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Julienne POV

Julienne POV

I stared at my reflection in the mirror,I picked the pink lipstick, then the red

"Use the red " Sara muttered flopping unto her bed. Sara was the only one who knew about my deal with Alex, she didn't know the real reason why, it was hard to explain death and reincarnation or whatever had happened to me to my friend, because while the artist in her would have loved it, she wouldn't have been able to get it.

" Thanks" I replied taking off the cap

" It's the least I can do. I still can't believe you're getting hitched. To a billionaire!"

" It's not that deep Sara and my family is wealthy too"

" Besides it's only for two years " I muttered, sullenly she was way to happy about this, she was in Italy on a tour for her comedy gig, she loved the travel and her job

" Which could stretch to more if you do it right" she sing-songed

" And what would be the right way" I deadpanned

" Well using your looks for one"

" I'm not that much of a looker" I grinned, it was the truth, I could pass for pretty but that was about it well that was what I believed anyway.

" And that's why you're adorable because you don't see it "

" Which could be argued that it's because it's not there but I digress-"I paused rubbing my lipstick

" I'm not looking to seduce him, he's annoying" I muttered and she laughed as if genuinely amused and it pissed me off greatly

" Why are you laughing" I asked

" Because you sound like every heroine just before they fall in love. "

" I'm not falling in love, this is just dinner "

" Then why are you nervous"

" Because it's dinner with his family"

" How do I look" I asked

" Gorgeous. That ring is too but overall you look beautiful" I laughed a m d she grinned

The doorbell rang and I straightened

" That should be him" I took my bag and hurried out,

"I'll see you later" I said softly

" I want to see the billionaire" she whisper-screamed

" You're worse than mother" I groaned get off my phone I mumbled sweetly ending the call.

I pulled open the door and had to swallow trying to catch my breath. Sara was right, Alex Cross was a unique specimen of man, and in different circumstances she might have allowed herself to dream but the circumstances were very different and dreaming did no one any good.

I could still remember his finger on my skin, his fingers touching me eliciting pleasure I hadn't known existed.

" Hi, I'm ready" I said to him tugging on my coat

" So where are we going" I asked opening the door, he opened his and got in rattling off the address to his uncle's town home.

I knew the place it was talked about every now and then.

" That's a nice part of town " I said and he grinned.

It actually was I knew that because my father had purchased a three storey apartment, along with his first hotel building.

" Ok. So my cousin can be annoying and standoffish when he wants to get in your nerves and my uncle like jokes he's bringing his girlfriend who will soon be his fiancee"

" Well that's not very encouraging' I muttered biting at my lip

" Julienne try not to worry " he urged, wrapping his hand over her fingers

" I'm trying but it's difficult" I whined lowly he chuckled reaching to the back seat where he grabbed a gift bag.

" Well you can, think of this as practice for when we have dinner with your dad " I laughed surprised by how he already knew my dad would be a pain in the ass.

" Tell me about your uncle" I said

" Well he's gruff, quiet and doesn't make a fuss but he reads you and if he deems you worthy then you'll know. He becomes boisterous almost immediately"

We arrived at the house the door opened and someone came to greet us, it was a pale young man, I recognized him as Ian,he had a small smile on his face.

" Ah the couple of the year" he said softly his voice cracking slightly

" Of course we are, what are you doing here you never open the door yourself" Alex grumbled and he laughed

" I had to see the bride my brother waxed poetic about," he turned to me bowing over her hand

" I am Ian Donahue this rascals cousin" he said

" Oh, I'm Julienne Campry , it's nice to meet you" I replied smiling

" Wow, now that I see you in person I have to ask, leave my brother and run away with me" he sighed and I laughed,

" I mean it if I was two years younger and healthier" he muttered and I grinned

" I would but I'm stuck with him, maybe in a few years" I mumbled

" That had better be a joke or I'll kill someone" Alex huffed sounding half serious.

" I'd like minimum blood shed" a female voice pleaded as she strode into the room hands linked within a man I assumed was Trent Donahue.

" Ian will you let them in, how long do you want to keep them at the door" he asked looking at him with amusement, he grinned pulling away from the door

" Come in Julienne and tell me all about you" he whispered taking my hand in his.

Dinner was a fun experience, Mary Fuller was a nice woman and a school teacher, she was younger than Trent by a lot but they seemed to love each other dearly having no regards for what anyone thought about them and I found that thrilling.

" How are you enjoying marriage" she asked as we ate

" I'm enjoying it well, he makes me wonder sometimes what I ever saw in him" I replied and he huffed

" I am the love of your life" he replied and everyone laughed I did too but my throat felt tight as I did. I wished he was, wished he could be but that was a dream. We were here for one thing only and that was all I could allow.

Dinner ended when Ian felt weak and had to go rest, we cleared the table and got the dishes done Mary hugged me tightly

" Let's go shopping sometimes" she whispered and i nodded

" That's good, and you can visit anytime" Trent said softly

" Ian loved you I'm sure he'll love the company" he finished

" I will" I replied, we waved from the driveway.

The drive to the apartment was quick, he walked with me to the door pausing

" Thank you for today, I think we've overcome most of the hurdles"I muttered and he nodded

" next is planning on Corey, he came to see me today"

" Really what did he want' I asked and he sighed

" He was furious that you're with me and he knows Tammy was with me so he has suspicions"

" This will be easy then " I mumbled a little excited

We stood watching each other in silence, at my bedroom door I didn't know why he was still here, he could let me go but it felt like there was still something to say

" Thank you, for indulging my family. The divorce will be a shock but this will give them memories" he muttered and I nodded

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