Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter One Hundred and Eight

Aurora's POV

I barely managed to touch a bite out of the lunch served before me. I couldn't stand seeing the concern and care in his eyes. It will all disappear the moment he learns of my condition. The day I had found out, I had cried myself to sleep. He watched me with worried eyes and it made me cry harder at how bone of this was meant to last forever.

After suspecting that I could be pregnant, I had gone to the hospital– not the one where Leo worked, I wanted to know what exactly could be the problem. Leo's results had come in and it said that I was alright and I simply needed to recover from the shock and trauma of almost being killed.

I would have believed it, if I hadn't stopped to think about how I had suddenly stopped liking to eat my favorite food. No trauma would cause that, or would it? I wanted to have my suspicions cleared, but instead, it was confirmed.

I am pregnant.

When I had gotten home tired emotionally and physically, he'd been there and he walked over to hug me, lifting his hands and putting them around me—engulfing me in a bear hug.

“What's wrong dear?” He had whispered worriedly.

I smiled up at him and shook my head saying “Nothing.”

He asked if I was sure and I answered with a nod. I was feeling very emotional and it took a lot not to break down right there in front of him and expose everything.

I had to be strong for us, for our baby. I didn't want to abort it. It was a testament of my unrequited love, I could only brace myself for the rejection that was to come.

‘I couldn't tell Kelvin, not yet.’ I thought out loud.

I was trying to keep my mind off things and try to sort out my thoughts so I delved into work, sorting out some paperwork from the modeling agency where I worked. My phone buzzed with a call. It was my ex, Nathan. My heart skipped a beat as I watched his name being displayed across the screen. Memories flooded my mind as I slowly picked up the phone.

“Hello, Aurora. How have you been?” Nathan's voice was as gruff as I remembered it. It was filled with a familiarity that unsettled me and made me restless.

“I'm …I'm doing good.” I stuttered, trying to keep my composure. “Ive just been busy with stuff.” I wanted to be evasive.

“Look, I heard about what happened with you recently.” He continued, sounding concerned. "I know things didn't end well between us, but I still care about you. Are you sure you're okay with him?"

A surge of anger went through me. You still cared about me? I found it laughable. He had almost killed me with domestic violence when we were together. If that was what he saw as caring, then I didn't want to be cared for. His words were ironic.

“Yes. I'm very sure I'm okay with him.” More than I ever was with you. I wanted to add, but thought better of it.

Before I could go ear his response to what I had said, Kelvin walked into the room, a frown on his face as he saw me on the call. I was supposed to be resting.

“Who is that on the phone?” He asked, his voice tense.

"It's... it's no one," I finally managed to say, quickly ending the call. I winced at my reaction. It sounded like I was caught doing something bad. Kelvin's eyes bore into mine. Of course he would feel suspicious with how hastily I had responded.

“Aurora, are you hiding something from me?” He never removed his gaze from me.

“No, I'm not.” I answered as sincerely as I could. Of course, I was hiding the pregnancy from him but nothing else. I had nothing with Nathaniel.

“Are you alright, Aurora?” He asked this time, with a sliver of concern. I made to respond to him but a wave of nausea suddenly hits me.

“I…I need some fresh air Kelvin.” His brows raised slightly in surprise. He probably thought I was chasing him out. But I was going to vomit again and arouse his suspicions. He might insist on another test. I couldn't risk it.

He stood for a while before turning around and leaving. The tears I had been struggling to hold back finally drop and slid down my cheeks.

“Hello Aurora.” I could never get used to her snotty voice. She stood behind Kimberly Mike. They had come together. I had slept off on the desk after crying my heart out and didn't notice how much time had passed until a knock on the door roused me from sleep.

It was my mother-in-law and my nemesis, Hazel Raven. Now was not a good time to bicker with these people, I was so out of it.

“”Hello Hazel. Hello Kimberly.” It wasn't my intention to disrespect her but she'd rather I call her by name than call her mother-in-law. Not like I wanted to anyways.

“Where is my son? Go get him for me.” she ordered. I made myself comfortable in a chair. I was not going to be anyone's slave. I ordered one of the messengers.

“Have you informed your boss about their arrival?”

“Yes ma'am. He'll be down shortly.”

Hazel snorted in derision. “I see you're getting used to being boss lady huh?” She eyed me up and down and continued when she waited for a reply and got none.

“You're nothing but a slut he's using for his pass time. No one can fit into the position of being his wife asides me. No one.” She sneered.

“You lowlife peasant who had managed to find her way to crawl into my son's pockets. You are nothing to my son. Nothing. No matter how many times you sleep together, you can't last forever.” Kimberly said with a smirk.

All their words were getting to me. I had been emotionally unstable and nursing such thoughts in the first place. What they said only amplified how horrible I felt. Tears were shimmering in my eyes but I refused to let them see me cry.

“We'll, let's wait till that happens, shall we? For now, I am his wife, and you're not.” I retorted with a winning smile.

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