Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 21


Riley's POV

Today was the long Friday everyone had anticipated for different reasons though. For the Clover High basketball team, there was a game between them and the Talon High team.

The party freaks were ready to party all night after the game. I mean Jason Clayton the party god has put plans in place.

But for me, it was the day that usually gave me a break from Selena.

I walked into Biology class immediately the second bell went off. Mr. Jackson was already in front of the class informing everyone that a new lesson topic would be introduced. Silently, I made my way to the back of the class where there were empty seats.

I was about to pass by Selena when she stuck out her foot for me to trip on her stuck out foot. I yelped before I landed on the floor my hands taking the impact of the fall in an attempt to protect my face. My books went flying in different directions as roars of laughter erupted from the students.

"Oops! My bad." Selena said looking nothing of an apology. "OMG girlfriend are you okay?" She feigned innocence. "You should watch your steps next time."

"Ohhh uh! The ladies can't help but fall at my feet. I know I'm smoking hot but this is beginning to get overwhelming." Jason was sitting at the other side called out making everywhere erupt in laughter again as his friends gave him a high-five slap.

I quickly got up on my feet embarrassed at what just happened. I sent her a glare which just rolled her eyes at before flipping me off.

"Ms. Parker is everything okay with you?" Mr. Jackson asked not even the slightest bothered by what just happened.

"Yes sir," I said meekly.

"Good, now sit down." He said before going back to what he was saying, something about the ecosystem.

I sat on an empty seat after gathering my scattered books.

"Hey!" I heard from the side but I was too embarrassed to take a glance at anyone.

"Psst! Psst! Riley?" A rolled-up piece of paper landed on my table, with hesitation, I picked it up about to open it when I realized it was probably some insults that someone had written on the paper. With that, I threw it away. But it wasn't long before another landed on my table so I decided to open it.

Hey Riley you okay? - Liam

After reading, I squeezed the paper before tossing it, and without looking at him, I bobbed my head up and down.

With the glances and snickers I kept receiving from people, I couldn't wait for this class to end.

Sometimes into the lecture, while Mr. Jackson was still teaching on the types of ecosystem, the principal Mrs. Lance walked in to address us on our behavior today since we're expecting guests from Talon High for the game.

Shortly after she left, the bell rang bringing an end to Mr.Jackson's boring class. I quickly grabbed my stuff, dashing out of there like a crazy bat from hell. I didn't want to allow Liam to come to me.

The jocks and cheerleaders were excused from classes after the second period. They were to rest and prepare for the upcoming game.

Soon, lunch rolled in and I made my way to my locker to put away the books I used for the morning classes. Luckily for us, there won't be classes after lunch as Talon High students will be coming in.

I met Kacey by her locker and together we made our way to the cafeteria. I haven't seen much of Liam since the biology class incident and I liked it that way. When I was busy crushing on him he didn't seem to notice me and now my attention was on Creed.

Speaking of Creed, I didn't see him anywhere in school today. I had to make another 'individual pre-project' trip to his office.

Kacey was telling me about the business dinner she would be attending that night with her parents. It wasn't anything new for her though. Her father worked as the Head of Operations in a multi-billion dollar company while her mother was a secretary in the same company. Turns out they met each other and fell in love while working there.

One second, I was eating my cronut roll with a pet Coke the next second, I felt something bump into me before I could react, a bowl of soup was dumped on my head with the liquid freely slipping down my chin, and silently dropping on my shirt.

"What the fuck?" I screeched jumping to my feet I came face to face with Selena who had an empty bowl in her hands and a wicked smirk on her face.

"My hands slipped and my ugly-looking soup poured." She smirked.

With the way people were laughing in the cafeteria, I felt pickles at the back of my eyes before running out of the cafeteria.

I locked myself in one of the bathroom stalls and cried to myself. She just had to pick today of all days to humiliate me.

My hair was all slimy and disgusting, using the only available liquid soap by the wash basin, I washed the soup from my hair my hair. With some paper towels, I tried cleaning up my shirt but it was no use.

I looked like I was being spitted out by some dog. This made me cry more than having to use a hard soap on my hair.

I couldn't stay here for the rest of the day even though I wanted to. I made my way out of the bathroom with my wet hair and dirty shirt, I was more embarrassed than the word itself.

I made my way to one of the empty classes and sat by the window looking out, I had wanted to see the game but I guess that wasn't going to happen.

Feeling dejected, I felt silent tears roll down my cheeks.

"I've been looking for you everywhere. Where have you been?"

Tilting my head slightly I was surprised to see Liam by the door his hands stuffed into his varsity jacket.

"Shouldn't you be preparing for your game?" Looking back outside, I saw a coaster bus drive-in with teenage boys inside. TALON HIGH WARRIORS was inscribed on the bus. "They're here."

"I heard what happened at the cafeteria."

"I'm fine Liam thanks for checking up on me. Your team members and coach should be looking for their captain don't you think?" I subtly asked him to leave me alone.

"I don't suppose you want to see the game looking that way." He countered.

"Well, I'm not going to see the game. Best of luck and watch out for the four sophomore students." I looked out the window again.

"Here take this." He pulled out his jacket and held it out for me. "I want you to see the game. I know you want to."

"Thank you but I'm fine."

"Really? Do you have any idea how fucked up you look right now?" I knew what I looked like, he didn't need to rub it in.

"Fine." I sighed taking the jacket from him before pulling it on. The jacket swallowed my petite frame up. "Thank you." I smiled at him feeling embarrassed.

"I know you want to see the four sophomores play." Liam chuckled scratching my head before turning away and leaving me there, engulfed in his varsity jacket that had his name boldly inscribed at the back.

Smiling to myself, I stepped out of the empty room. I made three steps with my head down, and when I looked up again, I felt like crying again as my heart stopped at the scene before me.

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