Read with BonusRead with Bonus



The uber dropped us exactly in front of the public park. It was somewhere I passed everyday but never had time to visit even though I had always wanted to.

There was barely any light on and the moon was nowhere to be seen as it was a cloudy night. Katie turned on her phone's flashlight to illuminate the path we were treading.

“This park is a huge one. Where do you think she may be?” She asked.

“I have no idea. Maybe I should call her and ask.” I replied, fishing out my phone from my handbag. I dialed her number but there was no response. “I think her phone is switched off.”

“What could possibly be wrong with her?” Katie wondered out loud as we forged ahead without a destination in mind.

“I don't know but whatever it is, she sounded very upset.” I said in reply. “You've been here before, right?”

She nodded affirmatively. “A couple of times.”

“Then you should know where the benches are located here. That could help us reach her quickly.” I suggested.

“Thing is, the benches here are scattered around, there's no particular spot where they are located.” She responded, dashing my hopes.

“That was my best suggestion. I guess we'll just have to walk around till we find her.” I said, letting out a breath.

After a few minutes of walking, a scream pierced the air, causing Katie and I to come to a halt. “ Did you also hear that?” I asked her.

“I think it's coming from that side.” She said pointing in the West direction. “Maybe it is Isha.” We walked hurriedly towards the source of the sound but came to a dead end by the pond.

“She should be around here somewhere.” Katie said, raising her flashlight to check the environs. “There she is!”

My eyes followed the direction of her hand and saw Isha sitting by the pond, on the wet grass, her eyeliner running down her face.

I ran towards her, cradling her in my arms as I knelt on the floor beside her. “It’s okay. Everything will be fine, I'm here.” I said to her as I patted her hair.

Her sobs got louder as her whole body shook vehemently. She wrapped her arms around me tightly, muttering incoherently.

“What's wrong, Isha? Please, tell me so we can find a way of resolving it.” I whispered. Katie stood a few meters away from us, shifting from one foot to the other awkwardly.

“Why don't you both get off the grass first? The grass is wet and the weather is a bit chilly.” Katie said after a few minutes of me just holding Isha in my arms and consoling her.

Isha's shot up from the ground at hearing Katie speak, she probably wasn't aware that I wasn't alone and hearing her talk must have startled her.

“I didn't mean to startle you, sorry.” Katie said as if reading my mind.

In the dim lighting of Katie's phone, I was able to make out Isha's furrowed brows and still quivering lips as she tried to recognize Katie.

“Kate, is that you? OMG, you look so different.” Isha said, her voice though laden with sorrow still managed to sound excited.

“I hope you don't mind me seeing you like this.” Katie said, taking a step forward so she wasn't so far away.

As if reminded of her predicament, Isha burst into a sob again. I stepped towards her and once again, cradled her in my arms.

“Do you want to tell me what's wrong?” I asked her. She shook her head in response as her tears seeped through my emerald green silk shirt. “It's fine anyway, whenever you are ready to talk, I'll be here to listen. Just let it all out.”

“Maybe a night out might just be the thing to cheer me up, though temporarily and make me forget my problem.” She let out after a while, wiping her face with the back of her palm as she stepped away from my hold.

“Isha, forgetting won't do you any good.” I told her. “You ought to find a solution and let it go at once.”

“If the girl wants to enjoy herself, let her.” Katie said, shrugging as she grabbed Isha and interlocked arms with her.

“Fine but at least she has to change into a new set of clothes. Her clothes are damp from sitting on the grass.” I said, picking my bag which I had flung to the side.

“My apartment is quite a distance from here.” She replied, sounding deflated as she felt her cloth.

“I always keep a spare set of clothes at the Cafe but it's not exactly outing worthy.”

“I'll take it.” She responded, beaming. “You told me we were to get dinner and go to the cinema afterwards, right? There's no need to dress up too much for it.”

“Alright then. Now that that's settled, I'll flag down a cab while you retouch your face a little bit.” Katie said, referring to the smudged makeup on Isha's face.

“I can't imagine how my face must look like.” She replied, sniffling.

“You look like a sad clown.” I told her, making her giggle.


I stuffed the last of the sushi into my mouth, letting out a satisfied smile. “That went well.” I said, rubbing my slightly protruded belly.

Isha giggled, a pile of food still on her plate. “I'm glad you enjoyed it.”

After she got changed into a gown of mine, which didn't exactly fit, she had suggested we visit a Japanese restaurant for dinner and we had obliged her.

I didn't regret that decision.

“Thanks for the food.” Yes, she had also insisted on paying for both Katie’s and my food.

“You are way calmer than I remember you.” Isha said, continuing her reminiscing with Katie.

“The same could be said for you.” Katie replied, taking a gulp of water. “When I hear Isha, what I imagine is a fiery girl who didn't take nonsense and was also kinda a bitch. Sorry to say that to your face.”

“It's fine, I know I wasn't the nicest person back then but I assure you I have changed. I didn't even know that you and Mia were this close, I never saw you two together… until she left.” Isha responded, eating really slowly.

“She liked being alone even though it made her a prey to the predators you were friends with before y'all finally broke off.” Even after I had changed schools, Katie still continued to attend the other one. Yet, she didn't even tell me that principal Henry was dead.

“You two are speaking about me like I am not here.” I snorted, interrupting their conversation.

They both grinned sheepishly, resuming a few seconds later. I sighed as they talked about things and people I didn't know.

“It's ten o'clock already, won't the cinema be closed by now?” I informed them after a while of stalking Xavier online.

“Already?” Katie exclaimed. “When did we get here?”

“I guess we will have to call it a night here.” I told them, packing my bag.

“You can't just dress so beautifully only to eat sushi. It's not possible to call it a night now.” Isha cried out.

“You still have a mountain of food on your plate. What else can we do but go home and get a good night's rest?” I retorted.

“There's a ton of things we can do. I even suggested going to a club but you turned down that idea. It's a Saturday, for goodness sake.” Katie forced out through gritted teeth.

“Even I do not like clubs. There are too many strangers but there's a party near the university. A sorority house is hosting it.” Isha told us.

“That's perfect. Let's go, please.” Katie pleaded, clasping her hands together as both her and Isha tried to convince me to attend the party with puppy eyes.

“You, of all people, know parties aren't my scene.” I groaned, fiddling with my fingers.

“We are just going there for the free drinks and pictures. We will leave after a few drinks, I promise.” Katie pitched.

“Please…” Isha added. One could only take so much pressure.

I nodded, to my own chagrin, in agreement. “Fine. Two hours is the maximum time I can spare.” I told them, including a condition.

“Thank you.” They squealed simultaneously after which Isha started wolfing down her food.


The noise coming from the bungalow I was currently standing in front of was enough to deafen someone.

“Are you guys sure you want to go into this place? Your ears may not remain the same.” I told them, hoping they'd change their mind.

“Our ears will remain perfectly fine.” Isha grinned, wrapping her arms around mine as she had grown fond of doing.

It was difficult to know that this was the same girl who had been crying her eyes out a few hours ago in a dark park. I didn't have the mind to refuse to go inside and risk ruining her mood.

“You both owe me a lot for this.” I told them.

“That's if you do not enjoy yourself.” Katie said as they proceeded to pull me inside.

If I said it was loud outside, cancel that. My eardrums were near bursting and I had to use my hands to block out the noise these people called music.

After squeezing our way through the crowd —which had gathered in the center of the room, gyrating and shaking their bodies to the music— we finally found a space that wasn't as crowded. It was the only couch in this corner that wasn't occupied.

“Were all the students of FIU packed into this tiny space? I can hardly breathe.” I shouted into Isha's ear.

She chuckled. “I'll get us drinks, be right back.” She stood up and with the experience of someone who knew a lot about parties, wound her way through the crowd to wherever she was headed.

“Mia, am I right?” I heard someone shout from beside me. I turned and tried to make out the person's face.

I let out a gasp as he stepped closer. Of all people, I never thought I'd run into him here.

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