Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 24


Riley's POV

Saturday came and Mom had been freaking out trying to get ready for her early flight, I knew she won't have time to grab breakfast so I just packed a sandwich in a paper bag for her.

I helped her drag her bag to the taxi I had called for her who was already waiting outside, I pulled her in for a long hug, and she placed her lips on my forehead.

"I'll miss you, honey." She mumbled, roughening my already messy bed hair.

"I'll miss you too Mum." I said pulling out of the hug, "But go there and charm them." I gave her my most blinding grin.

"Here you go," handing her the sandwich bag, "I know they'll give you something on board but nothing beats my Nutella sandwich."

"Always the thoughtful one. Thanks, honey." She gave me another quick hug before getting into the waiting taxi after I'd promised to call her if anything went wrong.

I got back inside and thought of going grocery shopping cause Mom would wonder what I was feeding on when she came back to the fridge and the pantry was still empty.

I quickly got ready putting on a red cropped hoodie over my black high-waist jeans and finishing it up with black sneakers that had a red and white design.

Grabbing my bag, phone keys, and wallet, I stepped out into the bright and cool day. The atmosphere was still serene, light air blew and the tweets of the early birds were heard as they perched on trees singing with joy and celebrating their freedom.

Scanning the neighborhood, I saw my neighbor Cole washing his car on his front lawn dancing and bobbing his head to Dj Khaled's song Good Love that was blasting from the car radio.

"Hey Cole!" I waved sparing him a sweet neighbor smile.

"Hey kiddo, how you doing?"

"I'm good, I see you're preparing for yet another busy day." I smiled. Cole was a young graduate who was lucky enough to land an accountant job in a big company.

"You know how it is." He said as I made my way to the bus stop.

I made my way out of the grocery store, both of my hands filled with the grocery bags. I stood in front of the store trying to flag down a taxi.

"What do we have here?" No please, God don't let it be her. I have no fight left in me. I was drained from having to move around in the store trying to get everything on my long list. The last thing I needed was to be caught in a confrontation with a child who was too lazy to grow up.

No matter how much I didn't want to see her, she soon crawled her way into my line of vision but I ignored her looking away from her.

"What did you come here to do? I know most of the shops in this mall are a little too expensive for your low-budget self to afford." Linda said snatching one of my bags to check through the contents.

"A little? They're way too expensive for her." Selena butted in folding her hand to her chest, one of her legs bending on the knee making her hip stick out.

"Figures she can only afford cheap groceries from a cheap grocery store." Linda turned her head slightly to address Selena before she unceremoniously dropped the bag on the ground wiping her fingers like it came in contact with a killer virus.

"Hold up, isn't grocery shopping the job of a servant?" Selena queried her friends with much confusion.

"I don't know that but what I do know is that I would die if I'd had to do a servant's job," Linda said with a fake shudder.

"Well, I'm glad y'all have it all good." I said fixing each of them with a glare, "Daddy and Mommy can give y'all the things you want even without you asking, they take you anywhere y'all want and at the end of the day, they're always there every night to kiss you goodnight."

I noticed a gleam of sadness flicker in Selena's eyes and to prove I wasn't imagining it, she shifted in uncomfortably before hiding her sadness.

"It's not our fault your parents are lazy and poor," Selena said eyes narrowing into slits. "Oh wait, it's your fault your daddy ran away. I mean who would want to stick around knowing they have a loser for a child?"

"Don't call me that." I snapped my eyes also narrowing at her.

"Call you what? Loser? But that's what you are a loser. You made your daddy run away."

"I hope your family falls apart sooner than later," I told her in a matter-of-fact tone. "Then you'll have the only option of growing up, leaving your stupid little daddy girl-self behind for good."

The gleam in her eyes resurfaced but this time with a flame of anger. "How dare you?" She charged at me her hand making contact with my face, the sound of the slap was loud enough to alert the nearby security guard who ran in our direction.

"Oi! Kids this isn't the place for your silly teenage drama. Get out of here all of you."

"Who do you think you're talking to, I could get you fired right this instant." Selena bellowed.

"Please sir, forgive her manners her nanny forgot her pacifier," I said in a fake small, and calm voice, imitating Ella from Little Sorcerer.

"Losers." She kicked my bag that was still on the ground "Come on girls we don't want the smell of losers on us now do we?" The three of them stalked off to the parking lot.

"You okay?" The security guard asked helping me pick the apples carrots and other vegetables that fell off the bag.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle." I got up when everything was intact. "Thank you." I was sure he knew what I meant by coming to my aid and also helping me pick up my stuff.

"You shouldn't let anyone walk over you. Learn to fight back." His words came as a deja Vu, making me think about Creed. He'd said the same thing, maybe I needed to learn how to fight back but how? They'll always use my father and their family's wealth against me.

Nodding, I smiled at him. "I'll try thanks again." Just then, a cab pulled in dropping off four girls who seemed way too excited to shop. I got in and went back home, feeling downcast.

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