Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter One Hundred and Seven

Aurora's POV

I hope it was not what I thought it was. I cannot afford to be pregnant. Not in a contractual marriage where I wasn't sure the father would take responsibility for the child. I can't watch my child being called a bastard because their father rejected them.

I stood watching my lean and pale reflection when he came in. He seemed shocked to have seen me standing in front of the mirror like that, staring at myself in creepy silence.

“Aurora, I asked you to sit down. Why don't you listen to me.” He scolded from the door. When he came closer, he was even more shocked. Hot tears streamed down my eyes. I didn't realize I was crying until he asked.

“Did I hurt you Aurora?” He paused, carefully touching my shoulders with both hands. “Are you alright? I've called for the doctor, he'll be here soon.”

I stood unmoving until he shook my shoulder. “Come let's get you cleaned up.” He held me by the hand and led me to the bathtub where a bath had been prepared. It was steaming hot and he took off my clothes piece after piece before lowering me to the bath.

It felt comforting and relieved a bit of the tension I had gotten from thinking about being pregnant. I'd be the happiest woman alive to be pregnant for the man I love. But in the contract, a clause has stated that I mustn't get pregnant.

“Is something eating you up honey?” His deep voice interrupted my thinking. I shook my head so fast I would have gotten a whip splash.

“No. It's nothing. I just hope I'll be fine soon.” I responded with a tight smile.

If I turned out to be pregnant, my modeling career would also be affected. I'll lose everything. I don't know how I'd handle it.

“Sir, the doctor is here.” A maid's small voice interrupted the question he was going to ask.

“Let's go get you treated.” He made to carry me out of the bath but I refused and pulled him in together with me. He had to get cleaned up too.

After we were both clean, we entered the room and got dressed before heading downstairs to meet the doctor.

Kelvin's POV

“Leo. You're welcome.” It was Aurora who greeted him first. She'd met him during one of the parties held by Kelvin. He'd been introduced to her as his long time friend so she greeted him with a bit of familiarity.

“Hello Aurora, how have you been?” He returned her greeting with a smile. Kelvin watched the both of them and cleared his throat to indicate his presence.

“Oh hi there Mr Kelvin. I thought I saw a tinge of green on your face. Who's the sick one here?” Leo joked and taunted. Kelvin stared at him blankly in response till he stopped laughing and put on a serious face.

“I'm here to check on you Aurora.” Her hazel eyes twinkled slightly. Is she that happy to talk with him?

“It's Mrs Mike to you.” I growled at him. What the heck is wrong with me? I probably have been traumatized by the experience from Adam and Alex.

They both stared at me quietly before he said resignedly, “Mrs Mike.” I looked back at Aurora to see if she was angry about how I was overreacting but she seemed to be hiding a small smile.

“Mrs Mike,” he said again, to my satisfaction, “can you please explain how you've been feeling of late?”

She glanced at me in fear and then at him before resolutely starting to talk. It left me wondering about why she threw a fearful glance my way.

“I feel nauseated by some things like the fish dish earlier today. I feel dizzy sometimes and often have a headache.” She explained while licking her lips. It was distracting, and all I could think about was kissing her pink and soft lips. I had to control myself. She's sick. I reminded myself.

“Is that all Mrs Mike? Think carefully, are there any other things you've observed?” Leo asked with an obvious frown.

“Uhm…that's all.” She seemed to be hesitant about something.

“Alright then. I'll be running a series test on you and you'll be getting the results in three days.” She nodded her head in agreement with Leo's arrangement. He later took a pint of blood and moved out of the house as I escorted him.

“Thank you for calling the doctor, Kelvin.” I wondered why she was thanking me. It was my duty as a… as a husband and I can't watch her be sick without doing anything.

“You're welcome.” I said instead and walked off leaving her alone in the living room. I needed to have a clear head and staying around seemed to make me crazy because I just wanted to touch her every freaking time.

I walked towards the room trying to calm down my raging nerves. I didn't want to be seen as aggressive as all I wanted to do to her was pounce on her and devour her.

“Kelvin” her soft voice called out. She was following me. When I turned to look at her, she seemed hesitant but then braved up and came closer to me. I was surprised to see that she had followed. Curiously I watched her steps falter as she walked towards me. She was…nervous? About what? I noted how weirdly she had been acting since we had survived the yacht.

“Can I go to work tomorrow?” My brows raised in further surprise at her question. Work? Here I was controlling myself from thinking about how gorgeous she looked and all she was bothered about was work?

“The doctor asked you to get maximum rest. Going to work would be doing the opposite. Don't you think so?” I asked with a smirk.

She was restless. “I can't stay in for too long without going to work. My career…”

“Don't worry about it. I'll deal with everything. You need the rest.” I interjected reaching out for her hand.

“No!” Her voice was louder than necessary and made me raise my head sharply. “I can't be..” she suddenly stopped and began to cry.

I can't be what. I thought within but watched with sorry as she wept.

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