Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter One Hundred

Kelvin's POV

I slowly dropped the phone after the shocking information given to me by Mike. Trying hard to control my facial expressions, I turned to Alex in disbelief, studying him more intently. He seemed to notice my gaze.

“What's wrong Kelvin? Who was that on the phone?” I had to give him a response that would raise no suspicion.

“That was nothing important. I just realised that I forgot to do something important at the company.” I responded with a forced sigh.

Alex looked at me with an unreadable expression. For a fleeting moment, I watched his expression morph into a wicked smirk before returning back to normal like nothing ever happened. I felt a cold shower run down my spine. All along I had nursed the snake under my bosom. I found it laughable that I had been played and betrayed just like that.

A waiter sauntered by with flutes of champagne on his tray. I grabbed one quickly and carefully took a sip from it, trying to calm my raging nerves.

“Kelvin, are you sure you're alright?” Alex asked again, reaching out to touch my shoulder in seeming concern.

“Don't worry about me. I'm fine.” I stated firmly thinking about the chilling revelation that Alex was the mastermind behind the large scheme of things done to destroy my company and steal it from me.

My expression darkened as I began to search for my wife with my eyes. She was nowhere to be found among the guests mingling and laughing. I couldn't find Adam either.

I excused myself from the crowd quickly and called back Mike. He picked on the first ring.

“How do you know about this information?” I whispered fiercely while my eyes desperately roamed around searching for the familiar figure of my wife.

“Look, I can't explain right now. You need to get off that yacht as soon as possible. Alex has planned to take everything away from you, including your damn life.”

My heart raced with fear as I listened to the tone of the call dropping once again. Was this their plan after all? To kill me?

I had no time to think, I needed to get Aurora away from Adam right now and off of this place.

I thought back to how Alex kept dissuading me from closely watching Adam, summarising my carefulness as jealousy. I had stupidly let down my guard around him. I remembered that he had been the one to suggest having the party on a boat cruise. He was going to end my life on the sea. It was the perfect crime scene. No one would be able to suspect any foul play. The sea would have gotten rid of all the evidence and my body might never be found. My blood chilled with the realisation of his evilness.

My phone pinged with the time of a notification.

“Lower deck.” It was a two worded message from Aurora. My breath caught in my throat as I remembered her warning before the party. I wondered if she was aware of the real truth and hurried down to the lower deck.

“Let go of me.” She said with a grimace. Adam was standing calmly beside her. He was too close for my liking and that led me to discovering what was wrong with the situation. No one seemed to notice what was going on as he held a syringe and wanted to inject her with it.

She seemed scared and did not want to call for attention. I gritted my teeth in anger and rushed towards them.

“There you are Adam. I've been wondering where you walked off to.” He seemed surprised at my arrival and secretly hid the syringe.

“Hey Kelvin, I just thought to show Aurora something she might be interested in. I was apologising for my bad first impression of her too.”

I responded with a fake smile. “Oh Honey, you have to forgive him and let him go. We are bound to make mistakes.” I said looking softly at Aurora and checking discreetly for any sign of harm. I directed my cold gaze at Adam on the later part of my statement, “But people get punished for their mistakes, in time.”

He flinched and flashed a quick smile at me before walking off. I knew he was going to meet his boss, Alex.

“Aurora, we have to leave now.” I grabbed onto her hand and pulled her through the crowd.

“What’s wrong, Kelvin?” She asked, looking concerned and confused.

“There's no time to explain. Trust me when I say we need to leave. Our lives are in danger.” I glanced at her and caught the sight of her eyes widening desperately in alarm.

We hastily made our way through the crowded deck and unsuspecting party attendees.

My phone rang as we rushed forward. “We're on our way. Focus on sending us out of here.” I ordered.

The cold laughter I heard on the phone made me stop abruptly in my tracks. It was Alex.

“Where are you rushing off to, Kelvin?” He asked with a menacing chuckle. “The party is not yet over.”

Shit! I had picked up the call without checking for the caller. This was a grave mistake that I might soon get punished for.

“Why are you doing this Alex? What do you want?” I asked, trying to maintain my calm despite the adrenaline that pumped through my veins.

“I guess you know what I want since you're running off your own party, Boss. How did you find out though? I'm curious.” He asked with another cold chuckle.

“I applaud your bravery and cunningness since you were able to deceive me, Adam. Changing names? That's a good one.” I scoffed at him, keeping the conversation flowing while pulling Aurora along. I needed to find a safe place for her.

We turned into another corner and came to a stop. There were men wearing back suits and dark shades blocking our path, they had caught up with us finally.

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