Chapters 2: Kaléo Coleman

The return to San Diego

I arrived in San Diego a week ago. I went to Ayumi's workplace to surprise her and found out that she hasn't been working there for a while. The doorman at the building where she lived told me that Ayumi moved out almost a year ago, and that got me worried… she wasn't the type to act like this. A deep sense of unease washed over me, but I couldn't pinpoint the reason.

That's how I found myself at a loss. I went to the architecture firm where my brother Lucca is a partner… another surprise awaited me there when I discovered that Carl is the owner. That's what my eccentric sister was going to tell me that day, and I had dismissed her. As soon as he saw me, his brow furrowed, and I could tell he wasn't thrilled to see me. But I wasn't there for him, I was there for Ayumi. I couldn't abandon her once again.

I spoke to Carl, and he assured me that Ayumi was fine, that they were living together, and he would ask her to contact me. Furthermore, I knew he was lying. He wasn't being truthful with me. I had always been a good judge of character, and that imbecile wouldn't be the first to deceive me. I could sense his dissatisfaction when he saw me, especially when I inquired about Ayumi. But if he thought I would let it slide, he was mistaken.

Unable to bear the sight of that imbecile any longer, I decided to leave. I wandered through the streets, even though I knew them like the back of my hand. I felt lost and adrift. Lost in my thoughts of Ayumi, I accidentally bumped into some people who gave me disdainful looks.

“Sorry!” I muttered as I stood outside a nightclub.

Glancing at the sign, I made up my mind and entered. I needed a generous serving of Scotch whiskey. I made my way to the bar and slumped onto a stool. Catching the bartender's attention, he approached, drying his hands with a pristine towel. Wondering what I desired, I requested a double shot of Scotch whiskey. As soon as he served it, I raised the glass to my lips and downed it in one gulp, relishing the bittersweet burn in my throat. Placing the glass back on the counter, I was promptly served another.

“Rough day?” the bartender inquired.

“Yeah! I wish I could sort everything out, but I don't know where to start.”

We engaged in conversation, and before I knew it, I was heavily intoxicated! I stumbled out of the bar and surveyed the quiet street, a smile tugging at my lips. If Ayumi were here now, she would be standing before me, hands on hips, giving me a stern look or scolding me for drinking. She never approved of my drinking and would often snatch the glass from my hand and down its contents without even knowing what it was, just to get me to leave because I always insisted on finishing my drink.

Snapping back to reality, I realized I had lost track of how much I had consumed, and I had no idea how to find my way back home.

One month later.

After contemplating my conversation with Carl, I knew I had to act. So, the next day, I woke up early and headed to the department, asking Mayke to investigate him while I awaited Ayumi's call, which never came. Whenever possible, I went out with my friends and siblings to a nightclub. We often ran into Carl, who was always alone, and came up with flimsy excuses for Ayumi's absence. Two weeks ago, his cellphone number became nonexistent. I informed Mayke, who assured me he would find out what was going on.

Now I'm at a club with my friends, trying to mask my concern for Ayumi as I savor another shot of whiskey. I can't seem to fully enjoy myself. I've been turning down women more than ever, but no matter how hard I try, I can't bring myself to sleep with any of them. It weighs heavily on me, but there's nothing I can do. I won't find peace until I have news of Ayumi. I glance at the dance floor and spot a couple, and one person, in particular, catches my eye. Finishing the rest of my drink, I made my way toward them. I recognize Carl, but instead of being with Ayumi, he's with someone else. Without hesitation, I close the distance between us and grab him by the collar of his shirt. He looks at me wide-eyed. If this jerk thinks he can betray my friend and get away with it, he's not got another thing coming!

“What the hell do you think you're doing?” Carl looks at me with a smirk, attempting to pry my hands off his shirt, but he fails.

“Take it easy, buddy,” the jerk calls me buddy and keeps smirking.

“Buddy? I never gave you that kind of freedom. I knew you were no good! Not only that, but I warned Ayumi about you. And now I see you cheating on her?” I look to the side, and the girl who looks like a baby parrot when it starts growing feathers eyes me up and down!

“Forget about it with your little mare. Nothing's gonna happen, and it never would!”

“Why?” she asks, chewing gum.

“Because I love…” I stop myself from speaking, and he wriggles free, attempting to protest. Carl introduces me to his companion.

“Meet Marieta. That's her name.” I look at him, already impatient, and my hands are itching so much to smash his face that I'm almost tempted to give in.

“And what about Ayumi?” I need to know what's going on. I won't allow my best friend to be labeled a cuckold while she's at home, serving as a maid.

“You know… what the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't feel!” Hatred consumes me at that moment. I throw a punch, sending him crashing to the ground.

“You're no good, you don't deserve the woman you have. She's too sweet, too loving for you, you piece of shit!” I climb on top of him, landing a few more punches, and feel arms pulling me off the bastard. I manage to land a few kicks, and I hear them asking me to calm down.

“Take it easy, man. They're going to kick you out of the club!” I look to the side and see Jackson trying to pull me far away from the idiot. “Leave him, it's not worth it. We don't agree with what he's doing… but that's between him and Ayumi.”

“She cheated on me, damn it!” he shouts, some people have moved away from us, and crocodile tears stream down his shameless face. “I love her so much, but she betrayed me! Ran off with some asshole from her work, while this jerk here…” he points to himself, landing a few punches on his chest. “I hired detectives to get the woman I love back, but it was in vain!” He cries even more, but I'm not falling for this act.

“I don't believe you!” I break free from Jackson's grip and land more punches on him.

I'm pulled back again, and I say through gritted teeth, looking down at him from where he belongs. “I'll find out what you did to Ayumi, and you'll pay when I find out if something serious happened to her. You can bet it won't just be punches and kicks that you'll receive!” Before I can kick him, I'm pulled away by Jackson, and Kaique and Lucca step in front of me, protecting the bastard who is now getting up.

“You should be on my side, Coleman. She cheated on me, and I'm the one paying the consequences? You should be my friend! This time, I'll let it slide. If you hear any news about her or talk to Ayumi…” He wipes the corner of his bleeding mouth, spits on the ground, and adds, “Tell her I haven't given up on her, on us! That I love her, she's mine, and she'll always be the owner of my heart.” He says and leaves, dragging the girl who was by his side.

I'm taken to a table, and I order a double shot of my good old friend, whiskey. There's something very wrong with this story, I know Ayumi, and I know she would never do something like that, but I'll investigate… I need to find out what happened to my girl with the smile.

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