Chapter 2: My Unknown Surroundings

Kelly Anne's POV:

I am not exactly sure how much time had passed up to this point as I could tell I was starting to wake up again. Where am I, I thought to myself as I tried to feel all that was around me. Was I still at home lying there on the hardwood floor? No, that can't be right. The last thing I remember is I was curled up in a ball. Now, I am lying on my back on something soft. I found I could stretch myself out. Oh, that was a mistake. I started to hurt all over.

What happened to me since I blacked out? Or better yet, where was Shane located?! It was at the point where I noticed a beeping sound. The sudden thought of where my soon-to-be ex was, was about all that I could take. At that point, I heard the beeping speed up with the intensity of my thoughts. It was like I was hit with the feeling of being taken over by a tidal wave as fear swept over me! No, it more consumed me entirely at that moment. I tried not to panic.

I was in pain, a lot of pain, and could barely move. I then decided I should try to open my eyes. Maybe I could peer at what was around me. Then, maybe, I would have a clue as to where I was. If I could even do that considering what I could remember before I blacked out. Trying to open my eyes was a task like none other. It was like my eyelids each weighed more than a ton. Was my nose broken so badly that it caused this as a side effect?

I was a certified nurse, so I knew what broken noses looked like after the fact. I would most likely have a set of black eyes to go along with the swollen bulb in the center of my face. The beeping sound was steady as it was still beating at a fast pace. I peeked at everything, trying to focus with blurry vision as the light was way brighter than I thought it should be. Suddenly, I heard a door slide open, causing me to jump in place. Who is this? Are they going to hurt me?!

"Easy there," I heard a sweet, feminine voice announce. "You had quite an adventure before you got here, let's not make it worse now!"

"I, can't see," I tried to say before I realized that was a huge mistake. I should not have tried to say anything as I started coughing so hard my chest hurt all over again, as if Shane kicked me once more.

"Here, I will turn down the lights for you," she mentioned. Suddenly, the lights in the room went out as she walked back over to me. With a small flashlight in her hand, she shined it in my eyes as she tried to hold each open. "If it hurts to talk, then you can try to whisper," she said in a soft tone. "I am Doctor Patricia Miller. You were brought in late yesterday evening with numerous injuries. Do you recall anything about what happened?"

I nodded my head this time as I did not want to cough like that again if I said anything, even if I tried to whisper. Coughing like that made it very hard for me to breathe. "From your ID, I had the nurses check and found that you work in the field of nursing. So you might understand when I tell you this. You have a long road to recovery, my dear." I nodded once more as I tried to turn my head to the side, finding it extremely difficult to do even that, wincing in extreme pain.

"Here," she said as she placed a button attached to a cord in my hand. "Press this when you need pain meds. You are on a morphine drip and can get this 3 times in one hour. I am going to let you rest and be back in a few hours to check on you. Is there anything you need in the meantime?" I barely shook my head no, before she said, "Alright, then I will be back. If you need anything, the nurse's button is on the side of the bed here."

She then moved my hand to let me feel where the button was, as I could not see all that well. "Get some rest, Miss Adams. I will be back here shortly." With that statement, she left the room. I could hear the door slide open and close once more as her footsteps receded down the hall.

What is going to happen to me now!? My vision was still quite blurry. My face felt like it had been stepped on by a draft horse. My stomach, on the other hand, I thought I had been run over by a bus after it peeled out atop my mid-section, and my right arm! That was a whole other story altogether. I could not move it much at all as it lay limp across my abdomen. I hurt all over. I was even scared to look at myself naked in the mirror, not that I could.

I tried to think about something, anything till I lost consciousness. While I passed out, I didn't dream much at all. I was just surrounded by the black aura like I was trapped inside my mind. Especially whenever I was with Shane. No matter what I did, he never let me do anything without overshadowing me. No wonder I felt like I was surrounded by a large black cloud all the time. If he was picking me up when I got off work. If I didn't walk out after 5 minutes, he would blow up my phone. Talk about controlling.

Soon, I started to wake up when I heard the door slide open again. This time, when I opened up my eyes, I found I could see better, but could only open my eyes as if I was peeking out of them instead of squinting. I figured it was expected as my eyes were probably still pretty swollen. I had yet to look in a mirror, so I could only assume what my face looked like, let alone the rest of me at that point.

"How are you feeling?" I heard Dr. Miller ask me this time as she checked on the machines beside me.

"I'm okay, I guess," I whispered. To my surprise, I was pleased I could do that much.

"I'm glad to hear you speak, even if a little," she proclaimed, using her flashlight again on my sensitive eyes. "Your eyes look better as the swelling has gone down some. Can you see me this time? They were pretty swollen before."

"When can I get out of here?" I asked her suddenly, fearful that if I stayed, someone was going to show up and hurt me. If Shane didn't do it himself, he knew a handful of people who would, with no question, just for grins and giggles.

"Well, since you are certified, I know you know how to take care of yourself. For anyone else, I would say they would have to stay a few more days. Do you know someone who could come get you?" She asked me cautiously. I nodded.

"Well, then, I'll start your discharge papers. I urge you to have someone care for you. You are in pretty rough shape," she added, placing her hand on top of my left. I nodded, understanding what I was asking. I just didn't want to stay here and become another victim to violence. I needed to get home, if at all possible.

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