Chapter 3 - imprinting (to be continued)


I shook my head and let out a held breath. “A simple headache.”

“I can bring you some water if you want. Or a coffee."

"It is not necessary." I relaxed my back muscles and used common sense to regain full control of my actions. My eyes stopped burning and I dared to lift my eyelids.

My vision was normal, I saw exactly like a human, no more, no less. I finally allowed myself to take a deep breath, but to be careful I moved the chair back, placing it against the wall and placing myself a safe distance from the woman.

"So, let's get back to the topic. Does my presence cause you any discomfort?" I had used my classic harsh tone again, the same tone that usually made the pack's recruits tremble.

Judging by the way Becky wrung her hands, it made her shake too.

“Mr. Farrow, I apologize again. First I spoke without thinking. Her presence doesn't bother me at all. Perhaps...".

“Maybe?” I pressed her. Let's listen...

"That makes me a little curious."

“I founded this company two years ago. Why should my presence intrigue you?

“So let’s just say I was more intrigued by the fact that you never showed up until now.”

"I had commitments," I replied evasively, certain that he would never have the courage to investigate further. "And then Dimitri is an excellent right-hand man."


"Yes, what?" I growled. The threatening tone of my voice made me shudder. The beast writhed, unrelenting, ready to come out and transform me.

"That's an excellent... right arm" he stammered, slumping his shoulders against the back of the seat.

She couldn't understand the reason for my anger. Even I had a hard time understanding that. No, I didn't understand anything anymore.

"From this moment on, you will work with me and for me, understand?", I specified.

“Are you giving me a promotion?”

There was so much astonishment in her voice that it almost pained me to have to disappoint her. “I want you to work with me for other reasons.”

"And which?".

But holy shit! How many questions did this little girl ask?

"You're an advertiser, right? Well, I'm a photographer. I need the team by my side in the next campaigns", I slowly invented.

I would have even invented that gazelles could fly just to keep her away from Dimitri. And without a doubt, that was a thought that drove me crazy with rage. I acted like I had a right to her, which was illogical since she was only human.

So I strained my eyes, studied my next words, and tried to catch her reaction: "From now on, it will only be me who has contact with Dimitri.

. I will set the promotion budget.”

The reaction I feared, fortunately, did not arrive. To be honest, there was no reaction at all. He took the news as if I had practically never said a word. Was it possible that it wouldn't make a difference whether she worked with me or with Dimitri? Were we the same as her? The beast inside me calmed instantly, retracting its claws.

My! The Beast's voice screamed inside my head and for a moment I was almost tempted to burst out laughing.

But let's not talk nonsense, please.

"Are you still here?" Dimitri poked his head around the door and walked in without waiting for my permission. He rummaged around his desk until he found a chart and studied it for a few seconds. "Tough client, but if all goes well we can guarantee three years of work. Here it is! The chart you requested."

Then he looked at Becky and tilted his head, frowning. "Everything is fine?".

"Certainly, Sh. Dimitri."

The tone he used was serious and so unbelievable that it caused him to turn questioningly to me.

“I found Becky,” I explained.

Dimitri blinked and I saw his Adam's apple rise and fall. He knew the true meaning of my words and no matter how much he tried to feign indifference, he couldn't help but look shocked. Damn! I was shocked too.

He shook his head in denial, trying to communicate with me without using words. I knew what he was trying to tell me, but the die was cast. I couldn't object to the print. I could pretend I didn't recognize it, I could delay the moment when I told the girl what had happened, but I certainly couldn't avoid it or push it away.

I felt suffocated by a feeling of anger mixed with fear. Panic was released with the violence of a shock wave, generating a perfumed vortex that crossed the space that separated me from Dimitri. I saw him shudder.

“Well, I should have expected changes,” Dimitri finally commented, turning like an automaton to the woman who was staring at us in strict silence. In her delicate face, he read that he had no idea what we were saying between the lines and calmed down.

“I'm with you in every decision, you know,” he continued, without taking his eyes off her.

“Dimitri,” I warned through clenched teeth. It's about time he took those damn eyes off her.

“In terms of work, there’s no problem, let’s be clear,” he continued, struggling to remain calm, his voice shrill.

"Dimitri." My chest vibrated with a growl. Did he do it on purpose, for God's sake? "Be careful with me."

Dimitri woke up in a flash and turned around, only now realizing what he had done. He involuntarily threw a challenge at me, resting his eyes for more than a few seconds on the Alpha female. However, I would not have accepted it.

The reason he watched Becky more than he should was simply because she was human. And that I had an impression of her instead of a female werewolf. Conviction!

"I'm going to finish with the client and let's have lunch, ok?", he invited me, trying to keep me calm.

I shook my head and walked towards the window. Even though I couldn't see my pack, I knew they were all there now, hiding in our base, living free from the shackles of this society.

"Mr. Farrow?" I heard the little girl.

I looked at her over my shoulder. “Tell me, Becky.”

"I can go?".

"Yes for now."

She sent me a smile. “Goodbye, Mr. Farrow.”

"Goodbye, Becky."

The moment I saw her leave, my heart broke, pounding in a desperate attempt to stay alive as hook

s burning like an open fire sat on every part of my body, freezing every muscle waiting to see her again.

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