Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 93

Madeleine had no idea who Henry was or his purpose for being here. His lightheartedness came out as at the at least insensitive, if not outright malevolent. Leonard, however, didn't appear bothered. He listened intently to everything Henry said, needy like a disciple. The only other thing that stood out about him was the way he occasionally sucked on his upper lip.

Grandiosity is the antithesis of self-loathing, Leonard noted.

Right, said Henry. Therefore, if you're going to laugh, do it like Robert Lowell.

Madeleine also thought the phrase "crack up" was a poor option. Henry's actions infuriated her. At the same time, the fact that Henry was disparaging Leonard's condition suggested that it might not be as terrible as it appeared to be.

Perhaps Henry handled this situation correctly. She was anxious to learn any advice. But she was incapable of humour. She was uncomfortable and had trouble speaking.

Madeleine never had a close relationship with anyone who had a diagnosable mental condition. She automatically avoided those who were unstable. This attitude was as callous as it was characteristic of the Hannas, who are good, fortunate, protected, and exemplary people. Mental instability was something Madeleine Hanna definitely wasn't. That was the plan all along.

But after discovering Billy Bainbridge having sex with two women, Madeleine realised she had the ability to experience a helpless sadness similar to clinical depression. Certainly in these last few weeks, when she was crying in her room over her breakup with Leonard, getting wasted and having sex with Thurston Meems, and pinning her last hope on getting into a graduate programme she wasn't even sure she wanted to attend, Madeleine had been broken by love, by empty promiscuity.

Every lover is mad, we are told, according to a passage from Barthes that she recalled.

But can we picture a lunatic falling in love?

Leonard worries that they'll keep him in here indefinitely, but I don't believe that will happen. Henry was once more speaking. Leonard, you're doing good. Just relay what you said to the doctor. You are only being held in this room for observation.

Leonard told Madeleine, "The doctor's scheduled to call in a minute."

Henry said it again, "You fabricated a little mental illness to get in here and receive some help." And now that you're feeling better, you're prepared to return home.

All ears, Leonard leaned forward. He said, "I simply want to get out of here.

"Three incompletes were required of me. Just get those classes over with so I can graduate.

Leonard has never been so well-behaved, according to Madeleine. The obedient student and the outstanding patient.

Henry remarked, "That's a good thing. "That is a good thing. You desire regaining your life.

I want my life back, Leonard robotically repeated as he turned to stare at Henry and Madeleine. I want to leave this place, accomplish my unfinished business, and graduate.

The dayroom was entered by a nurse.

“Leonard? You can reach Dr. Shieu on the phone.

Leonard jumped to his feet with all the zeal of a candidate seeking a job. He said, "Here it is."

Henry said, "Tell the doctor what you told me."

They both stayed silent after Leonard had left. Henry finally made a statement.

He remarked, "I'm assuming you're Leonard's girlfriend."

At this stage, unclear, Madeleine said.

He is in a condition of fugue. Henry swung his index finger around. Just a tape loop that keeps repeating itself.

You merely told him he was OK, though,

That's what Leonard needs to hear, I suppose.

But you're not a doctor, she added.

No, Henry answered. But I majored in psychology. It follows that I've read a lot of Freud. He grinned like the Cheshire cat in a broad, uncomfortable, flirty manner.

And here we are, living in post-Freudian times," Madeleine tartly said.

Henry endured this slog with what may have been pleasure. "My recommendation would be to not do that if you are Leonard's girlfriend, if you're thinking of becoming Leonard's girlfriend, or if you're thinking of getting back together with him," he stated.

Who are you exactly?

"Just someone who has personally seen how alluring it may be to believe that by loving someone, you can save them."

Madeleine remarked, "I could have sworn we just met." "And that you have no knowledge of me."

Standing up, Henry He asserted, slightly irritated but with unwavering assurance, "People don't save other people. Persons protect themselves.

He left her to consider that on her own.

The woman with the uncombed hair was fastening and untying the belt of her robe while gazing up at the television. A young black woman who appeared to be her parents and was of college age was seated at a table. They appeared accustomed to the environment.

Leonard came back after some more time had passed. Hey Leonard, said the woman with the uncombed hair. Have you noticed any lunch outside?

Leonard said, "I didn't. "Not quite,"

"I think I need some lunch."

It will arrive in about 30 minutes, Leonard stated kindly.

He seemed more like a patient than a doctor. The woman appeared to believe in him. She bowed before turning away.

Leonard leaned forward while seated on the chair and moved his knee.

Madeleine was trying to come up with something to say, but all of her ideas came out sounding hostile. How much time have you spent here? Why did you not inform me? Are you sure you received a diagnosis three years ago? How come you didn't tell me you were on?

She chose "What did the doctor say?" as her response.

In response to the news, Leonard stated equably, "She doesn't want to release me yet. She isn't ready to discuss firing me just yet.

"Just follow her lead. Simply remain here and rest. You may probably complete your unfinished business here.

While speaking gently so that no one would overhear, Leonard scanned the room. That is pretty much all I can do. This is a state hospital, like I indicated.

What does that mean?

Meaning that the majority of the time, folks are only given drugs.

Do you have anything on you?

He waited before responding. "Lithium mostly. something I have been using for a while. They are adjusting my dose.

Is it assisting?

Madeleine took a quick look around the space to see whether anyone was making out. Nothing was.

Why didn't you give me a call? It was her.

"We split up."

“Leonard! That wouldn't have mattered if I had known you were depressed.

I was depressed because of the split, Leonard stated.

The news was this. In an improper but genuine manner, this was good news.

Leonard continued, "I sabotaged you and me. "Now I see that. I now have a little more clarity in my thinking. One consequence of coming from the type of family I do—a family of alcoholics— is that you start to accept illness and dysfunction as normal. For me, illness and dysfunction are commonplace.

What's abnormal is how you're feeling. He stopped. Remember that day you told me you loved me? He cocked his head, his dark gaze locked on the floor. Recall that? You see, you're fundamentally a sane person who grew up in a loving, sane home, so you could do it. You

could take such a chance. However, in my family, we didn't publicly declare our love for one another. We yelled at one another while running around. So what should I do if you tell me you love me? I go and attack it. I proceed to reject it by insulting you with Roland Barthes.

A person's appearance was not always ruined by depression. Only the way Leonard was biting, sucking, and moving his lips.

And you went away, he continued. "You went outside. And you did that correctly, Madeleine." Leonard now turned to face her, a look of grief on his face.

I'm broken, he declared.

'You're not,'

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