Chapter 3
Ellie smothered me with questions as soon as I got back to our room and wouldn’t leave me alone until I assured her that I wasn’t in any more pain. Even then she insisted I take another round of painkillers while she watched me. Finally, she went to bed and I waited at least an hour before slipping out of our room. Tonight though I wouldn’t take my normal route. Tonight I head straight downstairs and hide behind the pillar I used last night and wait. I’m not sure what I expect to happen, but my plan is to wait as long as possible.
Two hours pass and I gave up standing in favor of sitting against the wall to wait. When I’m about ready to give up and head to bed I hear the ding of the elevator arriving. I’m on my feet in an instant and peeking around the pillar.
My hand flies to my mouth and I have to suppress a gasp. I can’t be seeing this right…is that…Oh my god!
“Careful.” A man I haven’t seen yet says.
He isn’t wearing the lab coats like the men I'd seen last night and neither is the other man with him.
“It’s not like a fall would matter much.” The other guy says with a laugh.
“Shut the hell up. Someone could hear you.” The first guy hisses at his companion.
“Yeah yeah.” The other guy grumbles and adjusts his hold on the bag. “Are we taking this one to the same place?”
“No. They have other plans for this one.”
“I didn’t realize when I took this job I would be carrying stiffs around. This was supposed to be a security job.” The second guy complains.
“It is. We protect the subjects before and after they pass. No one promised you glamor, so suck it up and shut up.” The first guys says as they disappear down the same hallway as the men last night.
My legs feel so weak that I let myself slide down to the ground and try to catch my breath. Did I imagine that? Was that really…a dead body?
Of course it was you idiot, it was a body bag!
Who’s body was it and why did they have it? What is going on?
I try to think if I noticed anyone missing recently or any whispers that something bad has happened. Maybe one of the girls couldn’t take it anymore…but I haven’t heard anything about that happening and no one is missing. So who was that? How did they end up dead?
A strong arm grabs me and pulls me to my feet before I can scream.
“Don’t scream.” They say covering my mouth.
A familiar face makes my body relax and she releases me. “Olivia, what are you doing here?”
“You think I didn’t know about you sneaking out?”
My eyes widen and she chuckles. “You’re not exactly a super sloother.”
“Why didn’t you say anything before?” I ask her.
She glances around I’m guessing to see if anyone is around before grabbing my hand and dragging me toward the stairs.
“I figured you had your reasons, but you were weird today.”
“I was not.” I protest but she gives me a look that says my acting was terrible.
“You were, and I got worried that something happened to you so I followed you. Now tell me what the hell that was!” She stops on the first landing and turns to me.
“I don’t know. Last night I heard voices and saw two men come out of that elevator but they were wearing these white lab coats. The were talking about subjects and something happening. I was curious so I came back tonight but then I saw…”
“Two idiots carrying a dead body?” She asks.
I nod.
“Shit.” She huffs and I shake my head at her.
Cursing is frowned upon as an Omega. According to our instructors, it makes us sound uneducated and lazy.
“Oh don't give me that look. My bad language is not the most important thing right now.” She scoffs. “We need to find out where that elevator leads.”
“What?” I whisper yell at her.
She hisses at me to be quiet and grabs my arm again.
“You need a key card to get down there. Last I checked we don’t have one.” I tell her.
“Then we steal one.” She says.
I stop abruptly forcing her to stop as well. “Are you crazy? We can’t do that.”
She crosses her arms and gives me an unamused look. Like I’m being the unreasonable one here!
“Yes, we can. No one expects us to step out of line ever, so they don’t bother being careful with that kind of stuff. Ms Kent leaves her keycard on her desk all the time.”
“Did you ever think there is a reason? There could be secondary security measures that are in place. Maybe they need a password and if you don’t know it then an alert will go out. If anyone found us we would be kicked out and unlike you, I have nowhere to go if I get kicked out. My mom would never let me go home.” My whole body is heating up from both anger and annoyance.
She acts untouchable but this is my future she’s messing with now too.
Her face softens and she grabs my hand. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I just…someone is dead and they’re sneaking the bodies out of a mysterious elevator at night so no one knows. Isn’t that suspicious? Not only that but that is someone's family. If they’re hiding the bodies then they are lying to the family, and that's wrong. Something bad is going on and we know about it. Can you really go on acting like you didn’t see any of it?”
She’s not wrong. I don’t think I could sleep knowing whoever was in that bag might disappear without their family knowing. I mean why would they sneak the body out if they planned on reporting what happened to their family? Whoever they are.
“Do you know who it could be? No one has been missing.” I ask her.
She sighs and shakes her head looking as confused as I feel right now.
“I don’t think so, but maybe this just happened. We might hear about it tomorrow. I just…there is something going on in this place. I always knew this place was off but not like this! This is crazy. Maybe I should call my dad.”
Her dad is an ex-prime minister or something and has a lot of connections.
“Will he believe you?” I ask carefully.
Her expression tightens. “No. He never believed me before. That's why we need proof. If we can get a card and figure out where that elevator goes then we can find the proof we need.”
“I don't know…”
“Elena, someone is dead. We have to do something.”
Uh, I hate the guilt trip she’s using on me but darn it’s working. “Fine, but we need to be careful. I’ll keep Ms Kent distracted tomorrow so you can get the card. Then we’ll come back tomorrow night.”
She smiles. “Good, now let’s go back to bed before we get caught.”
Now she’s worried about getting caught?
I follow her back to her room, but I don’t sleep. How could I after what I saw?
The next day I try to act as normal as possible but Olivia is a way better actress than me. You wouldn’t think if you looked at her that she saw the same thing I did. When we finally start class with Ms Kent I try to think of how I’m going to get her attention away from her desk. Olivia gives me a look and I raise my hand without even knowing what I’ll say. Doesn’t matter because Ms Kent is already heading my way.
“Yes, Elena?” She already sounds annoyed and I haven’t even asked anything yet.
“I can’t get this stitch right.” Not an entire lie, sewing is not one of my strengths as we all know.
She sighs. “We have been practicing this stitch for two weeks Elena, you should have it down by now.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Alright let me show you.”
I only half pay attention while I also keep an eye on Olivia. She walks casually over to the supply closet behind Ms. Kent’s desk but stops short and quickly grabs the keycard on top of the desk while no one is looking.
“…and you close it like that. Got it?” Ms Kent asks.
“Yes ma’am,” I say automatically.
“Good now keep working on it.” She wonders off and I suck in a breath of relief.
Olivia casually walks back to her seat and picks up her work as if nothing happened. I can’t believe that worked. Now we just need to get in and out of wherever that elevator leads to without getting caught. Piece of cake.
What the heck are we going to be walking into?