Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 8


I'm not hallucinating, he really likes me. If Freddie hadn't arrived when he did, he would have kissed me and I would have let him. Should I thank him or not? I can't accept advances from three brothers... at the same time, even if they seem to be okay with it. It's morally... ethically... it's just not right. These three guys are messing with my head and I'm letting them, like a teenager. I can't help thinking that I shouldn't turn the page so quickly. After all, I've been with Dominic for 6 years, and before that, I've only had a few flings, nothing serious. Dom has belittled me so much in the last few years that I'm going to fall for the first guy who gives me importance. Maybe Alex is right, I should take the pressure off. A one-night stand with no pressure. But would I be able to do that?

I'm brought out of my thoughts when Rebecca puts her arm in mine to accompany me to our table.

"Do you know this man?" She murmurs.

"We're neighbors. He lives with his two brothers in the penthouse above my apartment."

"He's very handsome." I nod. "What were you doing alone with him?"

"We were... talking."

"You don't have to tell me anything but... Isabella, you know I love you like a daughter. I'm with Alex on this one. You're allowed to have fun. You're young, smart, beautiful and your ex-husband was a real asshole to you." She sighs. "You deserve so much more. So much more than what you got so far." She rests her head on my shoulder briefly as we reach our table.

I don't have time to say anything because a couple are already seated and Asher pulls out a chair for me to sit on.

I thank him with a smile, feeling a little uncomfortable with Freddie and Rebecca's attention on me. I recognize the man sitting at our table as one of the firm's partners; he had taken Dom under his wing as soon as she arrived. While his wife gives me an awkward smile, her husband looks at me without cracking a smile. On the contrary, he looks rather cold and distant. This is going to be a long meal.

"Are you all right?" Asher asks, coming close to my ear.

"Yes, thank you."

He follows my gaze and his jaw tightens slightly.

"Mr. Black, I'm glad we were placed at the same table, I'm Harvey Johnson, and I'm a lawyer specializing in financial cases."

He doesn't even bother to introduce his wife, which I find very impolite. We all remain silent as the two discuss the Black family business. Knox only mentioned an investment fund, but they have shares in dozens of companies. We savor our appetizers and Asher seems a little annoyed by all the questions Johnson is asking him, monopolizing the conversation.

"Mr. Johnson, if you don't mind, I'd rather not spend the evening talking about my business." He says, looking him straight in the eye. "Tell me, Mr. Matthews, how long have you been with the firm?"

"Oh since I passed the bar which is starting to be a long time." Freddie laughs in response.

"Were you close to Salvatore Moretti? As I understand it, he was... sort of the one who initiated these parties."

Freddie nods. "Sal and I started here at the same time. He and Emilia became fast friends and we've been together ever since. Isabella and Alexander were born in the same year. And when Emilia died..." He pauses, looking at me. "He was alone with his daughter, so we spent even more time together. We became a family."

I smile back at him. The conversation continues on lighter topics and I'm relieved. Even though, with time, I no longer cry at the mere mention of my parents' names, talking about them is still difficult. After the main course, the music starts up again and we're invited to join the dance floor. The two couples get up, leaving Asher and I alone. I finish my second glass of red wine under the gaze of my dining mate.

"Do you usually drink this much?"

"Wow, seriously?" I ask him. "For the record, I've had one glass of champagne and two glasses of wine. Not that I need to justify myself to you."

"Two glasses of champagne."

"I beg your pardon?"

"You drank two glasses of champagne, not one."

"Have you been fucking watching me?"

"A little, yes." He replies calmly, taking a sip of his glass. He seems completely unaffected by my reaction. "Dance with me."


He stands up. "It wasn't a question." He holds out his hand to me, adding. "I've seen the way all these people look at you, you need to show them that you're more than just this poor young woman who's been cheated on by her husband."

I grab his hand and he pulls me behind him to join the dance floor. As if on cue, the rhythm of the next song slows down. He pulls me closer and our bodies begin to move in rhythm to the music. We're perfectly in sync as if we'd done it a hundred times before tonight. Damn, it's been a long time since I've danced with a man. Dom hated it, and no matter how much I begged him, he refused every time.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you looked tonight?"


"You need to learn to accept compliments to just say thank you." He cuts me off. "I thought red was the color you looked best in, but black suits you beautifully too."

"Thank you," I reply. My heartbeat quickens as his face approaches mine. I close my eyes briefly, expecting his lips to touch mine...

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