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Chapter 32

Ava had to sit down again and listen to him as it felt like there are still things he needs to know. “Okay officer. What else do you need me to tell you?” She asked.

“Still concerning the night you were kidnapped. You were taken to a hotel owned by Mr Edinburgh. But before he could cause you more harm, some group of guys dressed in black, managed to get there and rescue you on time.,”

“But the thing is, most of the kidnappers were brutally beaten and some are dead. I’m sure you had no idea Mr Edinburgh is in coma too due to the severe beating.” The police officer paused to study her face in order to notice even the slightest change in her demeanour.

But the only change he noticed was the surprised look on her face. She looked really surprised. “H-he’s in a coma?” She asked with a shaky breath.

“Yes. But that’s not all.” He informed me. “That’s not all? What else?” Ava asked in alarm.

“The CCTV footage of the hotel was destroyed. No footage of them were found.” The police announced.

“Okay?” Ava asked, still not understanding how all those affect and concerns her.

“We are currently looking for them but we have not gotten any lead except the fact that they were in black and they rescued you.” The police said.

“So, I'd like to know if you, by any chance, know them.” The officer said.

Ava finally understood why he was saying all those. Unconsciously, she looked towards Luther in fear and the police followed her gaze as they both stared at Luther.

But Lutuer kept a straight face. Quickly, Ava retracted her gaze away from Luther. There’s no way in hell she’s ever confessing he saved her.

Even though he didn’t tell her much about the incident and how he got to know where she was, she still felt indebted to him.

“I have no idea who those guys are.” She said firmly. In the real sense, she was speaking the truth. Even though she knew Luther was the one that brought those guys, she personally didn’t know them. And she didn’t even have any idea how she got out.

“You must also know I was drugged that night. All I could recall was what happened before I was drugged and kidnapped.”

“So I really don’t know who these guys were and why they helped me.” Ava said unwaveringly.

Her statement did sound sincere and truthful but the officer wondered why she looked towards Luther before answering him.

“Alright then. Since you have no idea who those guys were. But we will be sure to get to the end of all these, I assure you.” The officer said.

Ava felt her heart skip two beats after hearing the words of the officer. This means if they keep investigating, they’d get to know Luther wss the one who rescued her and he’d end up being implicated for helping her.

That was what she dreads the most. She can’t afford to drag Luther into this mess. But she had no idea what to do either.

As if noticing she was distressed, Luther took the cue to say something. “Thank you so much officer, but we’d like to take our leave now.” Luther said and took Ava by her hand.

“Thank you for your cooperation too Mr Herald.” The officer said and rose to his feet too while stretching his hand for a handshake with Luther.

Luther took his hands and shook it firmly. “Let’s go.” He turned to Ava as he pulled her by her hands. In a daze, she stood up and followed Luther out of the room. The officer who was watching every one of her moves noticed the change in her mood. Not to mention, ever since he talked about investigating those unknown guys, she had been in deep thought.

Something was definitely off, the police officer thought but didn’t say more. Instead, he watched as the two of them left his office.

“Since there’s no more to say, I'd like to take my leave too.” Liz quickly said not wanting to miss the opportunity to see Luther.

“Please inform us when Mr Edinburgh wakes up so I can visit him.” The officer said and bid her goodbye.

Liz rushed out of his office in order to see Luther before he disappeared again. Just as she rushed outside, she saw him trying to help Ava enter his car.

She has been wondering how they met. She sure gave it to Ava. She has a knack for going after wealthy men. First, it was her dad and now Luther.

What the heck? She scoffed beneath her breath as she called out to Luther.

“Luther! Wait up.” She said as she jogged to where he was. Ava was about to enter the car Luther opened when she and Luther heard Liz call after Luther. When Ava saw it was Liz, she rolled her eyes at her in irritation.

Luther waited for her to get to them. A big smile stretched on her lips as she finally got to Luther. “We didn’t have the time to talk back in. How are you?” She asked him, trying to start up a conversation.

Ava felt all the more pissed at Liz for being at ease talking when she knew they were just about to go. “I’m okay, thanks.” Luther said briefly.

“Back then, everyone was shocked when you suddenly disappeared from x city. I’m so glad you’re in one piece.” Liz said, still smiling.

“Thank you. If you will excuse me now, we have to leave.” Luther said dismissively. “We?” Liz asked

Luther raised her eyebrow, “Got a problem?” he asked.

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