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Chapter 31

“Okay. I’m ready.” Ava said not wanting to waste any more time than she should here and witness some two people bond.

“Concerning Mr Edinburgh.” The police officer started. “We wanted to investigate what really happened. We got to know he kidnapped some Miss Ava who happened to be you and he also forced you to marry him.”

“Those two offences are serious crimes on their own. But you didn’t care to report the situation to the station. So we had to look for you. And I must say, it was a great tussle.” He told her with a little smile on his face.

“So as it is, our hands are tied if you’re not willing to complain about such mistreatments.” He said.

“Well, I'm not interested in taking up the case with Mr Edinburgh.” Ava announced. Her words not only shocked the heck out of the police officer, Luther himself was extremely shocked and Liz.

Liz wasn’t sure Ava would listen to her. More so.when she rejected her proposal of paying her. She felt her heart leap for Joy as she announced what she had been praying for.

Luther decided not to interfere. Whatever decision she makes, he won’t try to talk her out of it. Instead, he took her hand in his and made her face him. “ Are you sure about this? He asked in concern and she nodded her head firmly.

She could remember clearly how he had asked her what she wanted to do with Edinburgh. Back then, she wanted nothing to do with him other than have him rot in jail for daring to impose himself on her and causing her so much pain.

But after meeting Liz and how she had begged her to spare her dad, she was torn between what to do. But then, she decided to let them be. Afterall, she didn’t want anything to do with them.

If she decides to take up the case, she’d have to come here constantly, meet with the pervert, and see him in court. And all those things will prolong everything for her. So she decided to let go of it all.

But she has one request to make. “I don’t want to press any charges against Mr Edinburgh but there’s something else I want.” She said to the police officer.

Liz felt her heart begin to hammer violently in her chest. When she refused to press any charges towards her father, she was filled with gratitude. But now, she has no idea what she wants instead.

“I was forcefully given to Mr Edinburgh because my father was owing him a huge amount of money which I couldn't pay back unfortunately.”

“So in the stead of the money, he forcefully took me away through the aid of my stepmother.”

“So this is what I want.” She continued as everyone looked at her with rapt attention. “I need you to issue a restraining order to both him, my stepmother and step sister.”

“None of them should be able to come close to me. This will be my settlement. So, none owes the other.” Ava felt like a heavyweight was being lifted off her shoulder.

Liz was more than happy to comply with her demands as long as her dad isn’t charged to court. Luther looked at her with mixed feelings.

She was smart enough to exchange her debt with this. It was definitely something he wasn’t expecting. He had always thought of her as someone that’s incredibly smart but has it hidden away. And she has proved him right once again.

But he needed to be sure, she held no regret whatsoever before it’s too late. So, he turned her to face him once again. “Are you really sure about this Ava?” He asked her as he peered into her eyes trying to know what she really wanted.

Ava nodded her head vigorously. She couldn’t be more than sure of her decision. She felt it was the best thing she could come up with. But above that, she had no idea why her heart began to beat faster than normal the moment he called her name.

She had never heard him call her by her name. And she had no idea what feeling she was feeling at the moment. Maybe it’s the way her name rolled off his mouth smoothly or because of the way he peered into her soul when calling her name.

Either way, she confirmed to herself again, he indeed has too much effect on her, something she was beginning to dread. Quickly, she withdrew her hand from his like his touch burned her and quickly averted her gaze from his scorching own.

Clearing her throat slightly, she faced the officer. “That’s all I need.” She said firmly.

“Since that’s all you want, be rest assured your demands will be met. Personally, I will see to it that no one disturbs you ever again. But if you ever have a change of heart, you can always come back.” He said with sincerity.

Ava felt more than grateful to the kind and honest officer. “If that is all, I'd like to take my leave now.” Ava said and stood up, ready to head for the door but was stopped by the police once again.

“What is it this time?” She thought in her head as she faced the police officer questioningly. “What else do you need me to do for you?” She asked him.

“I’m sorry to still bother you. But I'm afraid there are still more questions to ask, Miss Ava.” Luther himself was beginning to get irritated.

“I believe there are no more questions you need to ask her relating to Mr Edinburgh. So what else?” Luther asked coldly.

“I’m afraid you can’t just conclude sir. There are more questions concerning this particular case. And it’s our duty to get to the bottom of everything. So, I implore you to please still be patient with us.” The officer said politely but firmly.

Even though the man seated beside her is emitting a very strong and powerful aura, he’s still going to do his job.

But he recognized him immediately as they walked in through the door. “Who wouldn’t know the business mogul that has shaken the international world and taken it by surprise.

And the most eligible bachelor in Y city. He was currently involved in a new trend and to be honest, he wondered how Ava managed to be acquainted with such a man, but still. It’s not in his place to ask. He’d be lying if he says he wasn’t shocked to meet him.

“So Miss Ava, there’s one last question I need to ask.” He said, giving Ava his attention.

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