Chapter 1
Sofia’s POV
Misfortune comes in threes!
" You're fired Miss Bridge" I paused and looked at my boss, Mr. Fitcher. He's a slender, man with a permanent pinched expression and he runs his clothes factory with a tight fist, although he would benefit with a tighter fist around his seamstress.
" I don't understand" I mutter, and truly I don't. I'm one of the best seamstresses he has, I could be more but that's beside the point
" You are no longer employed at my establishment" he replies as if that is my major problem right now
" Why" I grit and he huffs
" You are just not a team player" I want to laugh but that's not exactly appropriate I believe what my boss means is that I don't let him grope me at work dinner so maybe yes I'm not a team player.
I can't lose this job, I pay for my grandmother's home and just recently I have added my brother's legal fees to the ever-expanding list of things I need money for, but I know Mr. Fitcher is not going to relent not unless I promise to fine him something he wants.
" Thank you for your time, sir. My severance pay" I ask and he nods
" Meet Aile and she'll sort you out" he goes back to his papers meaning I've been dismissed. I leave his office shutting the door with a sharp bang, the girls bend their heads immediately trying to hide their interest, I walk to my locker and pack my bag, and head to HR, Aile is in as I slump into her seat
" I'm here for my severance pay" She winces and I huff
" Did everyone know" She nods as she writes out the check
" Yes, flitting fingers mentioned it to April, who thought your best bet was to give him what he wants" she replied and I shuddered
" That's not happening"
" I know" she mumbles handing me the check
" This won't help much" I groan
" That's right Devon case" she muttered and I nodded, that was another problem I had, my brother Devon was being sued for assault, and it didn't seem to going in our favor and he was facing jail time.
" I've got to get going" I mutter and she nods
" Good luck" I wave tugging my bag onto my shoulder.
My phone rang as I was leaving the building, I fumbled with it as the lawyer's number popped up, stabbing the accept button
" Hello"
" Ah yes, Miss Bridge your brother's case has been moved upwards, we'll be at the courthouse in thirty minutes" he offered, I screeched to a halt
" What, why," I queried
" It was out of my hands and it's not looking favorable either " he grumbled, I winced.
" I'll be there," I said cutting him off as I hailed a taxi, I arrived in thirty minutes, and snuck into the Courtroom, which was a disaster, the judge deemed my brother guilty and would set his sentence at the next hearing
" We'll appeal" I called out to Devon he sighed
" Let's take it a little at a time" he offered as the guards pulled him away, I sighed running my hands through my hair, this wasn't right– Devon had a temper but he'd never act unprovoked.
I walk out of the building jogging towards his lawyer who was talking with someone
" Mr Cohen, what can we do for my brother" I asked, he turned to me and sighed
" Right now not much, we can either have the plaintiff withdraw the case or we appeal" he offered. I knew that the plaintiff was not going to listen to any pleas to settle out of court and I didn't have it in me to try, my phone buzzed in my bag so I pulled it out
" Thank you Mr Cohen" I muttered and he nodded, I turned away taking the call
" Is this Sofia Bridge?" the voice asked, I paused nodding even though she couldn't see me
" I'm calling from St. Monica's hospital, your grandma was brought in this again," she said and I froze can
" What, why? How is she" I shot rapidly
" She's stable but we need you to come in immediately " she urged,
" I'll be there" I agreed, rushing into the street frantically, why was the day turning to shit, just what had I done wrong for me to be punished this way. Ingot to the hospital and leaned into the counter
" I'm here for Gabby Bridge" I whispered, my heart beating a mile a minute I couldn't understand why this was happening, grandma was in her seventies but she was as healthy as a horse almost too healthy some days but as the nurse led me to her room, and a pale young looking doctor with glasses too big for his face and a constipated look that didn't inspire much confidence in him explained to me that my grandma the woman who'd raised my brother and me when our parents had fucked off was in dire need of a liver transplant and wouldn't live long if she didn't get one my heart contracted painfully in my chest, there was also the little tidbit he added at the end where granny wouldn't likely get that liver because she was older and her prognosis was not in a higher percentile.
" I see" I muttered drily my throat probably as dry as desert and extremely hoarse, he nodded his apologies but to me, he didn't seem that sorry at all
" We'll do our best to make her comfortable while we review our options" he muttered and I nodded, I was too tired to argue. There was a chair in the room, so I ignored the doctor pulling it closer to the bed. The most painful part of this whole thing was even if granny was getting a donor it could be a long time, if I needed to pay for her care, I didn't have the money to afford it. Maybe they'd kick her out before then and she'd die. We couldn't lose her, I couldn't lose her. I bent my head breaking into tears
" Hey dearie" she croaked and I glanced up quickly pasting a smile on my face
"Hi granny," I waved and she grinned
" No crying love" she whispered and I sobbed harder, granny shushed me letting me lie with her. As I inhaled her sweet citrus smell, I needed money and fast.
I sighed as the remainder of the shitty day soured my determination. I had a sick grandma, an almost convicted felon brother, and no job to pay the bills.
I was fucked.