Chapter 4 - The smell of a virgin
The waitress approached, walking between the various tables on the balcony, deftly carrying a steel tray with one hand. A burger without onions and a hot dog with herbed cheese were placed next to our glasses of beer.
“Do you need anything else, gentlemen?”
"Okay," I dismissed her hastily without sparing her a glance.
Behind him, beyond the hand-painted fence that surrounded the small porch, cars whizzed by quickly, weaving between pedestrians rushing to nearby bars for their lunch break.
I trembled with impatience as I waited for the waitress to place the order pad in her apron pocket with deliberate slowness. I knew what he was trying to do: he wanted to draw attention to one of us. Holy Madonna, what the hell!
Human women found us irresistible, smelled the danger we emanated, and were drawn to us, fascinated by the adrenaline-filled awareness of being able to be touched by us in ways completely dissociated from love. Furthermore, our need for cellular renewal was the trigger that ignited his excitement. All it took was a languid look, a light touch on the arm and they would give themselves to us without much ceremony. It was a question of chemistry, which left little room for romantic fantasies. Simple chemistry is necessary only for the maintenance of our species.
Except I didn't have time for that nonsense. The idea of imprinting was driving me crazy and no matter how much I refused to accept it, that little human girl continued to be an obsession, a torment. And damn, that thing bothered me.
I couldn't afford such a problem. My life had to follow a pre-established pattern in which the safety of my pack came first. I couldn't screw it up by taking a human as a companion. I didn't have the money for that.
I could hang out with her sometimes, soak up her excitement, maybe even find five minutes to have a drink with her at one of those many bars Dimitri loved to frequent. I certainly couldn't throw her into my life and my world. It would have become a limitation for me, a damn wrench at work. She was very fragile, very human. She didn't have the physical or psychological strength to become the Queen of my pack. I wasn't even sure if, as a human, she could do that legally.
Furthermore, my entire existence was based on danger and territorial struggles that often saw me out in the field along with my Betas in clashes between hostile packs. Having her by my side would have undoubtedly led me to make different decisions that didn't involve her more than necessary, and the pack's security would have wavered.
And I couldn't allow that. I didn't want to.
After all, I had only seen her for a few minutes, I still had no connection. I didn't give a damn about her!
“Do you want me to tell you what I know about her?” Dimitri started
“Everything,” I replied quickly.
Crap! Fuck, fuck, fuck!
"Her name is Becky Hower, twenty-two years old, born and raised here in Minnesota," he reached into the inside pocket of his dark gray jacket and pulled out a stiff paper bill. “Her address is marked here.”
I took the note and hid it in the front pocket of my jeans. "Date of birth?".
"Twenty-second of July".
"Go ahead," I insisted, picking up the mug of beer. Why was he a virgin at twenty-two?
"That" very close to two employees, Jenny from accounting and Connor from printing."
The mug broke in my hand and the little beer that was left fell on the table.
“Stay calm, Daniel,” there was a note of disapproval in Dimitri's voice.
We looked around to make sure we hadn't caught the attention of other customers and with irritation, I could smell the waitress' perfume before I even saw her. He was already pointing at our table with a cloth in his hands. No, come on, for real... how did he not notice my fuck you have written on his forehead?
“Can you fuck her, please?” I blurted out.
Dimitri rolled his eyes, not understanding. “But who are you talking about?”
"From the waitress who is returning to our table. I need you to get the hell away from me or I won't be able to have a conversation with you worthy of being called such."
Dimitri rubbed his square jaw tiredly. "What a bummer."
“Do me this courtesy or I will rip out her jugular.”
He rolled his eyes and as she approached our table, he reluctantly gave her a tempting smile.
“What a strong grip,” commented the waitress, pointing to the fragments of the glass. "Bad day?".
“You don't know how much,” I murmured.
“Can I do anything to make it better?” she said seductively. To be one, it was. But my fuck that he couldn't understand was also true.
I looked at Dimitri boredly, waiting for him to intervene.
“I'm sure I can improve yours,” Dimitri told her.
The woman's attention was drawn to my brother. "It is like?".
“I’ll explain it to you in thirty minutes at the back of this pub.” He stopped, thinking about something. “You have a back, right?”
“Of course,” he laughed.
"Be met there. And now, please love, I need to talk to my brother, so don't bother us anymore, okay? Whatever happens, don't come back to this table."
The waitress put her fists on her hips, offended, but a simulated kiss from Dimitri's lips was enough to completely melt her. I was almost afraid to see her slip to the floor and stupidly kept myself ready to catch her.
"See you soon, love," he waved her off.
The woman gasped and placed her hand in the center of her chest. My heartbeat was racing, I could feel it at this distance and this level of intense frustration. Our hearing worked similarly to that of humans, as long as we were not at the mercy of any strong emotions. It didn't matter if it was anger, excitement, or happiness. Every type of emotion awakened the beast within us, sharpening our senses and making them similar to those of the wolf.
“You have to keep control, damn it,” Dimitri told me when we were alone. "You can't have these reactions every time I say a man's name. You're not in the forest anymore. Human rules are very different from pack rules and you can't blame that girl for having friends."
I gritted my teeth and, with an angry wave of my arm, pushed the plate with the burger away. I wasn't hungry anymore. Bad sign. “How can I make it l
ook like an accident?”
Dimitri pointed a finger at me. “We’re not going to kill Connor.”