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Chapter 21: Attack!


His seriousness intact, he looked at the guy. Yes, in this state, Gray was terrifying. This was the exact reason people stayed away from him, feared him in fact. But Clara didn't mind. She knew Gray too well and it often looked like she was taking it for granted.

"Sir, when..when," he stuttered.

"Move out everyone. First of all, fish out exactly what the bug is attached to."

Clara commanded and immediately the man obeyed.

"We'll settle this later, Clara."

Gray said in a deathly tone. It seemed he wasn't going to let Clara go Scott free.

The men went immediately to Regina's room and frisked it. He searched every nook and cranny but could not find a thing.

As he was about to give up, Gray walked into the room. Well, it was his house so, him being part of the search wasn't weird at all. The fact that he was doing something he would normally leave for the floor members wasn't weird at all.

"Where's her apron?" He demanded.

"It's over her sir."

"Search through it thoroughly."

He commanded.

While they were doing that, he casually opened up her drawer and found the 100-dollar bill in it. That was unusual. There was no way Regina would have money on her. Except she was given.

Dre must have given it to her!

Oh, that must have been how he planted the device. If it was no longer attached to the money, then it must have been put somewhere else. Gray was putting the pieces together.

Knowing Regina, seeing something like that could have alarmed her. But since... since she didn't have reason to rely on him anymore, she couldn't confide in him. So, she must have trashed it.

"Quickly, check the trash can!"

He commanded.

While the men hurried to do so, he pondered over the terrible way he'd treated her and blamed himself for his decisions. But then he could still do nothing about it.

"Found it Boss!"

"Good. Just hold it. We'll take it to the living room and place it on a table. The radar must have already secured the location of our den."

They left the room to the living room. The other men had finished installing the tear-gas devices.

"Good. Now we wait. Everyone, just act busy. We'll leave some men in the house just for humor. The minute they're in, sneak out through the back and I'll do the needful."

Gray commanded.

At Dre's mansion, he was already jubilating at the fact that his men were going to infiltrate his enemy's den. Perfect.

"Get me, Leo."

He ordered one of the henchmen in his study. It didn't take long before they both arrived.

"You sent for me sir.."

Leo said, politely.

"You and I are going to stay back."

"Why sir?"

"Because I think it's going to be a trap. Gray's not a fool and my best guess is that he knows what I'm up to. I'm shocked at the way he easily fished Lucas out and killed him instantly."

Dre's concerns were valid. He wasn't stupid.

"But if these are your suspicions, why are you sending the men out?" Leo's concerns were valid as well.

"Because I like to play games. Besides, we could be lucky," Dre smirked.

It really was going to be a death trap for the rest of them. Except that, Dre was considerate enough to withdraw Leo from the operation. Leo was thankful for that.

At the hospital, Regina must have been saying prayers of worry for Gray. He called her, only to assure her of his safety.

"Close your eyes and it'll all soon be over," he said, in his best efforts to console her. It wasn't working though.

"This isn't a movie, Gray.," Regina said, sounding a little bold.

"Yes well... it's going to be over soon. I'll come see you tomorrow."

He hung up. Way to go, trying to relax her nerves. A part of her wanted to ponder over Gray's politeness. But she assumed it was just him feeling guilty for starving her. She was right though, but a blind man could tell that it was more than that. Regina relaxed in her bed and just forced herself to go to sleep.

The time had come and Gray, Clara, and the rest of the men were prepared. It took about an hour and soon Gray's motion sensory device let him know the men were approaching. He could see their movement on his smartwatch. All of the motion cameras were mounted on the exterior of the house but closed off to human eyes.

He saw them making an entrance into the house.

"Get out of the house, now."

He spoke into his covert earpiece. Soon, his men were out. He locked up the doors through his smart watch and activated the tear gas. Of course, the men began wailing. What wusses.

When Gray was sure that they were immobile, he deactivated the locks and instructed his men to go fetch the invaders.

His men were shocked to find that these men actually had gas masks on. They weren't affected by the gas at all but that was okay.

Immediately, a battle between both sides ensued and Gray's men had the upper hand. The battle was fierce, with kicks and punches flying through the air, wails of men, and cries of courage. Finally, the battle was over and only one man was left alive.

Two of the henchmen came forth and lifted him up, leading him out of the house, the remaining men followed.

"I expected you all to be out of there sooner. What happened?" Gray questioned, looking like he was about to pounce on his own men.

"They had gas masks on," one of the men responded.

"I see. Dre is smart. That's the last guy standing I presume."

"Yes sir."

"I'd hoped two would be alive, so I'd torture and question one, then send the other's remains back to Dre. But it's fine. I'll just torture, question, kill this one, and send his remains back to Daddy. I am Gray! The greatest shadow soldier! Nothing and no one can bloody change that! Get that dead meat out of my sight!"

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