"Vrrooom!" Jacob's engine growls as it speeds across the road. His mind can't help but wonder at the sudden change in Emily's character. Why Emily? Was she like that all along? As he drives, he turns up the volume of the radio. A cool relaxing Rn'B song begins to play, saturating the car and relaxing him.
While driving, he soon observes a crowd congregated around a huge skyscraper with huge LED screens on it. Curious as to what's going on, he parks his car and gets out of it. As he crosses the rather busy road and approaches the crowd, he hears murmurs and chattering along with a male news anchor's voice in the mix. He makes his way through the crowd and gets to the front where he sees an Asian American news anchor delivering breaking news.
"...........crimes. The police released a statement this morning and he is now on the wanted list on charges of the mass murder of civilians for organ harvesting. The 28 year old, Dr Jacob Smith, is now on the run and members of the public are advised to reach out to the cops if spotted........"
Jacob couldn't believe his ears and not to mention his eyes. His face was right there, on the huge screen!
"How......me? How am I....?" He thinks in shock as he stares as his picture on the screen. Realizing the danger he's in, he makes his way through the crowd and with his head bent, he walks over to his car and gets in. His heart is thumping heavily. It almost feels like his chest might burst open at any second.
"I can't believe he would do something like this" he mutters in frustration. "Damn it!" He cusses as he hits his fist against the steering wheel, blaring the horn slightly. "I've gotta go talk to him" he says as he starts the engine and turning around, zooms off back in the direction he came from.
As he drives, he thinks of how to gather evidence against Dr Richard. Whoever has the most evidence wins. And where best to get evidence than at the hospital? As his car, approaches the hospital, he sees tons of police cars with their siren lights flashing. There are cops everywhere. He initially plans to get down and tell the cops the truth but soon sees Dr Richard walking out with a guy in a suit, probably some high-ranking dude in the force and both of them are laughing!
Realizing the futility of even trying, Jacob grits his teeth in anger. "Bastard!" He says as he drives off.
He tries to check the house. Perhaps there's something there. Not to mention his valuable research files. At least, he needs to get those out even if nothing else is to be seen there. As he approaches the house, it's the exact same thing. Cops everywhere!
At this point, he can already tell he's fucked. "Here too?" He mutters. They had played his own cards against him. As he gazes upon the house and the cops around, he soon realizes that he needs a plan. A battle plan. He certainly wasn't going to go down without a fight. Shaking his head in pity, he drives off.
A few hours later, at nightfall>>>>>>>>
His eyes open slightly as his consciousness revives. He had parked his car in an abandoned factory premises some hours ago to think clearly and get away from the prying eyes of the public. Somewhere along the line, he had fallen asleep. Realizing that it's dark already, he decides to go get some food. He hasn't eaten all day and that coupled with the sudden turn of events was clearly taking a toll on him. He drives to the nearest gas station and parks. While inside, he contemplates what he should get. He doesn't really have much cash on him and decides to get whatever he can buy.
He walks out of the car and heads to the convenience store just beyond the gas pumps.
"Chinklinky!" The jingle of tiny bells saturate the store as he opens the door. There's some Elton John music playing in the background as he walks in. He looks at the counter. There's an emo boy with long blonde hair and headphones in his ears sitting on a chair behind the counter with his legs crossed on top of the counter as he plays a video game on his phone. His eyes temporarily meet Jacob's but almost as instantly return to his game while he chews gum rather loudly.
Relieved at the nonchalance of the kid, Jacob walks into the convenience store and picks a couple of items, particularly a black nose mask, a black baseball hat and a black hoodie. He also picks a couple of snacks and fruits. Then he walks back out to the counter only to see the kid holding a baseball bat and standing right in front of the counter.
"Uhhm good evening, I wanna buy these" Jacob says, skeptically staring at him as he shows the kid the items he had picked. The kid says nothing but keeps hitting the bat against his palm in a threatening way.
"There's a huge bounty on your head" he says as he spits the gum out, "a hunnit grand can do a lot for me at this point" he says further as he slowly takes a step closer.
"Hey look kid, I don't want any trouble" Jacob replies as he takes a step back, "All that stuff you heard on the news, I didn't do it. I'm being framed" he explains.
"I don't think you get it" he says, "I don't care. I just want the money!" The boys yells as he dashes at Jacob, taking a swing with the bat. Dropping the stuff he bought, Jacob dodges the swing just narrowly. A smirk etches up on the boy's face.
"So you do know how to fight?" He asks, "You freaking murderer! Why would a doctor know how to fight?!" He yells as he takes another swing at Jacob, who dodges yet again. Realizing how lucky he was to have dodged both swings, either of which would have knocked him unconscious if they had hit, he knows he has to end this ASAP. As the boy stalks him, his eyes glance around for any object he can use to end this fight. There's almost nothing useable in sight.
He stares back at the boy who suddenly pulls out a knife.
Scared stiff, he walks backwards to the front of the counter. "Come on kid, let's talk this out. I think you're taking this too far" he says as the kid launches at him with the knife. He squats immediately closing his eyes shut and the kid trips over him and falls head first on the counter. His forehead hits the edge of the counter and he drops on Jacob, totally lifeless.
Slowly, Jacob's eyes open and he sees the boy laying on him with blood oozing out of his forehead. Shock waves run through Jacob's spine. What's he supposed to do now?
"Hey kid" Jacob shakes him as he wriggles out from under the kid, "Hey kid, wake up" he says to deaf ears. He quickly checks the boy's pulse and realizes that the kid's dead. Horrified, he sits on the floor, watching the pool of his blood spread out. While he was trying to think, he hears the faint sound of sirens from a distance.
"The cops!" He says as he hurriedly rushes to pack the things he bought and any other thing he could carry. He puts on the mask and cap and with a huge black unused garbage bag, takes everything he can from the store. About to leave, he takes a look back at the lifeless body whose head was haloed by the growing circle of blood around it. Unable to do anything, he walks out the door with the jingling of the tiny bells bidding him farewell.