Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 22


Riley's POV

Getting caught in an awkward situation was something we all try as much as we possibly can to avoid but occasionally, the situation could be way out of our control. Like right this moment, merely some feet away from where I was standing fixed to to ground, I saw Liam and Creed talking to each other about God knows what.

Creed looked as passive as ever which had me worrying when our eyes locked on each other before his eyes trailed the huge varsity jacket that swallowed me up.

He didn't have to see Liam walk out of the empty room to know we had been together. Liam's jacket draped over my shoulder was enough to tell him that.

How was I going to explain this to him without knowing what Liam might be telling him? I had to know what they were on about.

Taking a deep breath, I put my left foot in front of the right and gingerly made my way to where they were standing.

"I gotta run before coach realizes I've gone missing." I heard Liam's voice.

"A'rite kid, good luck on your game." Creed patted him on the shoulder before he strutted off after stealing a glance in my direction, grinning when he saw me. I gave him a polite wave, with a small smile.

"Selena dumped her lunch in me earlier, my shirt got ruined and Liam was just helping me out." I had to get it out in one breath, afraid he'd assume the worst.

Sighing, he picked up a paper bag that I hadn't noticed before from the corner of his table and handed it to me.

"What's this?" He silently sat on his seat not bothered to reply. I peered into the bag and felt the butterflies in my stomach flutter when I saw doughnuts and Coke inside.

I wasn't feeling my wits at the moment "I'm not hungry, but thanks for the offer though." I pushed the bag away giving him a small smile.

Without a word, Creed kept studying me with his unwavering attention. I could feel heat rise my neck spreading to my face.

"Okay." I dragged it out slowly sliding the paper bag to my side. I took a small bite chewing on it before taking another.

"You should learn to stand up for yourself if you want the bullying to stop. No one can truly help you except yourself." His eyes glazed over like he was remembering something from his past. "Become your bully's bully and you should be good."

"It's easier said than done Creed." I lowered my eyes to my lap.

"Who said it'll be easy? You just have to try."

"You think I haven't? I've tried the word fight with her and now this." I said gesturing to my fucked up self.

"If you don't do anything about it then you're silently asking her to continue." Pinching the spot between his eyes he seemed frustrated.

It seems frustration is the only emotion he wants me to see cause that's the only emotion he keeps letting out.

"The school isn't doing anything about the bullying that happens here that's why it keeps revolving." I snapped wanting an outlet for my pent-up anger.

"The school can only do so much. Set rules that you young ones are set on breaking, we can't follow you, students, around in an attempt to stop bullying." He leaned into his seat with folded arms.

"But what if standing up to yourself makes it worse?" My voice was weak.

"You don't give in, you fight till you break free." He said with a fire of determination in his eyes, a fire that I wished I possessed. "You don't fold hands in a fight if you want to make it out unscathed." He fixed his eyes on me his gaze intense and unwavering.

I tore my eyes from his intense gaze looking down. After a few minutes of silence, I looked over at him blushing when I realized his eyes were watching me silently.

"Thank you, I didn't see it that way, I had thought the school had all the shot to call about making bullying stop."

"Fight your way out if you want to break free."

We stayed silent again both of us lost in our thoughts. Could I stand up to Selena and her sidekicks? I mean it was me against three, Kacey isn't one to get caught in anything drama-related, she prefers keeping her head down and cowering away during open confrontations.

She had once run away from my side when Selena approached us by my locker. Since then she doesn't come to wait for me by my locker.

"You coming to see the game?" I asked Creed breaking the silence between us.

"I have a few important things that need my urgent attention." He said clearing his table of all the sheets of paper that looked like test papers.

"You heading out of town?" I found myself asking my heart dropping. What did he have to do? Who was he meeting with?

"No. Well, not today." He said putting the last set of test papers in his drawer before locking it up.

"I'll call you after the game." I held my hand over my ear my thumb and pinky sticking out, my other three fingers folded in. Standing up, I advanced towards him, grabbed his face in my hands, and pressed my lips on his kissing him like my sanity depended on him.

Butterflies fluttered their wings in my stomach and the tingling sensation that only Creed could evoke whenever my body made contact with his own.

Creed returned my kisses, putting his large hands on my petite waist slowly pulling me flush to him.

"Damn girl you make me break the one rule I never should." He grunted after we pulled apart.

"I'm happy I got to be the one you break a rule for." I grinned at him before pecking his lips again.

"The game will soon start you should go, I don't want you missing anything." I smiled at him before walking out of his office.

The gym was already filled to the brim with sith students from both schools, the cheerleaders were out in their sexy uniforms doing their routine.

I walked around looking for an empty spot. I didn't miss the way people kept stealing glances at me as I made my way through the aisle.

Who wouldn't want to see the girl that got lunch dumped on their head? I noticed the way they whispered to their friends with some subtle fingers pointed at me.

Luckily for me, I found an empty spot by the aisle. The boy that sat beside me immediately looked away from me making me wonder what was going on.

I was grateful for Liam's jacket which provided a little comfort from all the stares and whispers. Within me I knew it was beyond the cafeteria incident but what was it?

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