Chapter 1- The Betrayal
My hurried footsteps echoed against the brick walls, my breath was ragged and panicked. Why were they still following me? A group of six men started following me from work. At first, I thought they were drunkards coming from the club I work at as a waitress. I didn't pay them much attention. I plugged in my Ear Pods and started walking the familiar route home. I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched even though I was surrounded by people. Subtle glances over my shoulder revealed nothing but the ordinary flow of pedestrians.
Yet, an instinctive unease gnawed at me, urging me to quicken my pace. I couldn't see my enemy but that didn't mean I couldn't feel their presence. The rhythm of my steps became erratic as I refrained from outright running, my senses heightened by fear. A glance into a storefront's reflection confirmed my suspicion— shadowy figures trailed me, mirroring my every move. A shiver ran down my spine as realization set in. A surge of caution gripped me, prompting swift decisions about my next move.
My apartment was still a couple of blocks away, if by some miracle I could reach it, I might be safe. I was already tired, my feet painful from standing and walking all day, and now I needed them to follow my command. I snuck a peek behind me and saw they were still on my trail. My pace shifted from steady, purposeful strides to urgent and swift movements. I hoped they wouldn't notice the change in my walk.
I saw their shadows on a store glass window, and they were getting closer. I had no choice and I broke into a run. The change was abrupt as I needed to use the element of surprise to my advantage. The determination to not get caught propelled me forward. Even though I was exhausted, I didn't want to get caught.
'A little more' I almost begged my body to move faster.
I deviated from my normal route and decided to take a shortcut. My exhausted body wouldn't be able to make it unless I lessened the distance somehow. Normally, I didn't take shortcuts considering the hour I got off work. It was dangerous for a woman to walk alone at night, but it couldn't be helped. This was the only job I could get that didn't require papers. All the boss required was a beautiful face and a good body. When he saw me, he hired me right away.
I have worked this job for a year and although the customers can be handsy sometimes, none of them have ever followed me home. I was used to their drunken love confessions and their flirting. It comes with the job, I suppose.
I ran faster, darting between garbage bins, trying to find an escape route. I had rarely used this shortcut. The echo of their footsteps grew louder, intensifying the tension in the air as I frantically sought refuge. I tried looking for something familiar, but I failed to notice any landmarks I knew. I was lost trying to navigate through the dark back alleys. I was too freaked out to remember the way. I should have stuck with my usual route. My heart was pounding with fear as the footsteps came closer.
I ran again leaving a trail of fallen garbage bins behind me. In the distance, I saw a strong light, resembling a lighthouse, and I almost cried with relief. The light must be on the main road. Without thinking, I ran towards the light, hoping to find my bearings and thinking it was a beacon of hope, only to be met with disappointment. The shiny light started to flicker as I got closer, I focused to see what was in front of me. When the light shined once again, I found myself facing a wall.
I looked behind me only to find the six men standing tall watching me. My eyes widened; I took a step backward. My eyes scanned the environment around me, only to find little hope of getting away. Cornered and breathless, I found myself trapped in a dead-end alley. The men, who I would only refer to as thugs since they looked the part, had menacing silhouettes that seemed imposing in the flickering light. They closed in on me with calculated steps.
With each step they took forward, I took a step backward. There was something sinister about these people, I could feel it. One of the thugs, a large man with a long scar on his face, signaled for the rest to stop walking.
"Do you think it's her?" One of them asked.
"It's her," their leader said, looking at me.
I was confused, what were they talking about? I didn't know these people and I have never met them.
"You must be mistaken," I stammered, too terrified to speak clearly.
"The little girl can speak after all. For a minute I thought she was mute or just dumb," he teased, making the rest burst out laughing.
A frown settled on my face; I didn't appreciate being made the butt of the joke. Wasn't terrifying me not enough for these men?
"What do you want?" I asked in a more confident tone.
"You'll get your answers soon enough!" snapped their leader "Roy, tie her up."
What were they planning to do with me? I didn't get any information as to why they're here. My mind jumped to the worst-case scenario. They would either kill me, or rape me or both. With every thought I came up with, death seemed to be the end product. In other words, I was fucked.
I pressed myself against the cold brick wall, chest heaving and my breaths shallow. Roy took a step forward. With every step he took, my hands started trembling more and I hid them behind my back and away from their hawk-like eyes. If they knew I was terrified it would be over for me. With no way out, I turned to face my pursuers, a mix of fear and defiance in my eyes, resigned to whatever fate awaited me in the hands of these thugs.
My eyes locked on Roy, refusing to blink as I wanted to be aware of their actions. He revealed a rope and tied my hands and legs, leaving enough room for me to be comfortable. How unexpected. They also sat and waited. It felt like we were waiting for someone, the main character of this show.
In a chilling realization, amidst the tension and fear, my eyes locked onto a figure stepping out from the shadows. Suddenly the light shone brightly, revealing the features of my pursuer and my heart skipped a beat.
"It can't be," my eyes widened as confusion set in.
The figure came closer and knelt near me. I blinked several times to make sure I was seeing the same thing. It was my sister, Essie. My eyes settled on her attractive, round face and brown eyes. I noticed her long blonde hair and finally, my gaze settled on her sharp nose. Shock and disbelief settled onto my face, conflicting emotions swirling within me as I grappled with the surreal realization. Confusion and betrayal mingled in my expression, unable to comprehend how my sister, my blood-related sister, had become the one hunting me down. We didn't have the best relationship, but I had never thought that she would stoop this low.
I left home to give her the space she desperately needed, so why would she do this to me? For a moment I wished she came to rescue me. I pleaded with her, my eyes filled with tears. I was in a terrible situation, and I prayed she would be the bigger person, put the past behind us, and save her younger sister.
"Please help me," I whispered helplessly.
Essie leaned forward; her expression carefully composed into a mask of concern as she looked at me. I knew this expression so well. She had used it countless times when she got me into trouble. It was her 'go-to look' when there were people around. She would pretend to care for me so that others wouldn't realize how truly evil she was.
Her eyes, veiled with feigned sympathy, fixed on me. She offered a comforting touch on my shoulder. The gentleness in her touch was foreign to me. Her touch has never been gentle, it only brought pain and misery. I knew her better than anyone else in our family. I have been the object of her cruel entertainment for years.
"What do you want?" I finally asked.
"What do I want?" She burst out laughing.
Her laugh was creepy, like a supervillain from a Disney animation movie. I rolled my eyes at her prolonged laugh, forgetting my situation. She was obviously trying to gain everyone's attention. I was used to Essie's antics. Frankly, I was tired and hungry and sleepy.
"Can we please wrap this up? I want to go to bed." I declared.
Suddenly the air was filled with tension. My sister's eyes blazed with fury, an inferno of emotions, swirling within her. Her fists clenched at her sides, knuckles turning white as her jaw tensed. Her pacing steps echoed in the dark alley, the fiery glare fixed on me, the target of her anger, leaving no room for misunderstanding the depth of her rage. Every deep breath she took seemed to fuel the flames of indignation, an unmistakable storm brewing beneath the surface.
"You’ve always had a way of irritating me."
Every word she uttered was laced with annoyance. A sudden, sharp sound pierced the air, the unmistakable sound of a slap. My head turned, stunned by the force of the impact. The echo of the strike still lingering in the charged atmosphere. The reddening mark on my face spoke volumes of the raw emotion that had erupted, leaving a palpable tension hanging in the air.
There was a cut on the inside of my cheek as a result of her blow. I didn't expect her to slap me in an alley, but I wasn't surprised. Essie was a violent woman, something I learned the hard way. She always saw me as her competition.
I was tired of playing Essie's game and goading her seemed like the best option, even though I knew it was a bad idea.
"Are you about to throw a tantrum again? You are an adult now, Essie, behave like one!"
"There's your true condescending nature. You always thought you were better than me, simply because you were good at school, but you are not. Do you have any idea how much I despise you?"
Every word she uttered was laced with a seething intensity, her voice rising to a crescendo as she unleashed a torrent of pent-up frustration. Her sharp glare spoke volumes of her hatred towards me. I knew Essie had an issue with me since we were kids. She didn't like to share her toys or any of her possessions. For some unknown reason, our parents gave her the best of everything while I was left to scrap for her leftovers.I thought it was unfair that my sister got the best while I was ignored. Her every desire was fulfilled while I was rejected.
I buried my mind in books and I ended up being the top of my class. Our mail was filled with offers from universities I had applied to. This only made my sister angrier. When my father finally agreed to let me go, he must have known something I didn't. He never gave me anything I wanted. His allowing me to leave our small town was a miracle but I found it strange. However, at the time I was delighted to finally leave my family and start anew. I was used to this.
"Why are you doing this, Essie? We are family."