Chapter 3: Rescued By A Stranger

Kelly Anne's POV:

It did not take her all that long before she left and came back with a set of papers. She was also followed by a nurse who brought me an arm brace and a set of crutches. Although, I'm not sure how I was going to manage to use them both. I guess I could go with one at least. That's better than not having one at all. The nurse leaned the crutches against the end of the bed before walking around the other side of me. Suddenly, the bed started to sit me up. That was the last thing I wanted. I was stiff from lying slightly elevated to now being forced to bend at my hips that didn't want to move. I felt like I'd been run over by a Mack truck.

"I know this hurts, but you need to move some, or you could have worse issues later," the nurse said softly.

I turned my head toward the doctor, who started to unhook my leads. I made sure to bite my tongue as I did not want them to think I was in as much pain as I was feeling. Otherwise, she might have been compelled to have me stay longer, against my better judgment of getting the heck out of there. If I knew Nadine, she could have found out where I was, before sending someone up here to 'check' on me.

That is when I knew things could get considerably worse from that point on. If they found me stuck in a bed like this, hooked up to a variety of machines?! She knew enough about needles and how to use them. She could get one, or even bring one up here herself if she were the one to show up. All it would take was one small bubble in the IV line to cause me serious trouble. Then her brother would be released on account that the 'lead witness' died at the hands of negligence in the hospital. It happens all the time, so who would be the wiser?

"Alrighty, Miss Adams. You are unhooked and ready to go. The nurse here will get you wheeled out after you make contact with someone to come get you. Don't forget to elevate your arm," she forcefully suggested, scowling at me politely, I think. It was hard to tell what look she gave me as I could only really focus on the sound of her voice. Everything was still pretty blurry, even though I could open my eyes halfway. I wasn't going to tell her that.

I nodded at her, then whispered, "I will. Thanks again."

I thought using fewer words would be better. Just then, the nurse still in the room handed me my phone for the first time and walked out of the room. I bet she was heading for a wheelchair and gave me a few moments alone to make a call.

I looked at my phone, turning it back on. At least they turned it off to conserve the battery. No telling how many missed calls I would have. It's not like I had a caring family that would want to help me out if anything bad happened. Oh, wait, it already did.

When the phone's screen lit up, I could not believe what I could see on the now broken screen. I guess Shane got upset and broke my phone too. At least I had it with me. But, the thing that shocked me the most was I didn't have even a single, missed, call. Well, maybe I could send a message to his mother, the one who would at least respond to me.

I sent 'I need a ride home'. It took her all about 30 seconds before she responded. 'I am busy right now. You will have to find your own ride. Try Shane.' I got chills that ran down my spine as I read her message. Did she not know? Or was she just messing with me?!

I put my phone away when the nurse came back in asking, "Did you get a hold of someone?" I nodded. I was glad she didn't ask if I managed to secure a ride. "Well then, let's get you ready to go." She walked over with the wheelchair and parked it beside the bed. She then helped me get dressed. Since my clothes were covered in blood and I did not have a change of clothes with me, she let me leave in an extra pair of scrubs. "I know this won't be as soft as wearing your own clothes, but at least you won't have to worry about the gown popping open, and therefore, exposing your better side." I tried not to laugh as I hurt already.

Finally, we were all ready to go. My arm was in the brace that went around my neck. Might I add my neck didn't like having to handle the weight, but I would make due. I held the crutches on a foot peg while the papers we stuffed in my purse that managed to be in the room with me.

When she got to the curb, she parked the wheelchair and walked around to stand beside me, asking, "Is your ride almost here?" I nodded, not knowing what to say.

Suddenly, a car showed up and they shouted for a nurse. She rushed over to help them get that patient inside. I was thankful not to have a watchful eye on my shoulder making sure I got into someone's car. After she was out of sight, I tried to roll myself away from the entrance, so I could attempt to stand and walk.

When I was far enough away, I used all the strength I could muster and stood up to my feet. That effort took the wind out of me, for sure! I had both of the crutches on my left arm with my purse hanging on my wrist. I started to move toward the curb, so I could leave this place. It's now or never. I placed the crutches down on the road and took a step. I missed! I fell crashing into the concrete.

That made my pain worse as I rolled on my back. Is that a vehicle approaching?! Oh great, Nadine was early! I tried to prepare to be run over as the vehicle sped up, going faster now. I closed my eyes, wincing, preparing for the impact.

"Are you alright?!" I heard someone say.

Talk about hearing the sexiest voice one could ever hear. It was deep, husky, and even had a sharp accent to it. When I opened my eyes, as much as I could, a blurry figure hovered over me. It's not Nadine! I took in a sigh of relief, and with it, I got a strong whiff of scented cologne. It was woodsy, with just a hint of sandalwood in there too. I laid my head back as I was taken over by this new, romantic scent. My head didn't touch the ground as he moved his arm around to support my neck.

"Devon, get the door," I heard him say sharply, almost hurried. "We're taking her with us!"

He's taking me where now?! I was confused as he lifted me off the ground. I was so sore from falling that I winced upon going weightless, crying out in pain. "Gentle," he said softly, his voice husky and protective. "I'll take care of you, you can be sure of that."

I whispered, "You hardly know me."

"You were almost hit by my vehicle. That makes it my personal business to get to know you. Even if I have to mend your wounds myself."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Jasper McGregor."

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