Read with BonusRead with Bonus



I was still in shock that she rejected the gift I got her. What type of woman rejects a gift from a man these days? Not just any man but me, Xavier Banks.

Actually, I shouldn't be surprised. I should have known she was different when I found out that she didn't know who I was. She was honestly the first female I've met —that’s not related to me— that is not fan-girling over me and declaring her undying love.

She seemed like someone you'd want to keep close, someone I needed in my non-existent circle. The only people I had were my family and they were the only ones I knew who didn't want me for a selfish reason. Even Hewitt was using me for his personal gain.

I let out a sigh as I lifted the glass filled to the brim with orange juice to my lips.

It just didn't make any sense and I was finding it hard to believe that someone like her existed in this era. I banged my head against the arm of the chair as I let out a groan.

I didn't like the fact that my mind was filled with thoughts of her. Maybe a nap would clear my mind then I can start planning my year off.


I was jolted awake by the blasting of my ringtone. Rubbing my eyes and stifling a yawn, I reached for my phone and picked the call without checking the caller ID.

“Hello, Xavier.” My dad's deep and calm voice said from the other end. “I'm surprised you picked up at once. Did I catch you at a good time?”

“What do you want?” I asked him, hoping the frost in my voice was enough to freeze him to death. I had an idea of why he was calling but I'd just let him say it himself.

“I have not been in the country for a while now, including the day you had your silly press conference and revealed things about me no one is supposed to know.” He began, confirming my suspicion. “I see you met with your stepmom. She's the only one who ever got that close.”

“She is my mum, the one who raised me, you despicable man.” I spat out. “She told me everything you did to her and it makes me ashamed to think that I was formed from you.”

“I think you are being too dramatic, drama boy. Why don't we meet and discuss this like men?” He said with a teasing tone.

“I am not interested in ever seeing you.”

“Fine, don't come but don't blame me if anything happens to your sister.” He replied, cackling. “See you soon, drama boy.”

“Don't you dare do anything to Kira.” I yelled as I hung up and flung my phone against the wall, making its screen smash into smithereens immediately. I let out a string of curse words.

I hated that man. I hated that he belittled me and my career. I hated that he took my sister and I as pawns in this twisted game of his but mostly, I hated that there was nothing I could do about it.

It was evening already and if I had to go down there, I may not be able to come back home tonight. I had purposely chosen an apartment that was as far away from him as possible so he couldn't pull any surprise visits on me and it was a decision I didn't regret.

I dragged myself off the bed and changed into a hoodie and joggers after which I picked my car keys and was about to make my way out when I stopped, suddenly getting an idea.

I knew Dad couldn't hurt me as he thought me to be his heir but Kira, I wasn't so sure. I dialed Hewitt's number and he picked up almost immediately.

“Hey man, what's up?” He asked. “Make it quick please, we are having a family dinner and my wife has her parents over.”

“I need a driver and bodyguard now.” I said, keeping it short as he has requested.

“Has he finally reached out to you?” He asked, bringing his voice a notch lower.

“Yes, I think he's holding Kira hostage or something. I need to go as soon as possible.” I responded.

“Do you want me to come with?”

“Thanks but no. Enjoy your dinner with your family.” I told him and hung up. He sent me a message a minute later to confirm that they were on their way to me.

I impatiently tapped my foot against the floorboard, taking a gulp of water. I had to grow to end that man that called himself my father.

Two should be able to play that game of his.


The driver, my usual one, pulled into the driveway of dad's house. It was dark already by the time we arrived and only the lights strategically placed around the emvirons illuminated the night.

“We are here.” Jim, the driver announced. The bodyguard got down from the passenger seat and stood outside my door.

Just before I alighted, I decided to try calling Kira just in case Dad was lying so he could trick me into coming. She didn't pick up the first time which got me slightly worried.

I tried again and this time, she answered.

“Hey Xavy, how's it going?” She asked, her voice cheery. “You've called me too much this week, is the loneliness getting to you or you are just idle?”

I could see she was clearly okay and was in no way held hostage. It was a mistake coming here without confirming from her first.

“Where are you now?” I asked her, ignoring her taunting remark.

“Dad called me to discuss my wedding preparations and have dinner with him so I am at his place right now. Why are you asking?” She replied.

That sneaky son of a…!

“Xavier, why aren't you saying anything?” She asked.

“Don't worry.” I replied, hanging up as I opened the door and stepped into the cold night breeze, my bodyguard behind me.

I thought Kira had become wiser since we visited mum and she learnt about his past deeds and the fact that he was the one who tried to ruin my career but I was wrong.

She was still the same young girl who has always lived her life seeking approval from a father who didn't give a damn about her.

If she hadn't walked into this trap by being so obedient to him, I wouldn't have had to come to this place and listen to that mam try to make me work under him.

I really had to find a way to make Kira hate dad. That was the only way I could be free from him. I reached the front door and just as I was about to knock, the door opened.

“Good evening, young master.” Mr Clinton greeted, his voice shaky and as I looked closer, saw a bloodied bandage around his head.

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