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Chapter 1 Let's Get Divorced

"Sabina Valentina, you blind cur! You've haunted my son for three years, why can’t you just go to hell?"

Sabina Valentina's beautiful eyes, devoid of any spark were trembling at the shrill and malicious voice coming from the phone.

She was blind and had been married to Ryan Macaulay for three years. Natalie Macaulay, Ryan's mother, had never liked her, treating her like garbage. Even though they had moved out of the Macaulay family home, Natalie would call Sabina every day to hurl insults at her.

Out of respect for Ryan's mother, for three long years, Sabina had endured every insult. But today, she decided she wouldn't suffer in silence any longer.

Sabina let out a cold laugh, "Natalie, it was your son who wanted to marry me. Take it up with him if you dare. If you can persuade him for a divorce, I'll pack my things immediately and leave. Do you feel a sense of accomplishment from harassing a blind woman because you lack the guts to confront your son?"

Natalie thought that Sabina had weakened over the last three years and was taken aback by the retort from Sabina, turning livid with rage.

Sabina quickly ended the call as she suddenly heard a car pulling up.

Before she could pocket her phone, the door flew open bringing an icy draft laced with snowflakes into the room.

Sabina shivered, her eyes hollow as she peered toward the entrance. "Ryan Macaulay, is that you?"

A towering figure approached, his lips pressed tightly together. Ryan's handsome face seemed frozen over, his demeanor chilly and detached. "What do you want? I've still got business to attend to at the company, so make it quick."

The impatience in his voice was evident. A lump formed in Sabina's throat, sour and discomforting. His irritation and anger were obvious. How had she been so blind to it all?

Biting her lip hard, she finally spoke, "Ryan, I want a divorce."

His lips were taut as he met her gaze.

"Sabina, stop joking around. Take back what you said and I'll pretend I didn’t hear it."

His words were light, but they made Sabina seethe with anger. "Ryan, do you think I'm joking with you?"

Her expression was livid as her arms burst free from the confines of the blanket.

Her thin, almost transparent skin, mottled blue and purple from the searing cold, was striking, especially with the multitude of needle scars.

"Ryan, for three years, every so often you'd take me to the hospital to draw blood. I kept telling myself it was because you cared and loved me. I never thought that all this while you were lying to me… that I, blind as I am, have been supplying blood for your ex for three years."

Her lips quivered as she spoke, her voice unsteady. "For three full years, is this Ruby Patricia really so important to you?"

Ryan felt a searing twinge within when he saw her scarred arms, but his hatred swiftly overcame it. Turning his gaze away, he demanded "How did you find out? Who told you?"

"Don't worry about where I got my information." Sabina retrieved a document from her chest and slapped it onto the coffee table with a resounding ‘thwack.’ "Here's the divorce settlement. Just sign it."

Ryan flipped through the documents, which stated that if he agreed to the divorce, she was willing to leave with absolutely nothing.

In a cruel twist of fate, she was willing to forsake everything just to end the marriage with him. Ryan let out a cold, mocking laugh. "Sabina, I thought I could keep this from you, but now that the cat's out of the bag, I might as well lay it all out."

He moved toward her grasping her chin tightly and staring into her delicate, beautiful face before his gaze settled on her vacant, spiritless eyes.

"Three years ago, your dad got behind the wheel drunk and caused an accident that left Ruby in a vegetative state, lying in the hospital all this time in a coma. This is your debt to her."

"No, that's not true, my father can’t be drunk driving!"

Her voice faltered and her pale, thin body quivered violently

Ryan's eyes bore into hers, his voice harsh. "Spare me the act, Sabina. The autopsy found high levels of alcohol in his bloodstream. Here you are still defending your drunkard father with the evidence stacked against him. It's like talking to a brick wall!"

"If your blood type weren’t the same as Ruby's, I'd be disgusted to even look at you, the blind girl. You truly believed this was genuine when it was nothing but a cruel sham. It's laughable!"

His words drained the color from her face. Dazed, she stumbled a few steps backward, tripped over a stool, and fell to the floor. She flailed like a dying fish, struggling to get up.

Ryan watched her with contempt, making no attempt to help her up. "You have no basis to discuss divorce, Sabina. A daughter repays her father's debts. You will continue to give Ruby blood infusions until she awakens.

Tears welled up in Sabina's eyes as she faced the harsh reality of his cruelty, far surpassing what she had imagined.

Slowly, she used the chair to pull herself up, her clothes sullied and disheveled. Even without sight, she knew the extent of her current disarray.

Slowly, she used the chair to pull herself up, her clothes sullied and disheveled. Even without sight, she was aware of the degree of her current chaos.

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