Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 33

“You two know each other? How?” She asked as she looked Ava up and down with contempt.

“None of your concern ma’am.” Ava was the one to retort this time as she felt she was being too annoying.

“How and where he knows me has nothing to do with you.” She snapped. Luther looked at her in surprise. “She surely can be hot-tempered when she needs to be.” He thought to himself and smiled.

“Well, I wasn't talking to you.” Liz snapped back while eyeing her up and down. But Ava wasn’t going to let her have the upper hand this time, so she sneered and said, “Too bad I responded instead. And his office is still close by. Who knows, I might have a change of heart.”

Liz felt totally speechless after her threat. “You just threatened me?” She asked in disbelief. “No darling. I’m only stating facts.” Ava said sarcastically.

Luther was completely rendered speechless by Ava once again. Not only is she very smart, she can be ruthless too. He felt like he’s staring at the female version of himself.

“Luther, are you just going to stand by and watch her insult me?” Liz demanded as she turned towards Luther. “Of course he is.” Ava answered her again. “And watch him leave you here too.” She said to Liz.

“Babe, please let’s go.” Ava said, as she turned to Luther, smiling. To Liz's dismay, he got in the car. Before Ava entered the car with Luther, she stuck her tongue out to Liz in mockery and entered the car.

Liz was left standing outside as the car sped out of the station. Clenching her fist tightly, she cursed “Fucking asshole. How dare she?”

She felt so angry and pained. Luther was still the same. Still acts the same towards her. He had never for once given her a second look no matter how much she tried.

But this time, she’s going to do everything in her power to have him. “Just you wait and see.” She whispered with a new found hope as she walked towards the car awaiting her.

Luther was in a good mood especially when Ava called him babe just to get Liz jealous. He had no idea she’s capable of being that jealous when another woman is trying to get close to him. The mere thought of it made him chuckle lightly. But he decided not to say anything yet.

Ava knew she had some answering to do for her earlier outburst. She didn’t know what came over her completely but she knew she was so enraged by the thought of Liz trying to grab Luther’s attention.

“Who is she?” She thought and scoffed as she remembered the silly question she asked. “Do you two know each other? How?”

As she remembered the moment she called Luther babe just to get Liz jealous, she wished the ground would swallow her wholly.

She can’t bear to even look him in the eyes as she felt like she really overreacted as it wasn’t in her place to interfere with his matter.

The most uncomfortable part is, he’s not saying anything. There’s a prolonged silence between them which is turning too awkward.

She really have no idea what to say or do. But she knew she had to say something. So clearing her throat slightly hoping to get his attention.

“Luther.” She called slowly.

“Hun hun?” He said but she was rendered speechless again and didn’t know where to start from. And she’s dying from embarrassment. Playing with her fingertips, she didn’t have the courage to look at him while talking so she stared at her fingers instead.

“About what happened back then.” She began, “I didn't mean to do what I did. I mean, I didn't mean to interfere with what you both were saying.”

“I have no idea why I said what I said or did what I did. I’m sorry.” she said, bowing her hair slightly to him but still not looking at him.

“It’s not that deep. You need not apologise. Plus she was being a pest and I like that you were that way towards her.” Luther replied.

He wasn’t being hundred percent truthful. He wants to tease her so badly. But seeing the way she couldn’t even look at him, anf hoe she’s all too embarrassed about the whole thing, he decided to be patient. He can always do it some other time.

At this, he smiled to himself. Because Ava has been so tired right from when they went to the store, she couldn’t hold herself anymore. She slept off in the car.

“How could she sleep so comfortably after her little drama?” Luther wondered as she adjusted herself to be very comfortable on the seat.

Ava woke up to the crisp sound of the bed rumbling underneath her as she rolled to the other end of the bed. Opening her eyes slowly, she tried to process where she currently is.

She sat up quickly when she noticed she was in Luther’s room. She can see the moonlight right outside her windows.

“It’s so late already. How long did I sleep for?” She mumbled. The last thing she remembered was sitting with Luther in the car. And after she apologised, she…

“I what? She thought as she couldn’t recall what happened next. “Arggg.” She said, frustrated. The door opened and Luther came in.

“Look who’s finally awake.” He commented immediately he saw her seated on his bed.

“Hi.” She greeted him.

“How do you feel?” He asked her

“I’m alright now.” She responded.

“You're not hungry?” he asked again. She was about to tell him no when her stomach rumbled in response. Instantly, her face turned red from embarrassment.

“I-i guess I am.” She said in a low voice, hanging her head low so her hair could cover her face.

“Okay, I'll have the girls bring in your food soon. Was waiting for you to wake up so we could talk.” He said.

“Talk?” she repeated.

“Yes.” He answered firmly. “I know we got you a lot of office wear, yeah? But you said you were going to think about whether you will be working with me or not.”

“Ohh!” She exclaimed softly. The truth is she had completely forgotten all about his work. “I thought about it and realised you’ve helped me more than I can ever repay you. So I guess I can help this time around too.” She said.

“Which means?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes. I’d like to work in your company and assist in any way I can.” She said and gave him a small smile.

“Are you sure? You know you’re not compelled to do this right? You have rights too.” He told her.

“I’m sure I want to do this.” She nodded her head in affirmation.

“Then you have to get ready by 6am tomorrow. See you.” Luther informed her and left the room.

“6?” She repeated. “What have i fucking signed up for?” She thought as she lay back on the bed, sighing.

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