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Chapter 20: The Plan

"so, what's the big idea?"

Regina asked, not feeling too impressed. In fact, she was a little sorry that she'd found herself in the middle of the whole mafia battle saga. If only her father hadn't made the stupidest of mistakes.

"We're going to let them come."

Gray responded, and you could sense the pride he felt about the magnificent plan he was hatching. He watched Regina to note and counter her fearful reactions. And he was right.

The fear was already creeping up her face and her brows furrowed in disapproval.

"I am not so sure that's a good idea. People could die. Your men could die. I'd be involved in a crossfire between two mafia groups!"

She said, in a warning manner.

These were all the right reasons to avoid the clash but that didn't matter. This was exactly what they lived for. They were fearlessly exposed to the dangers of life and they liked it.

"Gina.," Gray started and immediately, Regina flushed. It pleased her whenever he called her Gina.

"Worry only about yourself. This is my life. This is what defines my existence. When you find yours, you'll own it and live it with all your might."

Surprisingly, Gray seemed like he was speaking from the core of his being for the very first time. It was amazing.

"Fine. But what about me? And is Clara going to be a part of it?"

Regina asked, still wielding her fears.

"Clara? Ha! Clara taught me nearly taught me all that I know. She's older than me you know."

"Really? I don't know, I'm not even surprised anymore."

"Good. I'm glad you're grasping the theme of our lives."

Gray stood up. He walked to the door before speaking.

"I'll have people attend to you and make sure you're well taken care of. I've got business to handle."

With that, he left a confused Regina, wondering how the night would go. Danger lurked, and that was for sure.

It wasn't long before a friendly-looking man walked into the room. He certainly wasn't a member of any gang. He looked too nice for that. But Regina was proved wrong.

"You're the Boss' pet right?" He asked so arrogantly.

Maybe in the end, Gray was the only nice person in the mix.

"I... I'm just a freeloader.." Regina answered, maintaining her politeness.

"Like hell, you are. Whatever. The Boss instructed me to get you food so...what do you want?"

"Um..uh... anything really. I'd forgotten how starved I was."

Regina said, grabbing her stomach. Perhaps the doctors gave her something that revived her but it certainly wasn't food.

"I'm the one who stayed with you while you were pining away in that hole."

He said.

Regina wasn't sure why he mentioned it. What was she to do with the information?

"Thank you."

She said, feeling a little nervous.

"I watched your strength slowly fade away... I watched your courage melt.. personally, I'd hoped you'd die. didn't. You lived. You're strong."

The man spoke with so much confidence, as though his words were encouraging. Why would a human say this to another human?

"I...I don't know what to say..."

"You shouldn't say anything. Count yourself lucky is all I'm tryna say."

Arrogant! Rude! And so helpless was Regina. When was the ill-treatment going to end?

Back at Gray's mansion, he was in a meeting with Clara. At the moment, she was the only one he could trust. The only one he felt wouldn't betray him. Or would she?

"How careless was she that she let that man use her?"

Clara had already begun condemning Regina. Clara certainly didn't like Regina and one would think it was out of jealousy. But since she and Gray lived by a code of brotherhood, she couldn't allow herself to develop feelings for him.

"She's not accustomed to this kind of lifestyle. You can't blame her," Gray defended.

"Oh, so you didn't punish her at all??"

"You know why I did what I did."

Gray's voice was dark. Clara was starting to annoy me.

"And it still doesn't make sense to me. If she's this much trouble, then let her go back to her family!"

"I can't!"

"Why not? Why exactly is she here?! You claim it's retribution for George's crime, yet you haven't killed her! This isn't the gray I know! You'd have killed her the minute you laid eyes on her! What's stopping you?!"

"Enough! Enough of this nonsense. This isn't why we're here!"

Gray's eyes darkened and his shoulders swole. Like a cobra, his body rose and he was ready to strike. But this was Clara. He couldn't hurt Clara. He'd sworn to protect Clara no matter what.

"You better get your shit together, or you're going to ruin us."

Clara concluded.

The other man in their presence was surprised. That had never happened before. Clara and Gray always moved swimmingly. It was one of the reasons their group was formidable.

"They know where we are. And we're going to let them come."

Gray began.

"How are we going to station ourselves for an attack?" Clara asked.

"It's simple. We're going to leave the house like there's no one in but the motion sensors fixed at unnoticeable areas would let me know when there's presence in the house. Once I'm sure, I'll activate the tear gas we'd have planted at the corners."

"Then what?"

"I'll send in some of the men to capture them and lock them away. The following day, kill them but not without getting more information."

"Well, I'm glad your intelligence is still intact."

Gray didn't take Clara's compliment lightly. In fact, he was triggered to hit her.

"You should mind the way you talk to me. I am the Boss of the Shadow Soldiers!" He said with a growl.

"If you really are the Boss, then bloody act like it."

At this point, they faced each other directly with piercing stares that only spelled anger. Heaven help them.

"Um.. boss?"

The third guy nervously called. It almost looked like he would pee his pants.

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