Read with BonusRead with Bonus



He slowly raised a small bag, extending it to me.

“What's this?” I asked him, giving him my nastiest look. “And what are you here for? Your five minutes are counting.”

I knew I was being rude but that was solely what he deserved. Nothing but the worst treatment since being nice to him made you an obsessed fan, a thief and a stalker.

“I came to apologize to you for my horrible behavior

yesterday. I know nothing excuses my behavior but you should know that I have actually been in such situations and that's why I got paranoid. I am really sorry.” He said, his head bowed a little.

At the mention of his past situations —which I knew to be true from my extensive research on him the other night— my anger reduced. He made a valid point, I'll give him that.

“You've realized that I'm not your fan now right? I neither know you nor care about you because I didn't even know who you are before all these.” I told him, putting my hand on my waist.

“I have and I know how painful it is to be wrongly accused. All I can say is that I'm sorry and I hope you are able to forgive me.” He apologized. “Also, I got you a gift.”

I stared at the bag in his hands and cocked my head to the side. “What's this?”

“A gift. I got you a necklace to apologize.” He replied. I had wished for a break from my normal life but I didn't know it would come this early.

An A-list celebrity getting a normal person like me a gift wasn't something you saw everyday.

“No, thank you. I don't want it.” I told him, looking at my wrist watch. “Apparently, your time is up and I'll have to excuse myself. Goodbye, Mr Xavier.”

He stared at me like I had suddenly grown horns. “Won't you collect the necklace? My sister and I toiled the whole day, looking for a gift for you.”

“I didn't ask anything of you, Mr Xavier, you chose to do that all by yourself. Have a good day.” I told him, bowing slightly after which I went back to the counter where Tina was waiting with a sheepish smile on her face.

I continued to watch Xavier, a bewildered look as he shook his head and left the cafe.

“What did he call you aside for?” Tina asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

“He wanted to apologize. He also got me a gift which I rejected.” I replied nonchalantly, rearranging the jars and mugs on the counter though they didn't need to be rearranged.

“You rejected a gift from Xavier Banks?” She gasped, making me look at her. “I wish I had that opportunity.” She whined.

“If you can stand his accusations, be my guest.” I told her. “Anyway, where did Tiana go? Wasn't she supposed to hang out with me today?”

“Somehow, she convinced me to let her go on a playdate with a classmate of hers. The girl's mum will bring both of them here later on but don't change the topic. Have you forgiven Xavier?” She asked.

“I see where Tiana got her convincing skills from.” I chuckled. “I told him I have forgiven him. Does that make you happy?”

“Actually no, I was hoping you would drag it out longer.” She replied, chuckling. “It was nice to see him so agitated.”

I shook my head. Such a Tina-like response.

The bell dinged, announcing a new customer. “Welcome to Sugar Cubes, how may we foster your sweet tooth today?” I greeted, smiling brightly at the couple that came in.


“It's been a while since we went out.” Katie said as we did our laundry.

“We always go out.” I smirked.

“You know what I mean.” She groaned. Teasing her was one of my favorite pastimes because of how entertaining her reactions were. “We have not gone out to have fun in a while.”

“We visited Laura last weekend.” I replied as I folded the last piece of clothing into the basket and carried it, making my way to the room.

“You are so annoying.” She gruntled, folding her arms. “Why don't we go out tonight? We could eat out and watch a movie or better still, we could go to the club and dance the stress of the week away.”

“Are you willing to sponsor our outing? All my money is going into building a place for myself in the baking world.” I told her. “Besides, you know I don't really like going out. Also, the music at the club isn't my type of music and I can't even sing along, what fun will that be?”

“You always manage to come up with a million excuses so that we will not go out and didn't you tell me about the wads of cash Xavier gave you and the deal you got from his manager? Where's all that money going?” She queried, waddling behind me.

“Like I already told you, I want to build my brand. Mia's pastries. Or something else, I'm still searching for a better name.”

She shook her head. “You are insufferable. Fine, I will pay for your movie tickets but each person gets their own food.”

I grinned. “That is okay with me.” I replied as we came to an agreement. “It's thirty minutes past five now, let's go by six o'clock.”

“I'll go get ready.” She replied excitedly. “Actually, why don't you invite Isha? It's been years since I last saw her and I have been curious about her change in personality. Please, invite her.” She pleaded, holding my arms.

“The more the merrier, right?” I chuckled. “ I'll give her a call immediately I'm done putting these clothes in my wardrobe.”

“Thank you, babe.” She said, running off in the direction of her room.


“Isha said she would be running late as she has a few errands to run for her mum but she will join us before the movie starts.” I told Katie as I applied the finishing touches to my light make-up.

It felt like ages since I last dressed up like this and it made me feel beautiful.

“Okay then. Just send her our location and we can meet up after dinner.” She replied, putting curls into her hair with my curling iron.

I nodded as I adjusted my black leather skirt so it was sitting prettily on my thighs and not riding up ridiculously. “The Uber will be here shortly so if there's anything left for you to do, be snappy about it.” I informed her.

“But I still have a lot to do. I'm barely done with my hair and I have not even gotten started with my makeup.” She whined, turning off the curling iron. “How did you get ready so fast?”

“By doing the barest minimum.” I responded simply, packing my essentials into the handbag I was carrying with me.

She scrunched up her face as she put on her black jacket, matching with my black trench coat. “Could you help me put my phone and wallet inside the purse on your bed? Thanks.”

I reached for her phone which was on my reading table and put it in her purse as she requested while she concentrated on her makeup.

My phone rang out loudly, disrupting the silence that had come over the room.

“Is that the Uber driver?” Katie asked, her voice sounding slightly panicked.

“No, it's Isha.” I answered, picking the call. “ Hey girl, is anything the matter?”

There was silence at the other end before I was replied to by her sobbing. “What's wrong, Isha? Is everything okay? Please, speak to me, babe.”

Katie shot up from her seat and tiptoed towards me. “Is she crying?” She mouthed to which I nodded in reply.

All I got in response was more sobbing.

“Just tell me where you are and I'll be there in an instant.” I told her when no answer seemed to be forthcoming.

“A park.” She croaked out. “It's near the university.”

“I'll be there as soon as possible, just stay calm and take deep breaths.” I said and hung up, turning to Katie who stood at alert beside me.

“We need to leave now. Isha seems to be in a dilemma and we have to be there for her as she has no one else.”

“The Uber should be here by now.” She responded, grabbing her purse as we made our way out.

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