Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Julienne POV

Julienne POV

We arrived at the door and Alex pushed it open gesturing for me to follow.

" You have to be careful with him, he can't be trusted" Alex hissed and I sighed a little bit tired of hearing the same ranting and while I understand his worry , I just didn't like how verbal he was about it.

" I know that" he ran some fingers through his hair seemingly frustrated with me. He grasped my hand and pulled me to himself

" What are you doing" I asked my voice hitched ,her eyes wide as I stared at him

" I wish I knew but I don't" he whispered, his finger tips coming to run along the seams of my lips

" I wish to God I knew what I was doing but all I do know is that I want you and I can't stand the thought of you in his arms "

" What the hell are you talking about " I asked incredulously my breath seemed to come faster and faster he sighed as if now frustrated with himself and whatever war was raging within him. He leaned in and kissed me my body froze against his but I then kept on kissing him and then I paused pushing him away.

I gasped deeply breathing through my nose and trying to remain calm and focused so I didn't loose my senses along with that kiss.

This was wrong, we were just business partners, mixing sex into the equation would make things even more difficult than it was now.

I looked to him and he stared at me his gaze heated with want and made a choice. I pulled the buttons off my dress one at a time then I took it off, dragging the zipper off my skirt down to my hip and letting it pool at the bottom of my feet.

He watched me as if he was seeing me for the first time and he was unable to believe what his eyes were seeing. I leaned against the wall letting the white bright light shine over my skin like a spot light , I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. I watched him content to let him watch as I took my fingers to my breast, rolling my nipples between them, I moaned softly,at the pressure and he stilled even more, his body taunt with tension that I couldn't begin to get rid off.

" Lower" he ordered widening his stance to relieve the pressure in his crotch. I saw the bulge, watched with some sort of amusement and sense of power.

I did as he asked, while he watched as I slid my hands over my body,first to tease him make him wonder, his breathing seemed heavier. There was a tension in the room that would only be cut by a saw I trailed my fingers down to my pussy, I dipped a finger in, then another and played with myself moaning in pleasure and relief. I don't get to play for very long because he lunges at me stalking towards me now tired of just watching, he took my hand off my body and I mewled in complaint.

" Shh, we'll get there" he reassured. He used his own hands to trace over my body, starting with my breast, he took my nipples between his fingers and twisted the bud, I moaned and he grinned.

" You like that, don't you" he asked and I nodded in assent. He moved to the other side doing the same with my other nipple.

My breathing turned harsh and choppy, I writhe against him against the door, wanting and yet unable to ask from the pleasure of what I already had. Satisfied Ash lowered his fingers to my pussy, parting the lips he dipped his fingers in and they were immediately wet with my arousal, he groaned pressing against me his bulge so prominent.

" Alex please, I need—" I urged pulling him to myself he kissed me harshly as my hands reached for his shirt, lifting it up and over his head, he reached to help me pulling it swiftly and tossing it somewhere, then for his zipper tugging it down and pulling it off.

He crowded me against the door his shaft pressing against her stomach, he took my mouth in another kiss, I loved kissing him,he tasted warm,like vanilla with a hint of the whiskey, like starlight and everything else I had ever wanted.

He lifted my leg off the ground wrapping it around his waist, he thrust into me and causing us both to groan , I clung to him finger biting his skin, he sank in deeper then stilled, I moaned softly tightening the grip of my thigh around him, he rolled his hips grunting,

" I need more" I pleaded, urging him on, he sank into me completely groaning at the tightness the pressure.

" Shit. you feel so good" he exclaimed, as he began moving within me pulling out and thrusting back in, his speed increasing with each movement.

I moaned continuously,unable to believe this, it had never been like this, this total and complete pleasure and want that filled me, my breath hitching with each thrust, we probably weren't being very quiet but I couldn't bring myself to care.

Pleasure built at the base of my spine I grabbed at his waist urging him deeper into me , he took one hand lowering it to my clit, rubbing at the nub, I stiffened

" Alex , please yes yes" I cried out my climax washing over me causing my pussy to spasm around him, he pressed me against the door and increased his pace pounding into me with abandon, I moaned, and somehow came again,he followed after me groaning in relief.

We were a sweaty mess against that door, he leaned into me kissed me gently as he lifted me into his arms and walked to my room then lowered me into the bed, he went in after me and I sighed rolling into his side

" That was very good " I murmured

" That was was not just good it was spectacular, he countered, I grinned

" I will not confirm or deny" I whispered,he smiled

" Do I have to prove that to you since you're not sure you're convinced" I looked at, we shouldn't be doing this it was going to make things confusing but I didn't want to stop not just yet, I smiled up at him and ran a single finger over his chin

" I think I do, think you're up to the challenge" he asked rolling me over the, his arousal pressing against my hip

" The question my lovely Julienne is if you're up for it" he replied and kissed me deeply.

He spent the whole night proving that I had wanted him, and I couldn't help it but I did.

I woke up early that morning and he was gone which was probably for the best, I inhaled his scent on the pillows closing my eyes and falling back asleep almost immediately.

The bright light shone into the bedroom, my phone ringing somewhere on the bed had me distracted from that, I stretched out looking for the phone and grabbed it with bleary eyes that winked to stop the darkness.

I didn't see any name but I picked the call

" Hello" I mumbled

" Julie, it's me" he said softly, and i stilled

" Corey, what how did you get my number" I asked sitting up straight, dazed a bit.

" It's not that hard my love "

" Can we meet" he asked, I gulped a bit softly

" I'm not sure, I – what is wrong " I asked

" I need to see you " he whispered, I was drawing him in, that was if he'd ever left at all. His ego was huge, how I hadn't noticed it before was something I couldn't understand. But now that I saw it, I was disgusted.

Alex's words and warning coming to me as I sat there contemplating what to do

" You have to be careful with him, he can't be trusted"

I knew he couldn't but this was a chance I was willing to take.

" Where should we meet "

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