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Chapter 25: Another Game May Begin

Regina's POV

“It barely looks like a place where humans can survive..”

I complained sorrowfully and I perceived Clara's amusement. She liked my grief and the unfortunate turn of events. Her jeering made me doubt she truly cared about Gray but then, I was in no position to say anything, do anything.

"Are you protesting?" Clara asked, with her brows curved sharply. She wanted to drill me till I'd probably burst out in anger, but I wouldn't let her have her way.

"I'm... I'm not. I apologize, it's a thought I hoped to keep to myself.."

"Keep you and your thoughts in check, Regina. Well, the good news is, you won't be doing chores for me any longer. The exit means you're sorta free of me. Well me, I don't know about Gray.."

Gray, I looked at him hoping he would change his mind on the spot but he looked helpless. I didn't understand what was going on. Was he cursed to never fall in love or was it just me? Was I the problem? I could swear that I almost asked him this but I stiffened my voice. It wouldn't be a good idea to speak freely in Clara's presence.

Clara was a pretty good pretender. She knew how well to disguise her true self, feelings, and thoughts. Images of our moments as Miss and Maid flashed through my mind. Oh, these thoughts occurred in the sequence in which the events took place. First, she was my maid, and then I became her mood. All this was like a movie.

"Gray?" I whispered...

"Is this... really what you want?"

I did it. I asked him the question that churned in my heart without considering Clara's presence. This newfound courage was indeed alarming but Clara knew how well to make me crawl back into my shell...

I felt a spread palm land on my left cheek with a blow and the pain sank right into my skin and brain. But I suppose I was too sad to cry...

"What audacity! How dare you act so informally with the Boss? Get this wench out of here.."

Clara stormed on me. Sigh, it was so difficult holding back all the anger that was rising up in me. Even when I found out the truth, Clara still didn't treat me this terribly. It was all a huge puzzle that I didn't want to arrange.

"I... I'm sorry, ma'am.."

I managed to say as two henchmen gripped both my hands and led me to the unkempt quarters. I almost turned around to look at Gray sending me away and breaking the beautiful bond between us. Maybe it was never meant to be. I'd truly live as a prisoner for the rest of my life. This realization squeezed at my chest and left me hopeless.

Third Person POV

Jean Dre put down the cigarette he was so fondly smoking on the ashtray. Only the heavens knew what was running through his mind. His failed attempt at assassinating Gray, or the fact that he'd lost even more henchmen. The last one got mailed to him, scattered. Just then, Leo walked into his study,

"What is it?"

"Oh, nothing Boss. I just wanted to check up on you..and.."

"And see whether I've probably murdered myself? life's way too precious to waste away like that."

Leo was pleased with Jean's calmness. Wasn't he so keen on eliminating Gray?

"So, what are we going to do next?"

"Watch. We're going to watch."

Jean was acting vague and maybe that vexed Leo a little. Well if Jean was going to do nothing else, he certainly wouldn't stand by and wait. He wanted to get Regina back.

"I want to go after Regina.." Leo said without certainty. He was hoping that his daring words wouldn't anger Jean and he was right. Jean seemed to care less about anything else at that moment,

"Sure... Regina... isn't she the one Gray's holding hostage?"

Sure. A hostage he greatly desired, to the point that he was referred to as weak!

"I don't think she's much of a hostage. I know something's going on between them but I want my girl back."

Leo was serious and this impressed Jean so much. He noticed a bit of change in Leo, a change he never thought possible. Leo initially came across to him as a loser but, heaven knew why he chose to keep him...

"You're promising, Leo. I'm impressed," Jean smirked. His idea engines started running again and a plan wasn't far off. Leo was also plotting something. It was about that time to take what was his and nothing would stop him. Not even the beastly Gray.

Nancy hadn't seen Leo for a while and it bugged her, she was so surprised. She'd thought she only liked Leo for the sex but she really couldn't tell when feelings jumped in. Her mother walked into her room and instantly observed that her daughter was in a moment of delusion,

"What are you thinking about?" Trisha's voice startled her daughter,

"Nothing, mother. What are you doing here? I hate it when you come into my room.."

"I just worry about you, Nancy. I worry about your future. You've not been able to secure any good, rich man that will take care of you and me-"

"I'm working on it, mother!"

"How? How, you ungrateful child?! I couldn't stand your stepfather when I met him but I accepted him anyway because I thought he could cater to our needs. I married him because of you! Only to find out he was a broke fool!"

"And you're blaming me now??"

"Well, who else can I blame??? Even that wretched Regina is living big all in the guise of being held captive!"

"Well, aren't you the one that made sure she got captured?! Those men were actually approaching me but you just had to push her in the way!"

The tension was rising between mother and daughter and the situation only got worse when George walked into the room. Apparently, he'd just heard everything they spewed out of bitterness.

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