Chapter 1
[Third person point of view]
Eight years ago.
"Alpha Harris, it's so nice of you to meet me here today."
"The pleasure is mine, especially when an Alpha reaches out to have a chat."
The waiter brings their coffee over to the table and bows her head in respect. Their Alpha authority is strong, and before she makes a mistake and loses her head, she thought it is best not to ask if they need anything else.
"What is it that you would like to discuss with such urgency ?"
"Alpha Harris, please don't take this the wrong way, but you know I'm a lover of beautiful and rear things and I couldn't help but notice one or two of the women in your pack."
Alpha Harris shuffled in his seat. He had heard many things about the tall, strong Alpha sitting in front of him. And in those many things, what always stood out was the fact that he was a lover of all things powerful, and Alpha Harris hid the most powerful secret of them all.
"Go on."
"I took interest in one of them and found out she is the pack's Luna, so I had to put a stop to my feelings immediately."
Alpha Harris swallowed as his wolf, Craft, began stirring on the inside.
"Then my eyes caught someone else, a young she wolf. I promise you I'll wait till she is eighteen to take her away."
The disgraceful Alpha Smiled.
Alpha Harris shifts into his seat once more, showing his discomfort, but continues with their conversation. Little did he know what he was about to hear next would send a chill down his back.
"Who would this young she wolf be ?"
Curiosity killed the cat my mother always said. But in this case, it almost gave this wolf a near heart attack.
"Your daughter."
Unable to hold him back anymore, Alpha Harris lost control of his wolf Craft, and he started snapping at the clearly disturbed Alpha.
He thought to himself he must be crazy. My daughter is only ten years old.
Once Alpha Harris had managed to calm his wolf down, he rejected the man's request and left the coffee shop in a heat.
Not long after leaving the meeting, Alpha Harris had gotten home and was having lunch with his beautiful daughter and wife.
They talked about school and the pack. Alpha Harris' young daughter was all too interested in the daily in and outs of the pack, seeing that she would be the next in line Alpha.
But what was a beautiful conversation between a mother,daughter, and father was cut short when a blooded wolf crashed through their glass door.
That's when it hit Alpha Harris. His pack was under attack. Regretting muting his surroundings to spend time with his family, he jumped into Alpha mode.
By the time he got outside, his pack was nearly gone. There was blood everywhere, women,children, warriors, anything that lived was now dead.
Then, a deep voice, one that he had heard before, in fact this morning, called out to him.
"You should have accepted the offer, old man. Now you pay with their lives, if I can't have her. No,one can. Get them and bring me the girl alive."
Harris grabbed his daughter's hand along with his wife and ran. They ran and ran and ran as far as they could, but out of nowhere, he was attacked from behind. A wolf had taken him down and started attacking him.
Craft didn't hesitate. He came forward and snapped his neck in half, running towards his daughter he signaled to her to get on his back, thinking they would escape faster.
Seeing that his daughter was only ten, she hadn't developed her wolf just yet. Then, out of nowhere, his wife was attacked and dragged by her fur. Harris was about to turn back but obeyed his wife's last words.
"Save our daughter."
Craft cried and cried at the thought of losing his mate but knew he would do anything for his little one.
Coming to a stop near the edge of a cliff, he stood in his human form. He looked for a way out but saw none. Only a moving river below.
"Just give her to me, and you'll live."
"Foolish old man, then you die at my hands."
"Then you will never have her."
Alpha Harrris took his daughter into his hands and pressed his hand against her chest.
"This necklace, your mother and I gave it to you. As a symbol of our love for you. When you touch this you will see us."
He pressed his palm against the necklace and then kissed her forehead, knowing that he would never see her again.
"Get him."
The Alpha ordered.
"Remember us."
With one swift movement, he threw her from his arms and over the cliff into the moving river.
The young girl screamed as she soared mid-air.
The ruthless Alpha screamed as he stretched his hand towards her. A loud roar,a cry, and the splash of water were the last things that were heard. Unable to hold his anger much longer, the angry Alpha looked at Harris, his eyes fully black and his breathing heavy.
Old fool, I was going to spare you, but for your foolishness, you will die.
"I die peacefully knowing you can't have her, and you never will. Now send me to meet my wife and daughter."
“With pleasure.”
After dropping Alpha Harris' lifeless body to the floor, he ordered his men to search the bottom of the cliff, with hopes that she had survived.
But she didn't. She was long gone with the water flowing down the stream.
All the Alpha could think about was how the most powerful creature to ever walk wolf kind had just died. Not only dis he not secure the wealth of one of the most richest packs, but he also lost one of the most powerful weapons at hand.
The wolf's eye.