must do. Mummy don't go no! No!! Mo.."

Abruptly sitting up Jane huffs with her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.

" that was a bad dream." With a hoarse voice, she said to herself. Suddenly she wrapped her hands around her knees and buried her head in between while sobbing in a soft voice.

Thinking of how her mother died, she suddenly felt a pang of pain in her heart as she sat there wanting to cry her lungs out. As if an unknown energy sipped her Jane stopped crying and thought.

{I must get stronger and avenge my mom. I must avenge her and the only stage that I have now is the academy. With it, I can get variants of techniques, drugs and weapons. I will make a name on that academy}

The curtain fluttered as the wind blew it open making the moon shine on her smooth skin.

"So tomorrow I'm gonna be in that school huh? A stage where I can gather and start forming my team from the start.''

Gustave muttered with an emotionless voice as he stood outside the corridor looking at the moon with a hint of excitement at the thought of being a dark horse in the academy, "Soon I shall return to my world but for now... Let's have fun."

Next day

This academy is located in a lush, green valley surrounded by majestic mountains. It is a place of learning and discovery, where students come to learn the ways of magic and the secrets of the world. The academy is made up of a hundred large stone buildings, each with its unique purpose.

Each of the buildings serves its purpose, as students can find classrooms for lectures and lessons, libraries full of ancient tomes and scrolls, laboratories for magical experimentation, a training ground for fighting and training, formation class, forging class, beast tamers class and even a few hidden chambers for private study.

The grounds are filled with gardens and fountains, as well as an outdoor amphitheater for performances. At night, the academy glows with magical light from its many towers and spires. The atmosphere is one of mystery and wonderment; a place where anything can happen.

At the plaza, over 3 thousand teenagers could be seen gathering.

The scenery was filled with loud chatting voices and disorder as those teenagers who for the first time ever had the chance to step into the academy were busy taking in the scenery with their eyes.

Crimson stood sentinel-like against the wall, his posture exuding calm confidence. One foot rested casually on the ground, while his arms were crossed nonchalantly over his chest. With his eyes closed and his mind focused, he awaited the coming test, a stillness in his stance that belied a storm of readiness within.

When Granny brought them here she had already given them a hint of how tough the test would be.

{Granny said there will be 7 tests, the first 3 will be easy, the second three mid-diff while the last will disqualify 80% of us} Crimson thought {from what I'm seeing most kids are not that experience and I'm sure aside from a few who are in my level when it comes to talent and level, I might as well be the only experience and well train guy among them.} he smirks with a proud smile.

Suddenly the chattering and noises all halted, Crimson followed their gaze upward and saw a man floating while looking at them.

He was an old man with a white beard that hung down to his chest. His face was deeply lined and creased, and his eyes were a deep, dark brown, almost black. His hair was thin and wispy, like strands of silver thread. He wore a long, dark coat that reached down to his ankles, and he had a walking stick in one hand. He floated slowly and deliberately as if he had all the time in the world.

"Welcome to the Twelve Olympic Gods Academy!"

His voice was low and raspy, but it carried a wisdom that seemed to come from years of experience. He smiled often, revealing a set of yellowed teeth that were still surprisingly strong. He had an air of dignity about him that made him seem larger than life.

The kids with weaker will all prostrate before him while others struggle with sweats on their faces.

Crimson also felt it but after undergoing a lot of fight and facing people with auras 1000× times greater than the oldie's own it made him not affected.

[Mission has been given: Be the best among the thousands!, Stand out among the others and have the chance to spin the mysterious card for a random gift!]

"I'm winning it already" With a calm smile he said, unknowingly someone received the same mission too.

[Chaos system mission generated: Shine among them and stand a chance to earn an upgradable-level skill]

Seeing this mission, a glint flashed past Gustave's eyes as he thought Let's do this.

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