Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 25


Riley's POV

I lay on my bed in silence, Selena's words slowly playing in my head as I remembered the scene outside the mall.

"It's not our fault your parents are lazy and poor. Oh wait, it's your fault your daddy ran away. I mean who would want to stick around knowing they have a loser for a child?"

Those words had gotten to me. I knew we didn't have much but my Mom was anything but lazy she walked herself to bones trying to give me a better life. Who does she think she is to call her lazy?

Everyone wasn't lucky enough to be born into a rich family like they were.

Was she right about my dad? Was he tired of having me as a daughter? Was I the real reason he had to walk away? Was I the secret cause of my mother's pains?

Without even realizing it, tears silently made a trail down my face and soon I found myself sobbing my eyes out in anger and frustration.

Angry at my father for choosing the coward way out, not caring about how I'd feel, or how my life would turn out without a father. Every girl needed their dad but mine had run away.

Angry at Selena for sticking her nose where it doesn't belong, for always trying to put me down at every given chance.

Then I was frustrated at myself for letting her insolent words get to me.

I soon ran out of tears. I had no more years to cry so I just laid there with my emotions and mind wondering about.

I found myself wondering about where Creed was at the moment, who he was with, and what he was doing. He did say he'll be going out of town today.

5 O'Clock soon rolled by, I picked up my phone my hands hovering over his number. I didn't know if he was already back and I didn't want to interrupt his business with whoever he was with.

What if he was with a woman? Did he have a girlfriend or a wife out of town? Nahh! He wouldn't want to cheat on his partner now would he? I mean my dad cheated on my mother, got the bitch pregnant, and ran away from us.

"Hello, kitten."


"Kitten is everything okay with you?" I heard Creed's deep and calming voice calling from a distance.

God I was beginning to lose my mind. I groaned, swiping my hand over my face in frustration. Was I now imagining his voice? "Gosh Creed, get out of my fucking head," I mumbled Riley Parker you need help. My subconscious hinted

"Riley?" His voice came again from me this time very strong. I looked down trying to figure out where that sexy voice that clouded my senses was coming from.

To my complete horror, my phone screen showed I was on a call with him. "Hey, Creed?" I squeaked wincing at how squeaky my voice came out.

"Are you okay? I was beginning to think you were in some sort of trouble." Did he hear what I had said?

Sighing I nodded my head but when I realized he couldn't see me I used my words instead. "Um, Creed?" I asked.

"Yes, kitten?"

I didn't know how to ask without seeming clingy and desperate but I didn't feel like being here by myself feeling sad and angry. "Are you- are you uh- I uh wanted to"

"Come over." It was as if he knew what I wanted to ask him or he also wanted to see me. That thought made the butterflies in my stomach do a happy dance but they soon stopped when I realized it was just wishful thinking.


"I got back about 30 minutes ago, I wanted to invite you over later but as you've called why not? Come over." I was completely elated he wanted me over at his place. I knew it was because of our deal with each other and nothing more but that didn't stop me from jumping in excitement.

"Someone is missing me?" I decided to taste the water.

His deep chuckle rumbled into my ears causing my heartbeat to speed up beating a thousand beats in a second. "Someone is dreaming." He chuckled again making me pout. "I'll leave the door open just walk right in when you get here."

"Ain't dreaming nothing." I giggled before hanging up

When I got to his door, I was about to open his door when I decided against it, I wanted him to come get the door thinking it was an unexpected guest.

Standing there, I pressed the doorbell twice patiently waiting for him. I pressed it again when I heard a groan coming from inside

"Who the fuck is that on my door? I swear if you're some dumb delivery guy that has the addresses mixed up I'll fuck your nose up." I heard his threats and giggled.

The door swung open with force, his angry face on full display. I watched amused as the anger on his face melted into confusion. There was that gleam again in his emerald eyes. What was that?

I stood there in my wrap dress, hands on either side of the door my left leg propped out. I grinned at his confused face flipping my golden hair behind me.

"I told you to just walk in, the door wasn't locked."

"Come on, where's the fun in that?" I chirped. "You want to fuck the pizza guy's nose?" I asked him amused.

"Well, I still get to fuck the person by my door somewhere hotter and wet." He growled lowly making me press my legs together. Damn did I just get turned on from how hot his voice is? "Get in." He moved from the doorway making room for me to pass through.

The moment the door was shut behind me and I heard the click of his lock, I was immediately pinned to the wall his lips smashing on mine in a hot and demanding kiss, his hands touching everywhere within reach.

I returned his kisses the way he gave them. Hot for hot, moaning when his hands grabbed my boobs over my dress massaging it with his groan.

Wow someone was going all caveman on me. I thought.

Creed pulled away before asking "You ready?"

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